Animal/Plant Cell Model

Animal/Plant Cell Model

Animal/Plant Cell Model

Name: ______Due Date: ______

For this project, you will work in a group of up to 2 people tobuild a textured, 3-dimensionalmodel of a specific plant or animal cell. You should focus on what the structures in the cells are and how they function/what they do for the cell. You will also be required to research a disease or disorder that affects that particular cell.

  • To include texture in your model, you may want to use the following items: beads, hard candy pieces, rice, beans, string, puffy paint, cotton, styrofoam etc. Doing this will make it 3-dimensional.
  • You will be assigned a particular cell (leaf, root, flower, muscle or nerve)based on whether or not you chose a plant or animal. You will be required to identify how that cell is different from other cells in structure and function. You will need to make a small visual representation on a poster board with the unique characteristics to your specific cell type.

You should use your notes, textbook, and internet to find appropriate items to represent your structures and organelles. Cell parts must be labeled on the model and defined (with the function) in your project. Cell parts must also be sized correctly in relation to other parts to the best of your ability.

You will have about2 full weeks to complete this assignment for full credit.You can work in groups of up to 2 on this project. You don’t have to work in a group if you don’t want to. You can pick the groups. You must be able to get together outside of school to do the project, as we will not have time to do more than plan it in class. If your group is having personality conflicts (e.g. someone is not doing their part), you should let me know so we can work that out as soon as possible. If you wait until the end grade to tell me someone didn’t do anything, I can’t help you.

My expectation is that your product reflects the number of people in your group. If you fly solo, I’ll be more lenient than if there are 2 of you. Also, all work should be your own. I should not find pictures/quotes from other sources as part of your project. Your work should represent high school level work.

You will be expected to present your project to the class and will be graded as a group for the project. The presentation is to show off what you have done, as well as what you know.

Use the rubric on the back of this paper as a checklist. Remember to make sure your cell parts are labeled and defined (with the function) in your project somewhere. The whole thing is worth 90 points in the 15% Lab/Project category.

Partners ______

Name of Cell ______

Plant cell or Animal Cell ______

Specific type of Cell ______

Grading: Present Function

______Cell membrane 035



______Nuclear Membrane035




______Golgi Apparatus035


______ER (Smooth and Rough)035



Total : ______/60

In addition to above, Plant Cells should have


______Cell Wall035

In addition to above, Animal Cells should have



Total : ______/10

______Unique Characteristics of cell0 1 2 3 4

______Poster 0 1 2 3 4

______3-Dimensional model0 1 2 3 4

______Creative/Colorful 0 1 2 3 4

______Quality (high school work) 0 1 2 3 4

Total : ______/20

______Total (90)

Check Point for Project (One per group)

Group members ______

Type of Cell ______

Plant cell or animal cell (circle one)

Organelles unique to your cell:

Plan of Action (explain what you are going to make your cell model out of and when you are planning on putting it together with your team)

Guardian signature ______Date ______

Animal/Plant Cell Model Research

Some of you guys have been coming to me with the same question, so I figured it might save some stress on your part just to put this in writing.

Cell shapes: some cells have different shapes than that generic diagram you see in books and stuff. Not all animal cells are round; not all plant cells are square. If yours is a different shape, your model and presentation should show and highlight that. If your research does not reveal a different shape for the cell, perhaps it is different from the generic cell by its function.

Cell functions: some cells, because of their functions, have more (or less) of a particular organelle. For example, an animal cell that gives off a lot of chemicals will have a lot of ER, Golgi and vacuoles. A plant cell that does not do photosynthesis would have very few chloroplasts compared to one that does photosynthesis. Your model and presentation should point out these differences.

Research: If you’re not finding anything using key terms like “plant root disease” or “animal stomach cell” try being more general. Try “plant disease” and if the affects your part of the plant you’ve found one. Or try “human” instead of “animal.” I’ll bet your book (and the blue one) have a lot of detailed info later in the book about plants and animals… 

Leeway: When grading this, I realize you’re in an intro level Biology class, so I’m not looking for super deep details. I’m looking that you have made some effort to understand that cells are important because disease happens at the level of the cell, and cells are not all the same. Even within something like a leaf or human skin, there are different layers that have cells with different shapes, but we’re not going into that much detail.