Alessandro Palma -Curriculum Vitae

Personal details

Date of Birth: 25/01/1983

Nationality: Italian

Office address:University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Physics

P.le Aldo Moro 2, Rome (Italy).

Room 123/A.

Telephone: +39 06 4451642 (office)

+39 338 9728661 (mobile)


Present education:

Master degree in Physics

Present work position:

Ph.D. student in High Energy Physics at University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Professional goal:

To work as a researcher in Physics, mainly in the area of experimental high energy physics.


Nov 2006 – Present

PhD student in Physics at University of Rome“LaSapienza”.

Supervisor: Prof. Egidio Longo

PhD courses attended:

  • High-energy astrophysics
  • Cosmology
  • Probability and statistics
  • Software design
  • Neural networks

June 2006

Master degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics

Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude.

Thesis:“Search for Z' bosons in the dielectron decay mode with the CMS detector at the LHC”, University of Rome“La Sapienza”

Supervisor: Prof. Egidio Longo.


Winner of a national fellowship from INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics).

October 2004

First-level degree (Laurea Triennale) in Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude.

Thesis: “ Sensitivity study of CP violation in a boosted e+e- Bs factory with very small beam collision angle.”

Supervisor: Dott. Riccardo Faccini.

July 2001

Secondary School Diploma in Classics, Liceo Classico Statale Orazio, Rome

Final Grade:100/100 cum laude.

Research experience

My main research field is experimental High Energy Physics.

I am currently working on the CMS experiment at the LHC collider, CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).

I also have a special interest towards High-energy Astrophysics and Physics applied to Medicine and Biology.

Jan 2007 – Present

Ph. D. thesis on “Studies of the dielectron spectrum with the first data of the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider”.

July – Oct 2006

Work with the CMS experiment on:

  • High Voltage of the CMSelectromagnetic calorimeter.
  • Developement of the CMSSW software framework.

Jul 2005-Jul 2006

Work with CMS experiment on:

  • Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter through the flux of cosmic rays
  • Neutral gauge bosons beyond the Standard Model.

July-Sept 2004

Summer student at CERN.Work with the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Group on High Voltage monitoring and control programs for the detector.

Teaching activity

Feb 2008 -June 2008

Assistant for a course in General Physics held by Prof. Alexander Tenenbaum at Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”, Master Degree course in Biological Sciences.

Sept 2007 -Jan 2008

Assistant for a course in Computational Physics held by Prof. Giovanni Organtini at Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”, Master Degree course in Physics.

2003 – 2004

Assistant at the Experimental Physics laboratories “Bruno Pontecorvo”,Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”.

Publications and notes

  1. A.Palma, R. Paramatti, P. Meridiani, S. Rahatlou, “Tuning of SuperCluster energy correction

for TeV electrons in the ECAL barrel”, CMS Internal Note CMS IN 2006/22

  1. A. Palma, P. Meridiani, S. Rahatlou, “Search for Z' gauge bosons in the dielectron channel in CMS”, CMS Analysis Note CMS-AN 2006/096
  1. A. Bartoloni et al., “High voltage system for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter”, Nuclear Instr. Meth. A 582 (2007) 462–468
  1. T. Camporesi et al., “Pre-calibration of the CMS ECAL with cosmic ray muons”, CMS DN-2007/009
  1. J. Brooke et al, “HEEP (High Energy Electrons and Photons) strategy toward first CMS data”, CMS IN-2007/028
  1. F. Cavallari, A. Palma, R. Paramatti, “Linearity of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter from H2 test beam data”, CMS DN-2007/019
  1. A. Palma, “New gauge bosons and Extra Dimensions at the LHC”, Proceedings of the Italian meeting on High Energy Physics IFAE 2007, Springer 2008 ISBN 88-470-0746-8.

Conferences and Workshops

As participant:

  • 4th Italian Workshop on ATLAS and CMS physics, November 23rd - 25th 2006, Bologna (Italy)
  • Italo-Hellenic School of Physics “The Physics of LHC: theoretical tools and experimental challenges”, June 12th - 18th 2006, Lecce (Italy)
  • XI Frascati Spring School “Bruno Touschek” in nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticle physics, May 15th - 19th 2006, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Italy)
  • 1st Workshop on Monte Carlo, Physics and Simulations at the LHC, February 27th -28th 2006, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Roma, Italy)
  • XVIII giornate di studio sui rivelatori, February 19th -22nd 2008, Torino (Italy)
  • 5th Italian workshop on p-p physics at the LHC, 30 Gennaio - 2 Febbraio 2008, Perugia (Italy)

As speaker:

  • CMS Italia, 9-10 July 2007, Catania (Italy)
  • Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE), 11-13 April 2007, Napoli (Italy)
  • XCII Congresso Nazionale Societa' Italiana di Fisica, 18-23 September 2006, Torino (Italy)
  • 3rd Workshop on Monte Carlo, Physics and Simulations at the LHC, February 18th -20th 2008, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Roma)



Scientific analysis packages:

Mathematica, Lab View, Origin, PAW, ROOT, RooFit

Languages and Applications:

Apache, C, C++, Perl, Python, HTML, Latex,Common Windows database, spreadsheets and p resentation software, MySQL.

Operating Systems:

Unix/Linux, Windows.


  • Italian ( mother tongue)
  • English (proficient)
  • December 2005 - Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), University of Cambridge
  • June 2000 - First Certificate in English (FCE), University of Cambridge
  • July 2000 - English student, EmmanuelCollege, Boston. Level: Master.
  • French (intermediate)
  • January 2005 - Diplôme d' études en langue française (DELF) 1er dégré
  • German (basic)

Personal Qualities

Outgoing, self-critical and very self-motivated, capable of working in teams, extremely active.

Interested in Pure and Applied Natural Science, Technology, Computer Science, Languages, Music and Travelling.