Batley Parish J I N C of E School Reception Homework grid Helpful Superheroes!
Please choose an activity to do with your child and use your homework book to record what learning they have done. You may use photographs, make comments or pictures.
1. Can you talk about things that you are good at? Can you share any photographs or certificates of your achievements at home?/ 2. What vehicles do emergency services drive? Make a junk model of a fire engine, police car or an ambulance. Remember to tell Mummies and Daddies that they can help but you have to do the work!!!
/ 3. Can you plant some potato bulbs in a tub in your garden? Can you plant some vegetable seeds and take care of these as they grow and change? / 4. Can you make a Superhero smoothie or a superhero fruit kebab?
5. Can you hide your superheroes in different places around your home? Can you draw a map of where your superheroes were hiding? Can you use the language of position e.g. under, on top of, next to, behind to describe where you find them? / 6. Can you add and take away using together two one digit numbers and find the answer. Can you use objects to help you e.g. 9 take away 4? 8 add 4? Don’t worry about the + and = signs at the moment. Just practice drawing marks that you can explain. You might draw pictures e.g. draw 9 objects and cross out 4 or just write the numbers in a sentence e.g. 9 5 4 / 9. Can you find out about people who help us? Can you find out information in an information book or using Google? Who helps us in our community? / 10. Can you draw a picture of your favourite superhero? Can you use the correct colours in your picture? Can you label your picture and write some sentences to describe your superhero and their powers?. Don’t forget to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Remember to sound words out and to write the sounds that YOU can hear. Don’t copy someone else’s writing!
11 / 12. Can you find / 13. / 14. Can you practice spelling the high frequency words from phase two and phase three?
/ 16. Can you talk about things that you are good at? Can you share any photographs or certificates of your achievements at home?
/ `17. Can / 18.
Please remember to read regularly with your child and to share their library book. Please also remember to practice your child’s weekly spellings and tricky words which are on your child’s book mark.
Reception children should also be regularly reading their book, and revising their sight words in the blue book.