A.Supporting and Helping Youhomeeducate Asneeded and Aspossible

A.Supporting and Helping Youhomeeducate Asneeded and Aspossible


TheMission of VictorValley DesertChristian Schoolisto help serve familiesin Private Christian homeeducation. Wehopeto do that by:

A.Supporting and helping youhomeeducate asneeded and aspossible.

B.Being alegal and privateChristianschoolyoucan beproud to belongto.

C.Holding in high esteem God, education, andourcountry.1 Timothy2:1-2

D.Developing in God’splan and structure.

E.Giving parentsaminimaloutlineto build uponin the education oftheirchildren.

F.Freeing parents fromthe “Whatdo Ineed todo legallyto homeschool?”question.

G.Weprovidetheguidelines so you can concentrateon teaching and discipling your children.


OurVision isto bring like-minded homeschoolersinto unityin theHigh Desert by:

A.Encouragingoneanotherthrough God’sWord.

B.Educating one anotherthrough aBiblicalWorldview.

C.Keeping each otherinformed ofissues that affect thefamilyand thehomeschooling community.

D.Participatingin prayerand support for one anotherso wecan becomeeven stronger.

E.Investing in activitiestogether so wecan offeravarietyof functionsto betterserve our homeschoolfamilies.

F.Tobecomeso strong togetherthat nothing can takeourhomeschooling freedoms away.


WeareaChristian organization whosepurposeisto provideinformation, not solicitation, encouragementand support to homeschooling familieswho believe itis ourGod-given right andprivilegeto teach ourchildren athome. We arecommitted toexcellence, the family unit,and spiritualmatters. Itisourintent to provideopportunitiesto shareourproblems and oursuccesseswitheach other aswellas activitiesfor learning and fellowship.

Thepurposeof thePSPisto record and maintain allrecords required bythestate. We will:

A.Filethe affidavit for you.

B.Help you withwhatis legallyrequired in educating yourchild.

C.Helpto educateand support theparentswithsupport meetings.

D.Offercurriculum counseling.

E.Giveyouaschoolname, address,and phonenumberfor thosewho need it.

F.Bealegalcovering foryou.


Noah Webster’s1828definition of education:“the bringing upasof achild; instruction; formation of manners.Education comprehendsallthatseriesof instruction and discipline whichisintended toenlighten the understanding, correctthetemper,andform the mannersand habitsofyouth, and fitthemforusefulnessin theirfuturestations. Togive children a good education in manners, artandscienceisimportant; togivethema religious education isindispensable; andasan immense responsibility restson parentand guardianswhoneglectthese duties.”


We believetheBibletobetheinspiredWord ofGod, thefinalauthority offaith and life, withouterrorin itsoriginalwriting both in doctrineand historical details, and thatall trueknowledgeisconsistentwith its revelation.

We believethatthereisoneself-existentGodWho hasalways been, andalwayswill be manifestin threepersons, Father,Son and Holy Spirit, and thatknowing Himtruly isthe foundationof allknowledge, wisdomand understanding.

We believethatJesusChrististheSon ofGodmanifestin theflesh, born of a virgin, that HeistheSaviorof mankind throughHis death onthecross, that Herosefromthe dead, and that Hewillreturn again, andwillraisethosewho havebelievedin Himtoreign with Himinpowerand glory throughoutalleternity.

Webelievein the brotherhoodof all believerswho, throughfaith, havereceived the

salvationprovidedbyGod’sgracethrough the death and resurrection ofJesusChrist.

We believethatchildren belong toGodwhohasgiven theresponsibility andauthorityfor their education totheparentsand thatitistheirresponsibility to protectthisparental right.

Family Unity Policy

We believe that God intends for our family life to be united and that having all the children in our household working together in the same homeschooling environment is the best way to maintain unity in our goals. We feel that having our students in differing school programs, especially public school programs would be divisive and a conflict of interest. We will not enroll families who are not able to be the main educator all of the children in their household through independent private Christian homeschooling at this time.