Appendix E: Size Plots of Data

Figure Legends

Fig. E1 Size plots of reproductive data by (a, d) age class, (b, e) season, and (c, f) abundance index. Sub-adults are defined as ages 1-2.5, prime-adults ages 2.5-10, older-adults ages 10 and older, and adult 2.5 and older. We present (a, b, c) number of 6-month (or shorter) intervals where a panther did (y = 1) and did not (y = 0) reproduce, and (d, e, f) number of litters of each size (numbers in both cases indicated by size of circle). We include (a, b, c) 6-month probability of reproduction with 95% CI estimated by binomial regression (complementary log-log link) and an offset of log(months tracked) and (d, e, f) average litter size with approximate 95% CI estimated by cumulative logit regression.

Fig. E2 Size plots of reproductive data by (a, c) ancestry category and (b, d) heterozygosity. We present (a, b) number of 6-month (or shorter) intervals where a panther did (y = 1) and did not (y = 0) reproduce, and (c, d) number of litters of each size (numbers in both cases indicated by size of circle). We include (a, b) 6-month probability of reproduction with 95% CI estimated by binomial regression (complementary log-log link) and an offset of log(months tracked) and (c, d) average litter size with approximate 95% CI estimated by cumulative logit regression.

Fig. E3 Size plot of numbers of 6-month (or shorter) intervals where a panther did (y = 1) and did not (y = 0) reproduce. Numbers are indicated by size of the point and ancestry by its color and shape. Age class and season are indicated by horizontal panels, heterozygosity (binned) by vertical panels, and abundance index by x position. Sub-adults are defined as ages 1-2.5, prime-adults ages 2.5-10, and older-adults ages 10 and older.

Fig. E4 Size plot of numbers of litters of each size. Numbers are indicated by size of the point and ancestry by its color and shape. Age class and season are indicated by horizontal panels, heterozygosity (binned) by vertical panels, and abundance index by x position. Sub-adults are defined as ages 1-2.5 and adult 2.5 and older.

Figure E1.

Figure E2.

Figure E3.

Figure E4.