Independent Reading Project

Artistic Representation and Written Justification

Due on Monday, December 7, 2015

Artistic Representation

Create a product that clearly represents a literary element from your book. You may choose plot, character, setting, conflict, or theme.

Project ideas include, but are not limited to, a 3-D model, painting, travel brochure, map, photo album, scrapbook, stop-motion film, board game, sketches, flip book, etc. Please make the effort to create your piece instead of purchasing it and calling it your project. For example, buying a plastic firefighter’s helmet and writing “451” on it is not an acceptable artistic representation. Be creative and have fun!

Projects should be suitable for classroom display in terms of creativity, quality, and size.If you use a poster board, it must be no larger than 18 x 24 inches.

Written Justification

Composea three to five paragraph essay explaining how your artistic representation relates to one or more of the literary elements. Your written work should include:

  • A brief summary of the plot, even if this is not the focus of your project.
  • An explanation of your reasoning behind choosing the element. Why did you think it was significant to the story? What made it so important to you?
  • A clear explanation of how your project relates to the literary element that you chose.

This must be type-written in Times New Roman 12 pt. font and double spaced. If your paper is not typed, you will automatically receive a “1” for your written justification.

Literary Elements
Plot / Setting / Character / Theme
Project Rubric / Name:
Literary Element:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Artistic Representation
30 points / Project is not a representation of a literary element.
(6 points) / Project
somewhat represents a literary element.
(12 points) / Project is a surface-level representation of a literary element.
(18 points) / Project is an adequate representation of a literary element.
(24 points) / Project is an exceptional representation of a literary element.
(30 points)
Written Justification
30 points / Paper does not explain how the artistic representation relates to the literary element.
(6 points) / 3-5 typed paragraphs
that somewhat explain how the artistic representation relates to the literary element.
(12 points) / 3-5 typed paragraphs
that adequately explain how the artistic representation relates to the literary element.
(18 points) / 3-5 typed, well-written paragraphs that
adequately explaining how the artistic representation relates to the literary element.
(24 points) / 3-5 typed, well-written paragraphs that
thoroughly explain how the artistic representation relates to the literary element.
(30 points)
20 points / Student demonstrates very little knowledge about the literary element of the novel.
(4 points) / Student is somewhat knowledgeable about the literary element of the novel.
(8 points) / Student demonstrates only a surface level knowledge of the literary element of the novel.
(12 points) / Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the literary element and understanding of the novel.
(16 points) / Student demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the literary element and understanding of the novel.
(20 points)
Museum Quality Work
10 points / Both the art and the written work are not acceptable in presentation.
(2 points) / One of the pieces is not acceptable in presentation.
(4 points) / Both the art and the written work are somewhat clean and neatly presented.
(6 points) / Both the art and written work are clean and neatly presented.
(8 points) / Both the art and the written work are exceptionally clean and neatly presented.
(10 points)
Total Points / Grade