AAN Graduating Resident Survey 2014


1.Which of the following describes your residency?

Adult neurology

Child neurology

2. What are your plans immediately following residency? Mark all that apply.

Fellowship training at residency institution [skip to 7]

Fellowship training at another institution[skip to 7]

Go into practicein the U.S. [go to 3]

Practice locums tenens medicine [go to 3]

Go to PHARMA [skip to end]

Leave neurology [skip to end]

Leave medicine [skip to end]

Practice medicine in a country other than the U.S.[skip to end]

Other [skip to end]

Unsure [skip to end]

The following questions are optional.

3.About how much money in loans did you take out during medical school for tuition and/or living expenses?


$1 to $100,000

$101,000 to $200,000

$201,000 to $300,000

Over $300,000

4. What is your plan for repaying student loans?

Plan to repay quickly

Plan to repay slowly

Loans to be repaid by employer or as part of signing arrangement(s)

No specific plan

Other (please specify):

5.Which of the following best describes where you are in your fellowship or job search?

I am currently employed

I have signed a contract

I am negotiating a contract

I am searching for a job

None of the above [skip to 7]

6.What percent of time do you, or will you, spend on each of the following professional activities? If you are not yet employed, indicate the percent you would like to spend on each activity in the job you’re searching for.Total must equal 100%.

Academic practice / %
Private practice / %
Basic science research / %
Clinical practice / %
Clinical research / %
Other (please specify): / %

7.Which of the following best describes the area(s) of neurology will you be working in, or hope to work in, following training?Mark all that apply.

Autonomic disorders
Behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry
Child neurology
Clinical neurophysiology
Endovascular and interventional neurology
General neurology
Geriatric neurology
Headache medicine
Infectious diseases and neurovirology
Movement disorders
Neural repair and rehabilitation
Neurocritical care
Neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis
Neuromuscular medicine
Neuromuscular pathology
Pain medicine
Palliative neurology
Sleep medicine
Sports neurology
Traumatic brain injury
Vascular neurology and stroke
Other (please specify):

7a.[If indicated multiple subspecialties] You indicated that you have several subspecialties. Which, if any,of these would you say is (or will be) your primary subspecialty?

Show options selected by respondent in q7.

8.Do you give permission for your specialty area(s) indicated above to be added to your online AAN Member Profile?



Procedures and Interpretation

9.For each of the following procedures, please indicate the level of experienceyou had during residency:

Observation only / Performed it, once / Performed it, more than once / No training / This procedure was not applicable to my residency
Angioplasty and stenting
Botulinum toxin injections
Deep brain stimulation programming
Intra-arterial thrombolysis
Intrathecal pump management
Intravascular coiling
IV tPA administration
Lumbar drain placement
Lumbar puncture
Muscle/nerve biopsy
Nerve blocks
Other procedure(s) – please specify:
Soft tissue injections of local anesthetic or anti-inflammatory agents
Vagus nerve stimulator programming

10.Which, if any, procedures do you wish you had received more training on?Mark all that apply.

Angioplasty and stenting
Botulinum toxin injections
Deep brain stimulation programming
Intra-arterial thrombolysis
Intrathecal pump management
Intravascular coiling
IV tPA administration
Lumbar drain placement
Lumbar puncture
Muscle/nerve biopsy
Nerve blocks
Other procedure(s) – please specify:
Soft tissue injections of local anesthetic or anti-inflammatory agents
Vagus nerve stimulator programming

11.For each of the following diagnostic studies, please indicate the level of experience you had during residency:

Observed interpretation / Interpreted once / Interpreted more than once / No training / This study was not applicable to my residency
Carotid duplex ultrasound (performed or interpreted)
Computed tomography (CT) (performed or interpreted)
Diagnostic angiography (performed or interpreted)
Electroencephalography (EEG) (performed or interpreted)
Electromyography (EMG/NCS)
(performed or interpreted)
Evoked potentials (EP) (performed or interpreted)
Functional MRI (fMRI) (performed or interpreted)
Intraoperative monitoring (performed or interpreted)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (performed of interpreted)
Neuromuscular ultrasound
Positron emission tomography
(PET) (performed or interpreted)
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
Sleep studies
Transcranial Doppler (performed or interpreted)
Other procedure(s) – please specify:

11a.Which, if any, procedures do you wish you had received more training on? Mark all that apply.

Carotid duplex ultrasound (performed or interpreted)
Computed tomography (CT) (performed or interpreted)
Diagnostic angiography (performed or interpreted)
Electroencephalography (EEG) (performed or interpreted)
Electromyography (EMG/NCS)
(performed or interpreted)
Evoked potentials (EP) (performed or interpreted)
Functional MRI (fMRI) (performed or interpreted)
Intraoperative monitoring (performed or interpreted)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (performed of interpreted)
Neuromuscular ultrasound
Positron emission tomography
(PET) (performed or interpreted)
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
Sleep studies
Transcranial Doppler (performed or interpreted)
Other procedure(s) – please specify:

12.Considering the area(s) of neurology you will be working in, or hope to work in, how prepared do you feel to perform the procedures that may be expected of you in your job or fellowship?

Very prepared

Somewhat prepared

Somewhat unprepared

Very unprepared

Business Management

13.How well did residency prepare you for each of the following business management tasks?

Not at all well / Not very well / Somewhat well / Very well / Not applicable to my residency
Employer contract negotiations
Malpractice insurance
Office management
Electronic medical records: Meaningful Use compliance
Relative value units (RVUs)

14.During residency, did you have any business management training? This may have included billing, coding, employer contract negotiations, malpractice insurance, office management, electronic health records, or relative value units.

Yes, I had a business management rotation

Yes, business management was part of the curriculum, but I did not have a rotation [go to 14a]

Yes, I had informal business training that was not part of the curriculum [go to 14a]

No, I had no business training [skip to 16]

14a.From whom did you receive formal or informal business training during residency? Mark all that apply.

Outside medical business consulting firm

Pharmaceutical companies

Program directors

Grand rounds talks

In-house administrators

Professors in department

15.If you received formal or informal training in business management tasks not listed above, please list them here:

16.Considering the practice setting (s) you will be working in, or hope to work in, how prepareddo you feel to perform thepractice management tasks that may be expected of you in your job or fellowship?

Very prepared

Somewhat prepared

Somewhat unprepared

Very unprepared

N/A - I’m unsure what practice management tasks will be expected of me

17.Are there any areas, rotations, or topics that were not taught during residency thatwould have better prepared you for your career?

Yes – please specify:


18.Are there practice management training materials or curriculum that the AAN could develop to help residents and early-career members with business management or procedure training?

Yes – please specify:



19. Do you plan to renew your AAN membership for2015?

Yes, but only if my dues are paid by another party (such as my employer) [skip to 21]

Yes, even if I have to pay my dues out-of-pocket [skip to 21]

No [go to 20]

20.What additional services or benefits could the AAN provide to retain your membership?

21. Please provide any comments you have on the topic of this survey.

22.If your contact information will be changing, please provide the AAN with your updated info below. The AAN will use your updated info starting August 1st, 2014.


Mailing address:
