A Voluntary & Community Sector View of the Food Bank Situation in Calderdale

July 2014

A request was made to 31 groups across the district to comment or provide evidence of their clients/communities needs and experiences around food poverty and accessing food banks.

11 groups have been able to respond within the short timescale;thanks go to them for either speaking to me, or emailing me. Groups in no particular order;

Women’s CentreCAB Smartmove

Voluntary Action CalderdaleOne Small KeyThreeways

St Augustine’s CentreOvenden & Mixenden InitiativeCalderdale Carers

Brunswick CentreCredit Union


Groups have commented that their service users are increasingly struggling financially as a result of the rise in cost of living, increase in fuel prices, changes to the benefits system and sanctioning by Jobcentre. So much so, that many have small stores of food, clothing, or even provide meals, toiletries and bedding. Many of the groups have to use their own reserves or fundraise specifically to provide these goods.

This was evident on the recent trip `Commissioners on the Bus’ end of June 14, when groups who support communities in need were visited. The groups visited were Smartmove, Basement Project, St Augustine’s Centre, Community Foundation for Calderdale, Threeways Centre, Mixenden Parent & Carers Resource Centre and Happy Days.


Increasing demand was reported by all groups. Particular groups in need;

Single men - those who are normally in full time employment but have recently been made redundant and struggle once initial benefits have exhausted.

Families/Children – During school holidays, especially if they qualify for free school meals

Asylum Seekers/Refugees – Limited to spending allocation on `credit card’ which is a small amount, or no recourse to public funds.

Job Seekers Benefits Sanctions – Mentioned by all groups as an increasing problem

Changes to the Benefits Systems

The gap in benefit from the change to Mandatory reconsideration for Employment Support Allowance since last October. This results in Employment Support Allowance stopping during this period and it will not be reinstated until the case is passed to appeal (possibly 6 months).

There have been changes to the law in relation to people coming from abroad who now have to wait 3 months for Job Seekers Allowance. Note that once in receipt of this allowance it will only be paid for 6 months. Critically they will not be allowed any housing benefit until they are actually working. There may also be a delay in child benefit and child tax benefit.

CAB Case Study: a family with 9 dependent children recently seen who were only getting Job Seekers Allowance of £112 per week. No assistance with payment of rent, child benefit or child tax credit. Access to a food bank may be their only way of getting food

Toilet Rolls/Sanitary Products/Personal Care Products/Cleaning Products/Nappies/Baby Food – These products tend to be slightly more expensive, some clients have to decide between feeding themselves and their families or buying these basic products.

Older People – Warm cooked food. Worries about fuel poverty, budgeting on state pension, expense of buying from supermarkets in large quantities when you live alone.

Clothes – Women fleeing Domestic Violence, literally only having the clothes she stood up in, a migrant person who had an appointment for an interview, but did not own a suit.

Capacity to Meet Demand

All groups predict that the demand is likely to increase as more benefit changes come into effect.

Some have limited resources of their own. Statutory partners often refer individuals to groups, but offer no grant/contract or financial support for this to happen.e.g.Police will request goods for prison releases or when they feel there is a risk of theft if someone known to them has nothing. Social Services other housing associations often ask us for help and from time to time Inn Churches/Salvation Army and many more.

Some groups can only offer one off, or limited support, some signpost onto Ebenezer Centre, St Mary’s in Todmorden and St Augustine’s Centre

Funding to offer new home starter packs coming to an end yet there is still a demand.

Development of New Food Banks

Elland – Satellite from Ebenezer Centre, in partnership with Compass Bridge to store, transport and issue the goods. Still under consideration, approximately 40 families would benefit.

Brighouse – CAB are in discussion with Brighouse Methodist Churches to scope out provision in the town.

Hebden Bridge – Groundfloor Project working in partnership with the Coop inHebden Bridge to provide low cost meals and scoping out the demand for food parcels.

Voluntary Action Calderdale (VAC), Rotary and One Small Key

Storage – VAC storage pallets of dry goods, tins and shoeboxes in their garage.

Shoebox Appeal – in partnership with Rotary VAC & Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFfC) and Halifax Courier this appeal has run for 2 years around Christmas time, increased number of boxes donated and issued each time. e.g. 3500 shoeboxes collected and redistributed, average value of the content £8

One Small Key – Instrumental in keeping food miles down and increasing local business donations – agreed with DHL to deliver pallets of dry goods to VAC. Managed to arrange for Ye Old Oak to donate pallets of tinned meats and one other (who wished to remain anonymous) 3 tons of dry goods. * One Small Key and the Rotarian Shoe Box appeal were undertaken purely by volunteers.

Business in the Community: Business Connector

Both of the Business Connectors have organised ongoing food collection/donations from large employers including Solicitors and banks.

Barriers to Access

Transport costs

Bus Fare’s. Single parents with daytime caring responsibilities have to pay bus fare for any children travelling with them. Unless you are in `walking distance’ of a food bank transport is an issue.

Transporting Goods – no one has a budget to pay for transporting from a donor into Calderdale and out to the foodbanks. One Small Key managed to secure an arrangement for some dry goods, but this was on the goodwill of the haulier.

Referral Services

All groups agreed a system of referral was important.Other areas issue a voucher that has a lifespan of 3 weeks, whilst work is done in the background to source benefits etc. Many groups sign post onto each other, so it is useful that some way of checking the hardship is in place.

Other Comments

A food parcel is a stickingplaster.Theroot cause of the reason clients are accessing a food bank should to be addressed and properly resourced.

Calderdale Joint Action Against Poverty

Partnership group who have held 2 events locally highlighting the issues of Poverty, networking, brokering partnerships and profiling services on offer.

Partners include CMBC Housing, CMBC communities, Methodist Churches, NBF, VAC, CFfC, Pennine Housing, Foundation Housing,Ovenden/Mixenden Initiative, Horton Housing.

Further sources of information

Involve Yorkshire & Humber

Joseph Rowntree Trust -

New Philanthropy capital – Beyond Beans:Food Banks in the UK


Jayne Leech

Partnership Coordinator Strategic Development