PTA Meeting 11th June 2015

Attendees: Margaret, Sam, Jayne, Simon, Anne, Jerry, Roisin, Rahel, Clare, Ladonna, Freda

Apologies: Michelle, Charlotte, Amanda, Marta, Aga.

Previous Minutes: agreed

Finance update: Jayne reports that the balance stands at £3352, with some monies still to come out. Monies going in include: £352 from Bag to School, £64 from Charity Aid Foundation, £221 profit from the May Fair, £627 profit from the Quiz Night which is going straight to the KS2 playground fund, £228 from the balloon race, £71 profit from the academic calendars. £75 has gone out to subsidise the year 3/4 annual school trip and the PTA bought more high-vis vests for years 3 and 4.

Years 3 and 4 loved wearing the high-vis vests to Westminster Cathedral. They made the school look very smart. Thank you to the PTA from the school.

This year enough helium was purchased to cover next year’s Balloon Race too, so expenditure will be minimal we will only need to acquire balloons and valves. Several companies have been approached to donate balloons unfortunately the response has been minimal. Marie suggested that companies may be hesitant to get involved as they perceive the Balloon race to be environmentally unfriendly.

Summer Fayre: Margaret needs bodies to help on the day with stalls.

21 estate agent boards have gone up advertising the Fayre. Margaret said that Coopers are great for donations each year.

The Mayor and deputy Mayoress have confirmed that they will be attending the Fayre.

Margaret again asked for more helpers, at least 10 are needed to help run stalls. “If we don’t have the numbers we can’t make money”. Margaret asked if anyone knows anyone who would be able to commit to send them to speak to her.

Anne asked if it is ok for her daughter Ellie to help run a stall. Margaret said absolutely. Ellie was signed up to run Tin Can Alley.

Prep Day – Saturday 4th. Margaret asked for people for that day as it takes the pressure off the amount of work that then needs to be done on the Sunday. The school will be open from 10am that morning.

Roisin asked which day man power will be needed. Margaret said it will be the Sunday to move tables etc. School will be open from 8am for setting up the Fayre. Man power will also be needed at the end of the Fayre to help with clearing away so that the school is back to normal before Monday morning. Margaret that there is no expectation for helpers to be at the school from 8am to 7pm. Roisin said the more people who help the less hours we will have to work.

Donation day – it was a phenomenal success, we now have lovely bottleprizes, toys and toiletries for the stalls. There is another donation day planned the week before the Fayre, it will be another non uniform day.

Margaret stated again how important it is to have as many helpers as possible so that helpers can also enjoy the Fayre.

Margaret confirmed that the fire brigade will be at the fayre, it will be Green Watch.

Grand Prize Draw – tickets have been sent home from school, tickets will also be sold in the parish. Tickets and money have started to come back. Doreen will do the Grand Draw again this year. The PTA have paid less this year for the tickets, they look good with the school crest on. We have good prizes. A long list makes the Grand Draw more appealing.

90 square draw. Numbers will begin to be sold on the playground from Thursday 25th June. Margaret passed round a sign up sheet for helpers to sell numbers at the beginning and end of the day. By selling numbers the week before the Fayre it is a good way to build up the excitement for the Fayre. Margaret explained that a lot of money was made last year. It is a pure profit game as all the prizes have been donated. We already have loads of prizes, similar to last year.

Roisin asked if she could be a floating helper to relieve other stall holders rather than being responsible for a particular stall.

Margaret was asked if she needed radios to help with communication during the Summer Fayre

Rahel suggested that class reps should try to ask two people from their class to commit to helping at the Fayre. Margaret said that this is a great idea and supports this idea.

There was a request on the newsletter asking for helpers for the Fayre. Simon asked how effective this was. A discussion arose about the newsletter being on-line. Some parents prefer having a paper copy instead. Margaret told parents that paper copies are available from the office should parents need them. Marie said that how the newsletter goes out to parents is a decision made by Miss Doonan and does not have anything to do with the PTA. Simon stated that he loves having the newsletter on-line as it can be accessed any time while paper copies get lost, he has also enjoyed being able to see the Year 6 PGL photographs. Margaret also stated that she prefers the newsletter being on line. Returning to the question of is it working asking for help via the newsletter Rahel suggested that PTA members should approachpeople in the playground and persuade them to read the PTA information.

Roisin explained that the continuing problem with getting helpers is that there are parents from many different cultures and that helping at such events is a foreign idea to them.

Margaret stated that this year the PTA has done the most it has ever done communicating with parents in a variety of ways.

It was asked again who the class reps are:

N – S Murfet

R – Marta

1 – Roisin

2 – Anne-Marie

3 – Angela

4 – Rahel

5 – Jayne

6 - ?

Margaret told everyone that from September class reps’ names will be on the school website as will the names of the committee members with photographs.

Anne asked if last year’s helpers could be asked to help with stalls and Margaret said that this has already been done and that they have committed to running stalls.

The issue of who will be running the BBQ next year was raised. Margaret said that she was not worried about this this far in advance. Roisin volunteered her husband and Simon suggested that Mr O’Driscoll might be interested.

Marie said she would be happy to take a copy of the jobs list to try and recruit more helpers from the year 2 parents.

Margaret stated that she would need firm commitment and not just maybes.

Roisin suggested that on the newsletter and Face Book a reminder is posted to those people who have said they will help.

Anne asked if a gazebo could be available for when her husband runs the bouncy castle. Margaret said that unfortunately the PTA does not have any spare gazebo. Margaret said that she will put out a request for a large garden umbrella as it is only him. Clare offered hers.

Margaret asked for a man with a van to help pick up the bouncy castle. Jerry will contact Patrick Reardon. Roisin offered husband. Jayne was also told that the PTA still need to pay for the bouncy castle. It was asked how much the bouncy castle cost. It was £300 to buy and previously it had been £250 to hire it each year. Clare asked if it would be for hire, it is not.

May Fair on the Green: Margaret said that the rota of helpers worked well. Thank you to all who helped. Roisin said that there was a great atmosphere. The Hoopla Stall at the summer fayre will be using left over prizes

Windsor Walk: Around £1000 has been raised so far though not all the money has been collected. Roisin is sending out a small newsletter which will give people a deadline for handing in their sponsorship money. It is believed that some money was given to the school office directly. The walking group is continuing and they plan to be involved in a Race for Life event soon. The money raised will be going directly to the KS2 playground fund. Miss Doonan will be creating a display board to show parents how much money has been raised so far.

Coffee Morning: this will be held on 19th June. It is hoped that the coffee morning will be held outside. If anyone is able to help please speak to Marie. Alice Carroll has confirmed that she will be able to attend. Helpers will need to be available from 8am to help set up the tables. There will also be the Creative Homework display in the hall. Roisin asked if money was being raised for anything in particular and Margaret said that it was just a PTA get together event. No money will be asked for the tea and coffee.

Sports Days: Sam, Anne and Clare volunteered to help with refreshments for the children at the EYFS and KS1 sports days.

Marie and Rahel volunteered to help with refreshments for the KS2 Sports Day. The KS2 sports day starts at 1pm so they will need to arrive by 12.30 to set up.

McMillan Coffee Morning: The nationwide date is 25th September. Marie suggested to move the date as this clashes with other coffee mornings. The McMillan coffee morning will now take place on 18th September. Marie will speak to Alice Carroll about attending.

Family Day: A family day has been proposed for 3rd October with a BBQ and a BouncyCastle. This is primarily to encourage the new parents to join in and attend their first PTA event. All new parents will be given an invitation to the event in their pack at the new parents meeting. Obviously the event is open to all parents.

New PTA Booklet: Margaret has been working very hard on this new booklet. It explains how everything in the PTA works. Margaret feels that this explanation is necessary as many members have expressed a concern that they do not understand how the PTA committee works. Marie suggested that the booklet goes to any new parents to the school and not just the new Nursery and Reception parents. Margaret stated that she is very proud of the new booklet and that it will be available from Wednesday 17th June.

Grievances: Margaret stated that AOB is a forum for sharing additional ideas or for sharing information about any additional fundraising that people have done that were not on the agenda. It is not a forum for complaints. Margaret explained the process for complaints. If anyone has a grievance or a complaint then they need to speak to Margaret or Simon or to send an email to the PTA using the website.Then if appropriate it can be put on the agenda for the next PTA meeting.

Rahel stated that she spoke to Simon about a meeting to discuss her complaints and no meeting has happened. Margaret explained that it is a busy time of year but that she would be able to arrange this meeting after the Summer Fayre. Rahel asked if she could have the name of the person who wrote the minutes of the previous meeting. Margaret stated that it was not the time to discuss this issue and that she will discuss it with Rahel at the meeting to be arranged for after the Summer Fayre.

AOB: Anne asked if the PTA would be doing anything to mark Mrs Chivers leaving. Margaret is very happy for the PTA to do a gift from the parents. Jayne will collect money from the parents. Margaret explained that as a member of staff she is unable to collect money from parents.

Simon stated that he felt that for some parents attending the School Fayre and spending their money is the only way that they are able to support the PTA and the school.

Margaret said that she does not expect everyone to be involved in everything. But if we don’t make enough money at the School Fayre then we will not have enough money to pay for the panto each year.

Gerry asked which stalls will require power on the day: UCM, Polish food stall.

Ladonna – stated that as a parent new to the meeting, attending the previous PTA meeting she asked if there would be an apology from the PTA. Margaret explained that the previous meeting will not be discussed as the parent in question was not sitting at the table and she felt it was unfair. She explained how upset she and other members had been after the previous meeting. Ladonna asked what happens if a parent does have a grievance. Margaret explained again the process for dealing with a grievance or complaint. Margaret also said that suggestions from parents are always welcome.