Aberdeenshire Health Inequalities Group

Terms of reference– 2014

Context/ Introduction

Health inequalities are unfair differences in health within the population across different social classes and population groups. These unfair differences are not random, by chance or inevitable - they are largely socially determined.

Scotland’s health has been steadily improving, more slowly than our European counterparts, but improving nether the less. But since the late 1970s / 80s health inequalities have been increasing.

Aberdeenshire has good health compared to Scotland. But it too has differences in health outcomes across its population, with poorest health outcomes associated with deprivation/ disadvantage.

We sign up to the Public Health 2020 vision:

That healthy life expectancy for men and women living in Grampian will have improved faster than our European Union Counterparts. At the same time the difference in life expectancy between those in our most deprived communities and our least deprived communities will have reduced.

‘The origins of health inequalities are in the inequalities of power, money, and resources between deprived and affluent groups, which impacts through complex interactions between social, economic, educational and environmental determinants of health’ .1

Conventional approaches to address health inequalities have focused largely on changing lifestyle behaviours.Focus needs to shift to three action levels:

  • fundamental causes - redress issues such as lack of power, engagement and money
  • wider environmental influences - improve availability / accessibility of quality work, housing , education, services etc
  • supporting individuals - be make informed choices on risks and lifestyles


The Aberdeenshire Health Inequalities Group (AHIG) will lead the multi-agency approach to address health inequalities in Aberdeenshire.The group will advise the CPP on strategic and policy directionrequired and will develop plans to achieve the long term SOA objective‘Reductions in inequalities in health outcomes between communities and across Aberdeenshire’ This will be achieved by bringing together stakeholders from the public sector, third sector and the community to plan and deliver actions / services.

The AHIG will contribute to delivering allSOA health improvement outcomes. The current SOA 2013-23 includes health outcomes for physical activity, early years and older people. It will lead on delivering the SOA physical activity outcomes.


  • Establish a shared understanding of what is meant by ‘health inequalities’ across the Community Planning Partners/hips
  • Provide leadership to promote effective partnership working to reduce health inequalities at an Aberdeenshire and local level.
  • Work collaboratively with all relevant CPP partnerships to ensure their contribution to addressing health inequalities is understood and actions are progressed.
  • Establish performance measures to provide a clear indication of progressto reduce health inequalities.
  • Identify and progress actions that will contribute to outcome measures for reducing health inequalities, monitor and report on these to demonstrate impact
  • Establish and support appropriate groups e.g. Aberdeenshire Local Tobacco Alliance to progress SOA actions, ensuring appropriate lines of reporting
  • Involve a wide range of stakeholders especially communities in activities which are aimed at reducing health inequalities
  • Ensure that robust evaluation, including cost effectiveness isan integral part of local initiatives aimed at reducing health inequalities
  • Identify and share the evidence base and good practice

Leadership (Chair)/ frequency of meetings / minutes

The Aberdeenshire Council Area Manager with remit for health improvement will chair the group. The HIG will meet every 2 months. Minutes will be circulated and posted on Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Network site within Hi-net. These arrangements will be reviewed every two years.


Aberdeenshire Council Area Manager (Chair)

CVS Aberdeenshire 3rd Sector Interface Officer

Aberdeenshire Council Communities Services Strategic Officer

Aberdeenshire Council Communities services HIO

Aberdeenshire Council Education and Children’s Services QIO

Aberdeenshire Council Education and Children’s Services Leisure Manager

NHSG Head of Social Inclusion

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership Chief Officer

Aberdeenshire CHP Public Health Lead

ADP Lead Officer

Aberdeenshire CHP PHC

Accountability and Reporting Requirements

The group will report to the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership Board within the agreed performance reporting mechanisms for scrutiny and annual reporting.

It will report to the NHSG Public Health Director through the Grampian Public Health Steering Group. The AHIG relationship with the Health and Social Care Partnership JIB will be established in due course.