Minutes for BC Meeting 10/14/15
In Attendance:
Paul Gramieri (treasurer)
Pierre-Alexander Lowe
Manny Morales
Tess Frenzel
George Ward
Aditi Krishnamurthy
Mohamed Ramy
Vivian Yee (minutetaker)
1. Quiz Bowl
- Tournament on 24th – sending 2 teams of 3-4 people
- 120 per team
- Manny – if you have idea of how many tournaments, can request in club budgets in the future
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
2. Film Society
- Blu-ray player requested before
- Manny & Tess & Aditi – decided that should have Keefe fund this
- Cant use the keefe theater for this since it would constitute a public showing and would need a licensing fee
- Pierre – said that this would be for more niche showings (foreign movies, etc), so would be different
- Where they’re showing them right now wouldn’t constitute a public showing
- Motion to table until can explain further – 5,0,0
3. Marsh House
- PA system went missing over the summer, and haven’t replaced it yet since have been looking for it
- Have historically lent it out to other houses, so would like to have it not only for coffee haus but others as well
- Would be using .25 of the budget right now if purchased one
- Paul – would be property of AAS if we bought, not marsh, and could possibly come from res life?
- Spoke w Paul Gallegos and said it shouldn’t be coming out of house budget, not much funds in arts project budget
- Manny – how have the other concerts happened?
- Borrowed from IT and jazz dept before, but has been a hassle and if they had one, could be another source to be lending out system
- Paul – not much sense to purchase this is if PA systems exist elsewhere, etc
- Manny – should table until talk w ACs?
- Motion to table – 5,0,0
4. Electronics
- Need materials for a project – basically a robot that can draw things
- Will be good for the club and can also contribute to the community
- Paul – could talk to the CCE since it would ‘engage the Amherst community’ since they have a fund for things like this
- Motion to table – 5,0,0
5. Arting Club
- Got funding for AC After Dark for some of it, but they have limited funding since they are funding other events during family weekend
- Sheeting is for the floor of Keefe so that the floor wont get ruined (event is happening there)
- AC After Dark is mainly funding the tote bags
- Need materials
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
6. Globe Med
- Buy a food from the community and give it to the students – a food for the sutdents during finals etc
- Used to get funding from CAB, but since now that they are accepting donations, etc they are no longer funding them (against their policies)
- Paul & Aditi – this is a giveaway so wouldn’t be able to fund this
- Pierre – integral to the event?
- Paul – where is this happening?
- Not sure if they were getting the funding, so have not set anything up yet
- Manny – what is CABs new funding policy then?
- Not allowed to fund anything where money changes hands
- Can fund items where the item purchased wasn’t pertinent to the money being exchanged
- Aditi – historically has the group made a profit from this?
- Usually they break about even, but must make a profit since the money would go towards donations
- Usually have between 3-4 a semester - $360 would cover all of these
- Can’t fund since this is a giveaway
- Paul – could try presidents office or dean aronson?
- Could get 50 since the food is integral if necessary or get outside funding for rest of this
- Motion to zero – 5,0,0
7. Drew House
- Requesting funding to bring in DJ from NY – on hot 97
- Event already approved
- Angela yee is already coming, would be for same event
- Honorarium and hotel fee included in his fee
- All publicity and such for event have already been funded
- Manny – how much funded for event in total
- 3500 for angela yee and misc costs
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
8. Hip Hop Club
- Need some final items for event happening this fri
- Needs to be emergency funded
- Art steele needed for ac after dark summer of 91 – happening outside
- Aditi – where is this? Originally not outside? Why outside?
- Happening on the patio of powerhouse
- Will be nice out and would be suitable to the event etc
- Originally was not going to be outside
- Hero you’re late (other band performing w summer of 91)
- Need dj fee for layer for
- Mind of soul coming this weekend and again in Nov
- Aditi – why are they coming twice? Need an opening act?
- Cheaper opening act and would make for a better event
- Have no money for mind of soul this weekend though
- Agreed to do this concert for free and the next for pay
- Lighting and extra cable for concert outside
- Paul – don’t have any art steele requested for this event…
- Need additional 600 for art steele?
- Aditi – could just do the concert inside and reduce the cost from 1000 to 600
- Paul – could reallocate art steele for Latasha to summer of 91
- Ramy – do you think there will be more people if it’s outside?
- Aditi – would be cold and probs not get as many people
- Motion to emergency fund dj and zero art steele – 5,0,0
9. La Causa
- This is for voices for the voiceless
- Need more funding since poets are staying 2 nights instead (come in fri and perform late, so leaving sun morning)
- Would be having an open mic on fri and sat afternoon would have lunch w the poets open to students and sat would have night performance that runs late usually
- May also need additional honorarium or flight money
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
10. Project Salud
- Having a 5k on campus in 3-4 weeks and want to have items to help complete the event
- Need a net of 100 – water, donuts, ACEMS standby, publicity
- Trying to get as many runners as possible
- Ramy – why are donuts necessary for runners?
- Would be a Sunday morning thing, so would be for after run
- Already have funding for event in club budgets
- Manny – already funded 50 for poster making event, so already used 50 discussion money for poster making
- Will reallocate money from poster making to the food and water for this event
- Still need money for ACEMS standby – 1 person for about 2 hrs
- Manny – usually fund 60, so should fund this to be safe
- Motion to fund ACEMS – 5,0,0
11. Bisemester
- Event open to public
- Alumni and others come to read and present
- Having a service that has occurred for over 20 years
- Next sem will have a club budget
- Transportation would be for the rev to come speak – coming from Connecticut
- Is a religious cultural event – funding 500 for food, already spent 250 so requesting rest now
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
12. Water Polo
- Funding for hotel for tournament at Williams
- 4 hotel rooms for 2 nights
- Can reallocate money from other request leftover
- Needs to be emergency funded so can only get 500
- Motion to fund – 5,0,0
13. Charles Drew Heath Profession Society
- Paul – club budget?
- Don’t have one
- Need 15 for publicity
- Paul – have been ordered already but have not been paid yet
- Event will be tmrrw at 7:30
- Need 20 for this event from the 50 discussion food money
- Need to emergency fund all since event is tomorrow
- Motion to emergency – 5,0,0
14. Middle Eastern Student Association (MESSA)
- Harvard Arab Conference on Nov 5-8
- 70 per ticket if emergency funded, 100 per if not
- Will have 5 people going
- This has been publicized to everyone through the email for MESSA
- Paul – should publicize and then should fund more if more people want to go
- Also need hotel rooms – some staying all 3 nights but not all
- Motion to emergency fund tickets and fund publicity –5,0,0
15. Hip Hop Club cont.
- The band hero you’re late actually needs honorarium for event this Friday
- Need 300 emergency funded
- Hero you’re late is a main act
- Dj will be djing the entire event (for all vocalists including hero you’re late and summer of 91)
- Aditi – need to have table tents, not only posters, and need to be in places that everyone can see
- Manny – similar to having one event per month policy? Having a bunch of acts in the same night?
- Tess – can’t have one act for entirety of night, not feasible
- Motion to emergency fund – 4,1,0 – 1 opposed