Safety & Equipment


7. these rectangular pieces of glass are used with microscopes

8. the first thing that should be done whenever there is an accident in the laboratory

11. you should only heat glassware that has one of these two labels stamped on it

12. this is always added to water and not the other way around

13. this instrument is used to hold a test tube at an angle while heating it in a flame

16. this should be read before using any chemical

17. what you should do if your clothes catch on fire

18. what you should always do when you are unsure about something in the lab

19. how should a microscope be carried

20. do not use glassware if this occurs

21. glassware that should be used to measure exact volumes of liquids

23. should be worn to protect the eyes in lab

24. used to hold chemicals you are heating and should always be slanted away from people


1. used to produce an enlarged image of a cell

2. this should be pushed up or removed to prevent an accident in the class

3. instrument with a sharp blade used for cutting when you dissect

4. after handling chemicals or microorganisms you should keep your hands away from these two places

5. this should be done every time you finish using chemicals or bacteria in the lab

6. this should not be handled directly after being over a Bunsen burner

9. this should only be used on large fires pointed at their base and never on a person

10. used to detect the odor of a chemical

14. these should be used to hold dissecting specimens instead of our hands

15. this is the last thing you do when you have finished a lab and before you leave class

22. what should be done withy long hair in the laboratory