A Meeting of Harlestone Parish Council will take place on

Tuesday 1st December2015 at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute

To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Harlestone Parish Council on Tuesday 1st December at 7.30 pm in the Village Institute.


Admin matters

  1. To receive and approve apologies for absence -(1 MINUTE)
  1. To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th November2015.

Please note a draft FINAL set of minutes was sent to all Cllrs on 15th November and published on notice boards on 16th November 2015.

The Clerk is asked to formally update the Council with the progress and if appropriate closure or action(s) carried forward. (2 MINUTES)

Action numbers 1 to 10 are as follows:

Action 1 Bank Handover Clerk to update PENDING Bank visited forms completed.

Action 2 Tree audit document attempts to trace PENDING

Action 3 (Linked to 2) Lee Burrow’s assistance request PENDING

Action 4 DDC notifications re The Old Milking Parlour request CLOSE action completed and DDC issued approval.

Action 5 Clerk to write to Mr Brotherton. Request CLOSE action completed and Mr. Brotheron has acknowledged correspondence.

Action 6 Clerk to write to Mr Garner. Request CLOSE action completed. No acknowledgement received at this time.

Action 7 Cllr Waller to approach RW re lack of engagement. Since the meeting RW has now engaged with Cllr Waller. Suggest CLOSE but update required from Cllr Waller.

Action 8 Cllr Waller has been provided all details requested. Please CLOSE.

Action 9 Cllr Letts to confirm sign removal.

Action 10 Clerk to arrange for a TRI Parish engagement meeting PENDING and currently ongoing.

Action 11 Clerk to engage with Cllr Stock for update re Bins. PENDING

Councillors are asked to review the minutes and make any further comments before the Chair is invited to sign as true. The minutes indicate one document is attached (list of the MOP in attendance.)

  1. Members are requested to make any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, in line with the 2015 code of conduct, relating to items on this agenda.
  1. Finance: To receive an update on Finances from the Cllr Stock and the Clerk.
  1. Bank reconciliation: The council are asked to review the information below. (5 MINUTES)

Current Account / £2,924.27
Value of cheques yet to clear / £0.00
Total allocated fund account / £29,914.73
Expenditure to date (exc. VAT) / £8,823.00
Funds Allocated TBA re Budget / £......
Invoice Date / Payee / Invoice Number / Statutory Power / Description / Cheque No / Total
28.11.15 / Harlestone Village Institute / December / LGA 1972 S134 (4) / Hire (Meetings) / S.O. / £24.00
30.11.15 / Barry Halliday / December / LGA 1972 S112 / Clerk remuneration / S.O. / £409.00
30.11.15 / HMRC / ref: 475PE00844310 1606 / LGA 1972 S112 / PAYE and NI Clerk - Nov / S.O. / £277.57
30.11.15 / Simon Dancombe / n/a / LGA 1972 S112 / Consultation Services / B.T. / £150.00
2.12.15 / Barry Halliday / Office stationery / LGA 1972 / Receipt provided / B.T. / £51.98
2.12.15 / Barry Halliday / B/B IT and printer / LGA 1972 / IT printer/scanner and B/Band / BT / £580.00
2.12.15 / Sam Dobbs / Chairman Allow / LGA 1972 / Gift purchase / BT / £100.00

Please note the Council are also requested to approve the following Payments for January 2016 Statutory Powers remain as above:

28.01.16 Harlestone Village Institute January Hire meetings SO £24.00

28.01.16 Barry Halliday January Clerk fees SO £409.00

28.01.16 HMRC January NI and PAYE SO £277.57

28.01.16 Simon Dackcombe January Consultation SO £150.00

In relation to Payroll payments NO payment must be made until Autula issue the required payroll paperwork by order of the Clerk.

  1. Parishioners are invited to address the council. Parishioners will be limited to 15 minutes combined and is strictly limited to 3 minutes per person(s)

The Chairman will invite comments; in line with the Standing Orders agreed on the 15th July 2010 by the Council. (15 MINUTES)

Discussion Items

  1. Planning Applications:

The Council are asked to approve and endorse the recommendations set out by Cllr Ken Waller in relation to the proposed open space equipment specification submitted by Persimmon Homes. This issue also seeks to address the following key areas: the change in specification and age bracket for use, ongoing management responsibilities which may impact the Playing Fields portfolio and any PLI issues. Cllr Letts to comment. E mail discussions and questions raised by Cllr’s Dobbs, Waller and Stock all circulated prior to this meeting.

Council are asked to agree the specification and future management or not of the proposed site. (10MINS)

  1. Precept arrangements and discussion regarding setting the appropriate level.

This matter was withdrawn at the November meeting whilst awaiting the DDC update regarding the Basic tax rate. Clerk to update the Council in relation to scoping activity carried out with DDC in relation to Council tax base for 16/17 compared to 15/16 to assist discussion. Residents at the time of drafting this latest agenda have already moved into the new Persimmon site and calculations are based on Band D Council tax payments.

A) Council is asked to consider setting level for Precept 16/17 in order to set Budget for fiscal year taking into account any projected expenditure and BAU functions. No project plans have been submitted by Cllr’s prior to this meeting other than one matter relating to the Church security (SB) (30 MINUTES)

  1. Update in relation to the Simon Dackombe paper regarding development of Harlestone Parish, actions already underway from previous meeting and update on progress made in relation to combined Parish Council meeting with Duston and Harpole. Cllr Waller circulated to all Cllr’s a number of attachments in relation to the Masterplan and these will be explored during the meeting. Cllr Waller to also highlight E mail reply from Tracey Morrissey (SouthNorthants/Gov)

Chair to open this discussion item, Cllr Waller to comment (25 MINUTES)

  1. Quarry report sent out to all Cllr’s via Cllr Flynn in relation to findings detailed by Mr Gary Slinn. (Cllr Flynn and Hammond.) Meeting was to be held on the 30th November 2015 to assist this process but had to be cancelled. Item remains on the agenda for discussion due to issues being unresolved and potential planning application being made in Feb 2016. (25MINS)
  1. Clerk seeks the approval of the Council to purchase the specified IT Laptop, printer/scanner and suitable BB (already installed via BT) with dedicated telephone line (01604 847907) in line with the funding provided via the grant. (2 MINS)
  1. Clerk to provide update to Council on Web build and letter to be issued to every household within the village including the new build properties. Go Live date scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Feb. Cllr’s requested to attend at 630pm for Web E mail and website navigation training. (2 MINS)
  1. Correspondence discussion item.(Total time 15 MINUTES)

This is a new section within the Agenda and in order to comply with the transparency codes details are recorded in this section when contact is made with the council by any Cllr via any method. The list is not exhaustive but seeks to highlight matters which may need to be shared with ALL Cllr’s during the meeting.

Cllr’s may wish to comment or expand on the items set out below but please note only 15 mins is allocated to this section.

a)NCALC guidance for Budget planning received and sent to all Cllr’s Nov 6th.

b)Dallington Grange E mails re play eqp All E mails stored (See item 99)

c)E mail from Liz Aston Davies notifying HPC of Portacabin install in Church car park. (All Cllr’s notified)

d)Speed awareness completed outside Mill House 25th Nov by Daventry Police.

e)E mails of thanks from Helen Donald and Siobhan Floyed thanking HPC and HVI Board for their assistance in resolving issues. (HVI Chair notified)

f)Tracey Morrissey reply to Cllr Waller (See item 101)

g)£1755 awarded to HPC for IT and training, telephone and Broadband to ensure compliance with transparency codes. (NCLAC)

h)Rural Communities Bulletin sent to all Cllr’s 16th Nov highlighting 5 significant areas including fly tipping.

i)Final call for Parish and Town Council meeting 17th Dec ANY Cllr willing to attend?

j)Quarry E mail discussions in relation to meeting plans (102 on agenda)

k)Doodle planning schedule arranged for Tri parish meeting (ongoing)

l)Meeting schedule sent to all Cllr’s for 2016 to April 2017.

Total of 132 minutes meeting duration.

Next meeting date: 2nd February 2016. The council may need to convene for planning items which require a response before the date of the next meeting.

No meeting in January due to unavailability of a significant number of Cllr’s.

Dead- line for items for the next meeting to the Clerk please NO LATER than 20thJanuary 2015.

B M Halliday

Barry Halliday



November 26th 2015.