Arrangements Committee 2017—Minutes, p. 1

Intermountain Yearly Meeting (IMYM) ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE:

January 13-15, 2017
Albuquerque Friends Meeting House

1600 5th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM

Friday, January 13


Laurie Anderson, Operations Co-Coordinator

Emily Box, Children’s Yearly Meeting (CYM) Coordinator

Nancy Dolphin, Interest Groups (IG) & Seminars Coordinator

Carl Feitler, Operations Co-Coordinator

Sarah Feitler, Co-Registrar

Luca Gacy, Colorado Regional Senior Young Friends (SYF) Representative

Marc Gacy, Youth Working Group (YWG) Clerk

Nicola Gacy, Colorado Regional SYF Representative

TynanGacy, SYF Co-Clerk

Maria Kelson, Co-Recording Clerk for Arrangements Committee (AC)

Pelican Lee, Clerk, AC

Phyllis Lee, IMYM Bookstore Coordinator

Peggy Livingston, Co-Recording Clerk for AC

Thomas Pierson, Junior Young Friends (JYF) Co-Clerk

Erica Samuel, SYF Friendly Adult Presence (FAP)

Roxanne Seagraves, JYF Coordinator

Thandi Seagraves, New Mexico Regional SYF Representative

Penny Thron-Weber, Representatives Committee (RC) Clerk

Ginger Viavant, JYF Recording Clerk

David Wampler, SYF FAP

Molly Wingate, Clerk, IMYM

Eric Wright, Facilities Working Group Clerk

Anna Wyeth, SYF Recording Clerk

We gathered at the Meetinghouse for a supper hosted by Albuquerque Friends, followed by a half-hour of worship.

Welcome and Introductions – Pelican Lee

We introduced ourselves by name, meeting, and AC job. SYF began a new (for AC) practice in which each individual introduced themselves with both their names and their preferred pronouns.

Then AC Clerk asked Friends to pair with someone they didn’t know and exchange what’d been happening in their lives lately and their hopes for yearly meeting.

We then reconvened as a large group. AC Clerk read an excerpt from Quaker Practice and Business Meeting, by Rebecca Henderson, to center our committee work in spirit-led practices.

Program Working Group (PWG)– Molly Wingate

On behalf of the PWG co-clerks, who were not present, Molly read from passages in the PWG Report describing the 2017 IMYM theme and speaker, so that the JYFs and SYFs could be aware of both as they proceeded with their planning. Molly added that she was “looking forward to a lively and probably uncomfortable, from time to time, yearly gathering.”

AC Clerk reminded Friends that reports delivered at AC are available at

AC Clerk reminded Friends that this is the year in which IMYM will evaluate our new (three-years-old) structure. Part of that process is that we’re also evaluating the positions in Arrangements Committee, including our job descriptions.

Members of AC were asked to look at their Job Descriptions at under “Procedures (Jobs),” which can be found across the top of the page, and to suggest adding or deleting things in order to make sure their Job Description match the jobs they are doing.

Discussion of Items that will affect Youth and Adult scheduling.

IMYM Intergenerational Meeting for Worship

In recent years, this has taken place in the afternoon on Saturday of IMYM, immediately before dinner. AC Clerk asked SYF to inform the AC if there is anything AC can do in terms of scheduling or other arrangements to increase the likelihood of SYF attendance.

A strong desire of the yearly meeting was stressed for everyone to be at the Intergenerational Meeting for Worship, including the youngest and oldest of us, even if they make noise. A few years ago the SYFs and JYFs were asked, what would it take for them to attend Saturday afternoon Intergenerational Meeting for Worship. At the time, the JYFs came up with requests such as being picked up and driven in golf carts (a suggestion that was not taken). We did implement suggestions for providing snacks and things to do during worship.

An SYF said that he was fairly certain that in the SYFs had had a scheduling conflict last year with meeting for worship. He said there was no one thing to do to get SYFs there. A feeling of belonging to the meeting would be the best way to do it. Everything in the SYF schedule is optional. "We don’t want to force people to go to it."

Another Friend noted that the main time competition on Saturday afternoon is for skit preparation. Pelican said that we are not doing the exchange of colors, so the meeting for worship on Saturday is 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm.

Creativity Night

AC Clerk asked the youth groups: Do you love it, or is it a burden? IMYM Clerk said it is the Volunteer Coordinator’s (VC’s) job to find someone to coordinate creativity night, noting that coordinating it is “hysterically fun.” There was discussion about whetheranyone in attendance at AC wanted to coordinate it. None emerged.

Listening Session

AC Clerk noted it is currently scheduled for 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm on Friday and asked SYFs to report back tomorrow on whether they would like to organize it again for this year and, if so, on which topic. SYF Clerk asked about the timing of the session. AC Clerk clarified that if SYF wanted to hold the session at a different time, they could let AC know.

Evening Program

AC Clerk noted that AC is an opportunity to keep our ears to the ground for activities we want to keep or lay down in evening programs.

Friends felt it was important to recognize the variety of ways evening events happen, with and without appointed positions. For example, although advance arrangements were required for hiring a band for our dancing night, and now our IMYM band practices in advance of the dance, there has never been an appointed position to coordinate that event.

AC Clerk said evening events were once thought to be the job of PWG, but they feel they have enough to do.

IG Coordinator said she assumed coordinating evening events was her job.

Keynote Speech

A while back we began alternating times for the keynote speech. Last year was Thursday morning. The year before was Thursday afternoon. A Friend recalled that we began doing it in the afternoon to attract SYF, who are likely to be sleeping in the morning. Starting off with the Keynote on Thursday morning works better with the adult schedule. Alternating between mornings and afternoons was a compromise. SYFs were asked to determine their preference for a morning or afternoon Keynote, since today's SYFs are different from the ones who originally asked for an afternoon Keynote.

KeynoteSpeaker's Schedule

Pamela Haines, the Keynote Speaker, is not going to be presenting an interest group. She will present a one-time seminar on Tuesday morning. The keynote speaker is also asked to meet separately with JYF, SYF, and CYM. A Friend pointed out that having our speaker meet with each youth group is a good opportunity for our young people to meet well-known Quakers.

Ghost Ranch-facilitated Activities

Erica asked about Ghost Ranch-facilitated activities for SYF. Pelican said it is in the MOU. It is the same as last year: low and high ropes, pool, and waterfront for JYF, and low ropes (if available) and the pool for SYF.

Intergenerational Worship Sharing

AC Clerk asked SYF to confirm the time they’d like this held and to share with AC any issues of which they’d like us to be aware. Discussion followed. SYF Clerk shared that there were high rates of adult no-shows, which led to the necessity of combining groups. This can be frustrating from the point of view of an SYF who is leading a group for the first time. Various adults confirmed this impression.

Registrar noted that last year, the registrars added a note in the online registration system that indicated when you sign up for IGWS, you are making a commitment.

Friends discussed various reasons for inconsistent adult attendance at IGWS. Some reasons could include ad hoc committee meetings after lunch, time conflicts with M&C listening sessions (currently held after lunch), volunteer commitments that require working during that time, needing to stay late at lunch due to arriving late at lunch (especially when morning events go late), and IMYM attender fatigue. Another possible reason is that there is very little correlation between what people sign up for at registration and what they do at yearly meeting. For example, one person estimated that only about 5% of the people who say in the registration process that they want to volunteer for CYM actually do so.

IMYM Clerk expressed that she could remind Friends not to hold committee meetings during IGWS. She will send a note to committee clerks. She noted that the presiding clerk can remind people at the welcoming session to follow up on their commitments to IGWS.

Friends discussed alternative approaches to the unpredictable numbers of adult participants in IGWS. One approach would be to build fluidity into the process, and expect, in advance, that groups might combine. Another option might be to find a different time slot.

Friends of all ages feel it’s unlikely that moving IGWS to the regular worship-sharing time slot (8:30 am) would be successful.

SYF clerks expressed interest in inviting older adult Friends to their late-night worship sharing groups.

Friends noted that maybe having fewer and larger groups could alleviate some of the difficulty of spotty adult attendance. Another possibility would be to have six or seven established groups that people could attend at their leisure.

One Friend noted that her SYF daughter likes the idea of not being in a group with her mother, and SYFs affirmed that the groups are assembled with the idea of placing family members in separate groups. If the groups are not arranged in advance, but rather are assembled on the spot in the afternoons, this would remain in place as a guideline for groups.

Friends discussed that SYFs could send a personal email to those who signed up for IGWS in the weeks immediately prior to IMYM. This is a matter for SYFs to season.

SYF clerk noted it works really well when the SYFs and JYFs coordinate schedules so that JYFs can attend IGWS.

AC Clerk reminded Friends we would reconvene at 9 am on Saturday.

Closing Worship

Meeting closed at 8:50 pm.

Saturday, January 14


Same as on Friday, with the addition of:

Wyn Lewis, member Ministry & Counsel

Pam Gilchrist, Co-Clerk of Program Working Group

Youth and their Coordinators and FAPS met to plan their programs.

9:00 am - 9:30 amWorship

AdditionalIntroductions & Agenda Review

AC Clerk welcomed Friends Pam Gilchrist, Co-Clerk of Program Working Group, and Wyn Lewis, member of IMYM Ministry & Council (M&C).

Representatives Committee Clerk asked that, as Friends gave their committee reports, they also report on how a change of location for the annual gathering would impact the work for their position or their committee.

Clerk’s Report – Molly Wingate

Molly read from the Clerk’s Report. Queries about moving the location of our annual gathering and using pay-as-led for the annual gathering had been sent to Monthly Meetings, with a deadline of January 15 for returning feedback.

AC Clerk asked RC Clerk to speak about the upcoming RC meeting agenda. RC Clerk said IMYM location and pay-as-led will be big areas for discernment. There will be some decisions about the finance of the meeting, and some decisions about archives, whether they go to Haverford or the Cloud or some combination. RC Clerk is concerned that some of the people who do hands-on work for the annual gathering aren’t on RC and won’t be part of that discernment process. RC Clerk emphasized all are welcome at RC in Denver, Feb. 3-5, to help with discernment.

IMYM Clerk shared feedback on Early Days from annual gathering evaluations.

  • A lot of people love Early Days, especially the youth. People want to spend more time together. Attendance at Early Days is increasing.
  • Some who come on Wednesday find it hard to connect when people have created connections with each other at Early Days. Discussion ensued about whether this should be taken up at RC. It was decided that the RC agenda is already full. Friends were asked to remember that people coming on Wednesday need a special welcome. We can try to integrate them more, including those in children’s programs.
  • Some feel those who attend Early Days and then leave are not stepping up for business. Some feel business meetings are the most important part of annual gathering. Registrar affirmed that yes, some people come for Early Days and leave, but it’s not a big number. It may be one or two individuals.
  • Some expressed concern with the extra cost of Early Days. In discussion, a Friend speculated this could be connected to people not wanting to ask for financial aid, which pay-as-led may help with.

Friends continued with a general discussion about Early Days. A Friend recalled Early Days were instituted because the Ghost Ranch administration asked IMYM to book dates for an entire week when the annual gathering moved from Fort Lewis back to Ghost Ranch. The new Ghost Ranch administration is not so attached to having us for the whole week.

The Ghost Ranch staff member who moved our schedule from our customary week for the 2016 gathering is no longer at Ghost Ranch.

Molly said that if we move from Ghost Ranch, the Clerk’s work would change in a big way. There would need to be additional time and effort in watching and coordinating. She expressed confidence that if we do move we will figure out how to do it.

We accepted the Clerk’s Report.

Program Working Group Report – Pam Gilchrist(continued from last night)

Pam read queries associated with the theme for Friends’ consideration. These queries appear in the PWG report. PWG queries were provided so we can open our hearts to what we are hearing from Spirit on these matters. Monthly meetings (MM) are being asked to discuss the queries in advance. AC requests that the call to discuss these queries at MM be repeated at RC. Penny and Pam agree.

IMYM Clerk said if MMs want to send a summary of their discussions considering these queries to Molly, she will summarize and post them. Pam affirmed this would enhance the yearly meeting conversation on the theme. Another Friend expressed concern that typing up notes for rich discussions and sending them to Molly makes more work, which may be unnecessary.

Pam reported that our keynote speaker will go by Pamela, and Pam Gilchrist will go by Pam.

Pam strongly recommended reading Pamela’s book. The site where it can be downloaded for free is listed in her report. Phyllis Lea will make sure print copies will be available at IMYM.

IMYM Clerk clarified for AC that the publisher of Pamela’s book is the Quaker Institute for the Future, a think tank that engages academics and others to think about things from a Quaker perspective and produce a variety of documents. Kenneth Boulding envisioned the importance of Friends’ looking into the future, and they got their charter from that.

Pam did not have specific thoughts on how a move would affect the position of PWG Clerk. She didn’t believe a move would hamper PWG.

Speaking from a personal standpoint, she added that she would feel more comfortable with a less expensive venue and said this had to do with her view of how much she should spend on her Quaker life.

We accepted the Program Working Group Report.

Interest Group and Seminar Coordinator’s Report – Nancy Dolphin

Nancy reported the following:

  • The IG program is close to completion. There will be fewer offerings this year, with a maximum of 4-5 during any given time slot. She worked hard to ensure most Seminars presented during Early Days will be repeated in some form during regular days.
  • Roni Burrows is leading sessions on “upcycling” and she asks Friends to bring materials in advance. Nancy will send a list of those things to the registrar.
  • Collage, spiritual writing, haiku, playback theater, and sewing will be among the Quakers in the Arts offerings. Nancy is seeking someone to do a journaling workshop in Early Days that would meet all three mornings.
  • Other topics will include employee-owned business models, Standing Rock, and fossil fuel divestment.
  • She wants to show three DVDs, which may be offered as either evening programs or daytime IGs.
  • She will not add any IGs that conflict with the keynote speaker’s IG on Tuesday.

Nancy asked for consideration of whether we want to leave time or space for interest groups where the presenters have not expressed a desire to do an interest group in advance. Some Friends spoke in support of an open session, where unplanned IGs can be accommodated. Others felt disinclined to accommodate those who show up and want to do an IG that hadn’t been arranged in advance. Nancy envisioned such individuals having 20 minutes of an open session available to them, with more than one room where such open sessions were going on.

Friends discussed programming during early days. IG coordinator reported there will be some arts programming Monday and Tuesday afternoon during Early Days. The Tuesday afternoon group is likely to be small, as the programming is a tour of Georgia O’Keefe’s house and numbers are limited by tour rules. Youth Working Group coordinator noted tensions about some parents’ expectation of childcare, especially during Early Days. YWG has tried to give parents a clear message that mornings are the only times of formal programming in Early Days. AC Clerk asked Nancy to remind the Quakers in the Arts organizers that we prefer there not be programming in the afternoon during Early Days and to please remind them there is no childcare during afternoons on Early Day. Registrar suggested that if any IG organizer wants to have an afternoon activity during Early Days, it should be intergenerational. Another Friend spoke in support of having informal activities families can do together, but no formal programming, in the afternoons on Early Days. One Friend said we could offer mechanisms for parents to connect with each other. Another Friend felt being family friendly means we provide childcare so that parents don’t have to arrange things for themselves.