Airway P600 and Scottish Wave Box Opening Procedure

Note. These procedures are only available on Saturdays and Sundays

1.  Identify which of the following requests you intend to make.

Weather Conditions / Request
Unexpected local wave conditions / Delegation of P600 for gliding up to FL190 from hh:mm until dusk
Forecast of strong wave conditions south of the Grampians / Delegation of P600 for gliding up to FL190 from hh:mm until dusk plus the booking of the Portmoak Wave Area from HH:MM until dusk, subject to final opening (of the wave area) at 15 minutes notice by radio call or a further phone call.
Reported strong wave conditions south of the Grampians / Delegation of P600 for gliding up to FL190 from hh:mm until dusk plus the opening of the Portmoak Wave Area from HH:MM until dusk
Forecast of strong wave conditions throughout Scotland (this is a very rare forecast – do not use this procedure unnecessarily) / Delegation of P600 for gliding up to FL190 from hh:mm until dusk plus the opening of the Portmoak Wave Area and the Scottish Lower Wave Area (South) (and exceptionally North) from HH:MM until dusk

2.  Phone Scottish ATC on 01292 692763 and say that you are calling from the Scottish Gliding Union at Portmoak.

3.  Make your request to the Duty Supervisor

4.  Advise all gliders of the request that you have just agreed by transmitting the full clearance on the Clubhouse radio on both 130.1MHz and 129.975MHz.

5.  Flip the P600 sign outside the clubhouse main door to read “Open” and write and initial the opening times and date

6.  Write the agreed clearance on the whiteboard at the launch point caravan.


1.  You cannot expect hh:mm to be less than 30 minutes from your phone call although Scottish ATC are often very cooperative.

2.  You cannot expect HH:MM to be less than two hours from your phone call although Scottish ATC are often very cooperative.

3.  If all flying has ceased well before dusk and we are certain that no gliders are still airborne, a call to Scottish ATC to advise them that Portmoak no longer require the airspace may well make them more inclined to help us in the future. Please be considerate.