Baby-Think-It-Over Assignment

This assignment includes a simulated parenting experience for mature junior high school students. Students will take home Baby-Think-It-Over (an infant simulator of a 1-2 month old newborn) for a period of 3 nights and 2 days. This baby is cared for exclusively by the “parent’. Babysitters are not allowed. Baby should not be subjected to second hand smoke as it is harmful to real babies and it is difficult to get the smell of smoke out of the body and clothes of Baby-Think-It-Over.

Note: * There will be times when your activities/job will be interrupted by baby

* Inform your activity leader/boss and be sure they are aware of your participation

in the assignment.

* Do not let other students handle your baby, they can look but not touch. Any

extra handling could result in an abuse if they do not hold your baby properly.

Students are to summarize their parenting experience by making a baby book – a collection of all of your baby’s memories. The contents required in the book are listed below. This book is to be contained in a duo-tang or stapled together. Bonus marks will be awarded for creativity, pictures or additional pages etc. (up to 4 marks). Remember fancy books are not required, what is required is the basic information in a neat and readable project.

Requirements and Marking for Baby Book

(Please include the following in your project in the assigned order)

1. Title page- includes a title, your name, is colourful, neat and creative ( /5)

2. Family Tree – use the one included in this booklet or create your own ( /12)

3. Birth Certificate - use the one given to you or create your own ( /1)

4. Birth Announcement - read samples in the newspaper then create your own ( /7)

5. Daily Diary – a short written description of each day with baby ( /9)

6. Write-Up – see questions on next page, create your own title for this section ( /20)

7. BTIO Parent Contract – included in this booklet, fill-out and include ( /1)

8. Parenting Questionnaire – included in this booklet, fill-out and include ( /24)

9. Log Sheets – fill-in the log sheets provided with your baby and include them ( /20)

10. Parent Evaluation - included in booklet, ask your parent to fill-out and include it ( /1)

Total /100 marks

Deductions – a loss of marks will occur for each incidence of abuse or neglect, tampering with wristband, not returning baby accessories/clothing

Bonus: a maximum of 4 bonus marks will be awarded for extreme creativity and/or “extra pages”.

Information for Completing Various Sections

Birth Announcement Samples:


Create a title for this section of your Baby Book.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1.  How did this experience affect the demands of day-to-day living?

2.  How was this experience similar to caring for a real baby?

3.  How was this experience different in caring for a real baby

4.  Describe what you learned from this experience.

5.  How did this experience affect your relationship with your family and/or friends? Describe at least three of these situations.

6.  Describe how your opinions about parenting have been affected.

Log Sheets:

Keep a log of baby’s activities during the entire time they are in your care. Please note that baby’s clothing must be changed at least twice a day.

Date / Time / Length and type of care / What baby was wearing? / What activity was interrupted? / Comments
Sat. Sept. 25 / 2:55pm / 10 min. feeding / blue sweat suit / In a store at the mall / Had to leave what I was buying to go care for baby.
Sat. Sept. 25 / 3:30 / 5 min. burping / “ / In the food court at the mall / Baby’s crying was so embarrassing
Sat. Sept. 25 / 4:45pm / 5 min. diaper / Blue Bomber sleeper / On the phone / Had to tell my friend I would call back


Baby’s Name

What does baby’s name mean? ______


Why was this name chosen? ______


Baby-Think-It-Over Parent Contract

I agree to take the baby home and participate in the simulated parenting experience.

I agree to pick up the Baby at 3:30pm on the Friday I have signed up for.

If I am unable to take the Baby home on the weekend I have signed up for I will inform my teacher as soon as possible so another student may sign up for that weekend.

I agree to return my Baby and all supplies between 8:00 and 8:20 am on Monday morning.

I promise to: Take Home Checklist:

Parent Evaluation

(For parent(s) of the student)

Y N Do you think this program would have been more appropriate for your child

at a different age?

If so, what age? ______Why? ______


Y N Do you think one weekend is an appropriate amount of time for a student to

use the Baby?

If not, what amount of time do you feel would be appropriate? ______

Why? ______


What are your most memorable moments from this experience? (good or bad)



What do you think your child learned from this experience? ______


Further Comments: ______


Signature ______Date ______

Thank you

Baby-Think-It-Over Evaluation

(please hand this in with your project)

Title Page (__title, __your name, __colourful, __neat, __creative) /5

Family Tree (__ baby’s name, __ meaning, __ reason, __ parent’s name, /12

__ grandparent’s names, __great-grandparent’s names)

Birth Certificate (___ filled out completely) /1

Birth Announcement (__ birthdate, __ baby’s name, __ gender, __weight, /7

__ height, __ parent’s name(s) __ extra creativity)

Daily Diary (__ Friday, __ Saturday, __ Sunday) /9

Write-Up (__ title, __ #1, __ #2, __ #3, __ #4, __ #5, __ #6) /20

BTIO Parent Contract ( __ filled-out completely) /1

Parenting Questionnaire ( marking done on sheet) /24

Log Sheets (filled in completely, correctly and legibly) /20

Parent Evaluation ( __ included and signed) /1

Total ______

Deductions ______


Neglect: 1 mark will be deducted for each incidence of neglect

Abuse1: 2 marks will be deducted for each incidence of rough handling or head support

Abuse2: 3 marks will be deducted for each incidence of Shaken Baby

Missing or Damaged Items: 1 mark will be deducted for each missing or damaged item

Tampering: incidences of tampering with the baby and/or wristband will be assessed indiv.

Bonus Marks

A maximum of 4 bonus marks may be awarded for extreme creativity or “extra pages”

Final Mark ______/100