Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist

Share the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ with fellow parishioners.

Sign up online if you are interested in training!

Lector Steve Vanderah

Share Christ through the word during mass

Sign up online if you are interested in training!

Choir Bill Connet

Singing is praying twice. The Adult Choir sings for all weekend, Holy Days, and funerals. We rehearse on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Choir members may choose which Masses to attend.

Greeter Mary Treanor

Welcome people of God and Make them feel at home in the house of God. Be a Gift Bearer at Mass

Usher Mary

Help Seat people, Pick up collection

Educational Ministries

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

Join with other adults in the parish whose central interest is the child, particularly the religious life of the child, sharing a religious experience with each other and 3 to 12 years olds according to the teaching of the Gospel: “Except that you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 18:3)

Youth Ministry- Edge/LifeTeen Jamie

“Walking with teens on their journey through life, growing in faith, and building a supportive parish community.”

Adult Faith

Pray, learn, and grow with other adults as a participant or a leader.

“Adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be “the central task in the catechetical enterprise.” –Our hearts Were Burning Within Us, #5

RCIA Julie Burdt

Help teach our faith and lead people to full communion with the Catholic Church

Vocations Brian

Help promote and educate on all forms of vocations including priest, deacon, and marriage

Social Justice Ministries

Respect Life

Work and pray for an end to abortion and a respect for all life from conception to natural death.

St. Vincent de PaulDan

Work and pray to comfort those who are homeless, hungry, and naked. This group is on the front lines of caring for the needs of those who seek help from our parish.

Prayer Chain Vicki

Join a group that prays daily for those in need in our parish.

Homebound Ministry Julie

Visit and take communion to members of our parish who are unable to leave their home.

Prayer Shawl Beth

Mondays from 9 till noon pray and sew with others from our parish.

Welcome Committee Felicia

Work and pray to welcome new members to our parish and make it a new home to worship.

Catholic Organizations

Altar & Rosary Society Julia

Join other women in serving our church needs such as preparing and serving funeral dinners and caring for altar linens and candles.

Knights of Columbus Dennis

Join other men in serving our church needs.

Catholic Daughters Lisa Risvold

Come in one Saturday morning a month and benefit from Mass and the Rosary together, along with speakers and other educational opportunities. It is also a charism of this group to pray for the unborn.

Service Ministries

Office & Bulletin Angels Parish

Help the office staff prepare the weekly bulletins and other projects such as answering phones if the secretary is called away for meetings or other important business.

Decorating Committee Barb

Help decorate the church for different liturgical seasons.

Faith Sharing Groups

Friday Morning Book Club

Join us for breakfast discussing a group-chosen book each Friday at the Ankeny Diner starting around 6:15am and finishing around 7:30. You can also join beforehand from 5am-6am for an hour of Adoration at OLIH’s beautiful St. Michael Chapel.

Start and Lead Your Own Prayer Group

Do you feel called to lead a group in prayer, study, and spiritual growth?

Diocesan programs

Christ Our Life ConferenceJulie elping

We provide an opportunity to our parishioners to grow in faith by helping to promote the conference within our parish. Let’s Believe…. Live…. & Celebrate Our Faith!

Multi-Media Sources

Iowa Catholic Radio

1150 am88.5 fm94.5 fm


Phone Apps

EWTN app Laudate appDivine Mercy