Brandi Sinyard

HPE 324 Team Sports Lesson Plan

*Plan for a 40 minute teaching episode – most middle school classes last approximately 45-60 minutes – however they spend some time dressing out.

  1. Focus
  2. Focus – Passing a Volleyball
  3. Sub focus –Working independently and with a partner, making passing accurate, and having good technique in passing the volleyball.
  4. Objectives
  5. Psychomotor
  6. By the end of this lesson the 7th grade student will
  7. Pass the ball 5 times with control to the target while standing in the right position.
  8. Pass the ball 5 times with control while having to run to get to the ball.
  9. Pass the ball 5 times with control while digging it out of the net.
  10. Cognitive
  11. By the end of this lesson the 7th grade student will
  12. Demonstrate an understanding of making a good pass by consistently passing a ball to their partner or in a circle.
  13. The student will also identify the correct ways to make a good pass.
  14. Affective
  15. During this lesson the 7th grade student will
  16. Work with partner passing a ball.
  17. Follow class rules.
  18. Instant activity (5 minutes)
  19. Beanbag Freeze Tag

1.Choose 1 or more students to be the taggers.
2.. Taggers use the swim noodle "taggers" in which to tag (or touch) other students.
3. Disperse the beanbags to the other students.
4. The taggers count down for 5 seconds before starting.
5. Taggers may tag anyone.
6. If a student is tagged, they are frozen and can only become unfrozen if a beanbag is thrown TO them, NOT at them. If the bean bag is caught, the student becomes unfrozen (or is free). If the beanbag is dropped, and falls to the floor, the frozen student CANNOT pick it up. (This is done to prevent the student from going down to get the beanbag while a tagger is attempting to intercept it). If a tagger picks up a dropped beanbag or catches one thrown in the air, then the beanbag is given to the teacher and taken out of circulation.
7. Students with beanbags are given immunity from being tagged or frozen. Students who have a beanbag must get their beanbag to "frozen" students or any student being pursued by a tagger (beanbag must be airborne, not handed off!) in a reasonable amount of time(10-30 seconds).
8. Alternate taggers every couple of minutes. (PECENTRAL-2004)

  1. Fitness Development (10 minutes)
  2. Listen Up!
  3. “When I say go I want you to form teams of 6.”
  4. Each team will face each other and sit down quietly.
  5. Directions: I will tell the students when the music plays I will tell you a specific exercise to do and when the music stops, sit as quickly and as SAFELY as you can. Then the music will start again when I tell you another exercise to do.
  6. Exercises: 1) Hoping on one foot, 2) jumping jacks, 3) tuck jumps 3) running in place 4) run in a circle with the group 5) Invisible jump rope
  7. Points: The team with the most points at the end does not have to help out things away after class. Each time a team wins they get one point, and bonus rounds are worth five points.
  8. Introduction (2 minutes)
  9. Students will be seated in their assigned seats.
  10. “Students, who has watch the Olympics this time around?” “Who watch the volleyball team win the gold medal?”
  11. “Well today we are going to learn one of the first ways to start playing volleyball so one day maybe you can win the gold in the Olympics!”
  12. “Would someone like to tell me what they think one of those ways is?”
  13. “One way is passing the ball. The other way is serving, but we will get to that one later.”
  14. “When I say “go” I want everyone to find a space on this half of the volleyball court – where you can see how I demonstrate.”
  15. Lesson focus
  16. Instruction (cue words & details)
  17. Ready position – Knees bent, arms out
  18. Bend knees – bend knees slightly to be able to move around quickly
  19. Arms out- Arms should be out in front of the body and apart.
  20. Bottom Down- The bottom should not be in the air when the knees are bent.
  21. Pass Position- When receiving the ball, are should be together and the thumbs beside each other not on top of one another.
  22. Finish – The arms should still be together facing the target and still should be in the ready position.
  23. Modeling Steps
  24. I say, I do
  25. You say, I do
  26. We say, We do
  27. You say, You do
  28. Drill 1 (3 minutes): “Starting with the ready position, I would like for everyone to show me what it looks like and get the feel of passing a ball. When I blow the whistle, I want everyone to get into ready position. On the second whistle I would like for you to pass your imaginary ball.”
  29. REMEMBER: Stay low and ready to pass the ball.
  30. Drill 2 (3 minutes): “When I say go I want you to grab a partner and get ONE volleyball out of the cart nearest you and get in rows so that there is enough room between you and the other groups. Stand about 3-5 feet away so that you are able to toss to your partner.”
  31. Drill 3 (5 minutes): “Now when I play the music I want the partner nearest the volleyball net to toss to their partner. When the music stops I want the balls to stop, and the person with the ball hold it.” Next you will switch positions so the other partner will have a chance to pass.”
  32. REMEMBER: Pass the ball under control to the partner.
  33. Drill 4 (5 minutes): “Now with passing under control, I want you to begin peppering when the music starts. Which is you both keep the ball going in the air as long as you can under control. If you have to stop to get in under control that is fine. When the music stops, I would like for the balls to stop also. Then I would like for the person with the ball to place it back in the cart, and then everyone be seated.”
  34. REMEMBER: Stay under control.
  35. Drills
  36. Individual – Saying cues and learning stance
  37. Partner – Toss and passing the ball
  38. Partner again- Passing back and forth
  39. Closure (1 minute)
  40. Students will gather at their assigned spots on the floor.
  41. “Can someone tell me the importance of being able to move quickly to get to the volleyball?”
  42. “Why is it important to have a good position on the ball?”
  43. “Who can demonstrate the correct ways to pass a volleyball?”
  44. “Tomorrow we will work on passing in a circle of six and seeing how many times you can pass without messing up.”
  45. Game (6 minutes)
  46. Kickball
  47. If everyone puts everything up neatly, and is really good then we will end today with a game of kickball. We will have two teams. We will play for about 6 minutes and everyone will go and get ready for their next class.
  48. Evaluation
  49. Psychomotor: Using a skills checklist the teacher will record passing skill progress, as specified on the checklist, for the 7th grade student.
  50. Cognitive: By administering a quiz to the 7th grade students the teacher will determine the extent to which the student students are able to identify good technique in passing strategies.
  51. Affective: By using a behavioral checklist the teacher will determine the extent to which the 7th grade student followed the classroom rules and worked with a partner and the volleyball.
  1. Materials & Equipment
  2. Volleyball
  3. Volleyball net
  4. Music
  5. Resources
  6. PE Central. (2004) PE Central. (October 7,2008) from

Skill Checklist

Students / Controlled pass to the partner while using the correct techniques / Pass the ball with control while having to move / Pass the ball while digging it out of the net
Bill / M / M / M
Teri / D / M / D
Jim / D / D / D
Sally / A / A / A
Susan / M / M / D
Becca / D / D / D
Ricky / M / M / D
Tony / M / M / M

M = mastery

D = demonstrates with some consistency

A = Attempts

Cognitive Evaluation

Name: ______

Identify and briefly describe 3 passing techniques




For a bonus explain the importance of passing the ball with accuracy.

Student / Follows directions / Shows respect / Participates / Shows effort / Dressed out
Bill / x
Matt / x
Sarah / xx
Sadie / x
Ryan / x
Brianna / x

Behavioral Checklist

Blank = met criteria

X = Each X indicates an instance in which the student did not meet criteria