Agenda for MANGO - General Meeting

September 9, 2016


Governor Office Building Room 450

Jefferson City

(Refreshments and lunch provided)

Attendees: see sign in sheet (39)

  1. Open Meeting – by Tom Bolin; Operator & Staff Introductions
  1. NewMANGO Board Members
  2. Chairman –Jim Hargrave
  3. Vice Chairman – Erin Milkert
  4. Treasurer –Casey Haynes
  5. Secretary – Carla Richardson
  1. Treasurer’s report -

a) Balance as of 8-31-2016 is $128,981.69

b) 2016 MANGO Conference and Learfield Communications have been paid

  1. Operator Only Session: (PSC Staff are asked to step out briefly)
  1. 2016 Safety Seminar Overview

-Jim Hargrave will be handling programming

-Dennis Bennett will be handling the Resource Directory

  1. 2017 Safety Seminar PlanningReviews (June 28-30th, 2017)
  2. Arrangements with Tan-Tar-A(Theresa)
  3. Evening entertainment(Theresa)
  4. Program (Jim)
  5. Vendor Rep. Responsibilities(All)
  6. Registration (David Hinds )
  7. 2017 Shirts (MANGO- color blue)
  1. Learfield Program update and participation packets

-2017 Projected cost for 22 weeks of radio campaigns with Facebook Ad and Website Maintenance quoted at $88,400.00.

  1. MO-CGA –Damage Prevention & Excavation Safety Summit

December 7-8 2016 at Ozark Empire Fairgrounds Springfield, Special hotel rates at $84.00 set up at the Ramada Oasis in Springfield (new messages going out)

  1. Responding to Utility Emergencies (RTUE) program thru MANGO

-Spire wants to know if anyone would like to participate; volunteers would benefit from this (see handout)

  1. Subcommittee MANGO Subcommittee – Customer Connect

a. Customer lighting their own appliances

  1. MANGO Welding Procedures (website changing and also new forms)

MANGO I – SMAW E6010 Procedure

MANGO II – Low Hydrogen Procedure update ( has passed the PSC)

  1. Advisory Bulletins since last meeting (see handouts)

i. PHMSA advisory (ADB-2016-05) on the Abandonment of Pipelines. – 8-16-2016 (see handout)

ii. PHMSA advisory (ADB-2016-04) on the Ineffective Protection, Detection, and Mitigation of Corrosion. – June 21, 2016 (see handout)

iii. PHMSA Control Room Management Inspection Guidance – July 28, 2016

  • Latest Notice of PHMSA Proposed Rule Making
  1. Pipeline Damage Prevention Programs 7-23-15 (part 196/198)
  2. Clarification of what are “institutional buildings” beyond the examples given of “hospitals and schools” noted in 4CSR 230-40.030 (13)(M)2.B(III)
  3. Expanding the Use of Excess Flow Valves in Gas Distribution Systems to Applications Other Than Single-Family Residences – 7/15/15
  4. Storage Life of Plastic pipe

Side note: PSC General Inspections/Audits are on schedule but Specialty audits are behind such as DIMP, TIMP, O & M, and OQ.

13. NOTE:Closing of DeRossett Company-Mike DeRossett

14. APGA Operations Conference November 8-10 2016 in Chattanooga, TN (see handout)

15. Public Natural Gas Week October 2-8 2016

Future Meetings:

*Conference Meeting times are preferred not to be on Monday’s or Fridays
