September 26, 2014
Respect + Encouragement = SUCCESS
Rescheduled Picture Day:Picture day has been rescheduled to October 6, 2014. You may send your child’s picture day money in the envelope you previously received. Please note that the District Dress Policy does still apply for picture day. Thank you!
Hats and Sun Glasses in the Building:For safety and security reasons, please be aware that hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the building by children or adults. Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Parking Lot, Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety Issues:Please remember that the following traffic rules must be followed when on the school property: all cars must come to a complete stop at both stop signs, all cars must yield to pedestrians and speeds may not exceed 5 to 10 mph. Any drivers who are deemed to be driving in an unsafe or careless manner may have either a warning or citation issued to them by the District Police for “Careless Driving” which as per Title 75 of the Pa Vehicle Code, is considered a summary offense. In order for everyone to arrive at their desired locations safely, we will be continuing to monitor all parking lot and school ground activity. Thank you very much for being an important partner in school safety.
New Dress Code Policy: Thank you for your continued diligence in adhering to the district dress code. Just as a reminder, all shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers, and dresses must come to the top of the knee, even if your child is wearing tights or leggings. Additionally, in order to help ensure that we have extra “Dress Code Appropriate” clothing in the Nurse’s Office for students who may have incidents during the day, we are looking for any lightly used “Dress Code Appropriate” boys and girls pants. If you can assist with this, you may bring the clothing in to the office.
Playground Information Update: In order to ensure that the playground will be able to be built in July 2015, we are continuing to run fund raisers. The current fund raisers include a car raffle and a golf tournament. We are currently in the process of working with the owners of the Tom X to hold an adult masquerade party and Tricky Tray at the Tom XPub and Restaurant on November 1st, as well as plans for a Pet Masquerade Parade and Contest (date and location to be announced). Information regarding the car raffle and golf tournament can be found on the “Community Playground at Resica” Facebook page. Additional information regarding the two masquerade fundraisers will be added as soon as more information is available.
Resica Webpage:Please feel free to use our Resica webpage as there are many photos, informational links and forms available here. Please note we are in the process of updating information regarding teacher information and contact information. Additionally, please note that the calendar is a wonderful source of information regarding upcoming events.
Important Upcoming Events/Dates:
- October 6, 2014: Rescheduled day for pictures
- October 8, 2014: General membership PTO meeting at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria.
- October 13 and 14, 2014: K – 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school for K-12 students on either day).
- District Testing: Please refer to the District calendar for dates.