At a Recessed Meeting of the SussexCounty

Board of Supervisors, held in the

General District Courtroom @ Sussex Judicial Center

May 11, 2006 – 6:30 p.m.


William J. Collins, Jr.C. Eric Fly

Wayne M. HarrellAlice W. Jones

Rufus E. Tyler, Sr.


Charlie E. Caple, Jr.


Mary E. Jones, CountyAdministrator

Henry A. Thompson, Sr., CountyAttorney

Jerry L. Whitaker, Director of Finance

Deborah A. Davis, Assistant To CountyAdministrator


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Collins; the Invocation was offered by Supervisor Tyler.


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that the agenda of the May 11, 2006 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors is hereby adopted with the following addition: Under Closed Session, add discussion of prospective business, applicable Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(5).

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors shall enter Public Hearing to consider the “Notice of Proposed Real Property Tax Increase”.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

Page 2:Minutes of the May 11, 2006 meeting of the SussexCounty

Board of Supervisors

Chairman Collins called for public comment.

Blackwater District – none

Courthouse District – none

HenryDistrict – none

Stony Creek District – none

Wakefield District – none

Waverly District –none


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors shall return to regular session.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

Proposed Real Estate Tax Rate

Staff provided an overview of the proposed real estate tax rate and the possible impact on the County’s operations.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that the Sussex County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes staff to advertise a proposed real estate tax rate of $.48 per $100 valuation for fiscal year 2007.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones

Voting nay: none

Abstaining: Supervisor Tyler

Absent: Supervisor Caple

The Board (by general consensus) deferred action on the Wage and Salary Study until such time the Personnel Committee has met and offers a recommendation to the Board. The Personnel Committee (Supervisors Collins, Fly and Tyler) set a meeting for May 18, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Proposed Public Hearing Date

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes staff to advertise the notice of public hearing for laying of the levy and fiscal year 2007 budget, for 7:30 p.m. on June 8, 2006.

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Board of Supervisors

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

Supervisor Fly questioned the $10,000 budget request by Surry Free Clinic. The Board authorized staff to invite a representative of the Surry Free Clinic to the next meeting to provide additional information. Chairman Collins will invite a representative of Waverly Health Care.


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR TYLER and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors shall enter Closed Session, pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 2.2-3711(A)(3) and 2.2-3711(A)(5), for discussions regarding Real Estate Matters and Prospective Business, respectively.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

(At 8:05 p.m., Supervisor Fly removed himself from the meeting, due conflict of interest).


ON MOTION SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the Board shall enter open session and certifies that only public business matters exempt from the Act were discussed and only public business matters identified in the motion to convene were discussed.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR TYLER and carried: RESOLVED that the CountyAdministrator is hereby authorized to negotiate a price for a 198.93 acre parcel of property identified as Tax Map #147-A-112, located in the HenryDistrict.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple

Page 4:Minutes of the May 11, 2006 meeting of the SussexCounty

Board of Supervisors

CountyAttorney Thompson recommended that Supervisor Fly provide a letter indicating conflict of interest as a result of his firm representing and/or providing services with regard to the prospective businesses.

Supervisor Fly advised that he will provide such documentation to the Board.


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the May 11, 2006 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors is hereby adjourned.

Voting aye: Supervisors Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Absent: Supervisor Caple