Application for Review of Bail Determinations

Application for Review of Bail Determinations

Bail Regulation 1999



Clause 8 (1)(b)(ii) and 21 (1)(a)

Application for review of bail determination

Bail Act 1978 - section 22 and sections 44, 45 or 46

  1. I, ______


of ______


being in custody at ______


charged with ______




apply to the ______

(name of court)

at ______


I apply for a review of my bail determination.

I was last refused bail by ______

(name of court)

at ______




I am next to appear before ______

(name of court)

at ______


on ______


2.What is your date of birth? ______

3.What date were you taken into custody on these charges? ______

4.Do you need an interpreter? ( )Yes( )No

If yes, what language? ______

5.Do you wish to be represented by : (please circle one)

(a)Legal Aid Commission(b)Aboriginal Legal Service

(c) Other/Private (please provide details such as name of solicitor, firm and, fax number)



If this form is completed by a solicitor on behalf of the applicant, what approximate time is it anticipated that the hearing of the application will take?______

6.Have you had a committal for trial or sentence?( )Yes( )No

7.Have you been committed for trial or sentence?( )Yes( )No

If Yes, Was it for( )Trial( )Sentence

8.Are you presently on appeal after trial or sentence?( )Yes( )No

9.Are you presently serving a sentence?( )Yes( )No

If Yes, when are you due for release? ______


If you are making this application to the Supreme Court and you have made an earlier application to the Supreme Court in respect of the same charge(s), state below any special facts or circumstances that have arisen since your last application was heard:







10. Any other comments you wish to make ______





(a)This note applies only if -

(i) this application is to the Supreme Court and will be heard in Sydney; and

(ii) at the time this application is filed in the Court, you are in custody but are NOT in a detention centre within the meaning of the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987.

(b)Subject to paragraph (c) , the hearing of this application will be conducted by means of video link facilities without your personal attendance at court. Video link facilities allow two-way audio and visual communication of television standard between the Court and the Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre at Silverwater, including private communication between you and your legal representative. If you are in another correctional centre, you will be sent to the Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre for the hearing.

(c)The Court may, if it is in the interests of justice to do so, order that the hearing of this application is not to be conducted by video link. An application for such an order-

(i) must be in the prescribed form, which is available on request;

(ii) must be filed with this application, together with any supporting documents

(iii) may be dealt with by the Court in the absence of the public and without any attendance by or on behalf of yourself.

Signature ______

Date ______