Lorrie Kendrick

4Mat Wheel

1Right Connect: The students will journal a list of their favorite songs.

1Left Examine:The students will share in group their list of songs. The students will discuss how the songs make them feel.

2 Right Image:The students will visually depict the difference in how they would feel if their song did not have any descriptive language in their song.

2 Left Define:Teacher will lead discussion on the importance of literacy and figurative devices in literature. The teacher will define simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and imagery. Students will watch Romeo and Juliet movie; teacher will discuss the use figurative language used in the movie. Teacher will cite examples of figurative language used throughout the movie.

3 Left Try: Students will write a 1-2 page descriptive paper on the importance of figurative language, citing examples from the movie Romeo and Juliet. Students will take a quiz on the definitions of figurative language and identifying figurative language.

3 Right Extend: Research on the internet and find a song. Song must be approved by the teacher. Copy and paste the lyrics into a word document, print out lyrics. Type Free Music Lyrics into your search engine and click on music.yahoo.com, to research and find your song. We will be in library to complete this assignment. Find examples of simile, metaphor, imagery, and personification in the song. Label the figurative language by underlying the example and writing which literary device it is above the example.

4 Left Refine: Teacher will divide students into groups of four, and pass out one song lyric to each group. The group will create a power point presentation on their lyric; each group should identify the figurative language in their song. The power point should also include information on the importance of literacy devices in literature. Teacher and Peer review, will provide guided feedback.

4 Right Integrate:Each group present power point presentations. Share projects and song lyrics.