Town of Whitingham

P.O. Box 560

Jacksonville, Vermont 05342

A Meeting of the Whitingham Selectboard was held on Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 at 7:30 PM, at the Selectboard Office, Municipal Center in Jacksonville, Vermont. The following Selectboard members were present: Chair, Keith Bronson; Selectboard Members, Greg Brown, Robin Kingsley and Karl Twitchell; Administrator, Ms. Bonnie Jo Radasch.Guests included: Ms. Tara Cheney representing Vermont Roadworks out of Guilford; Wayne Corse representing Corse Excavating out of Whitingham; Stanley Janovsky, Road Commissioner, Town of Whitingham.

7:30 Chair, Keith Bronson, called the meeting to order.

7:31 A motion was made by Chair, Keith Bronson for Selectboard to approve the Payables Warrant dated June 11, 2015; Mr. Karl Twitchell seconded. All in favor.

7:32 A motion was made by Mr. Robin Kingsley for Selectboard to approve the Payroll Warrant dated June 11, 2015; Mr. Greg Brown seconded. All in favor.

7:33 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown for Selectboard for approve Minutes of their Meeting of May 28, 2015, correcting the name of Sewer Commissioner, Marshall Dix. Mr. Karl Twitchell seconded. All in favor.

7:35 Selectboard reviewed a draft letter addressed to Mr. Seth Boyd and the Whitingham School Directors; general discussion; agree to re-visit content later in meeting.

7:36 Selectboard review of draft letter addressed to the Cemetery Commission relating concerns about the condition of the cemeteries Memorial Day weekend; circulated and signed.

7:38 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown to approve a full audit for FY 2014-15; Mr. Karl Twitchell seconded. All in favor. (Agreement circulated for signature.)

7:40 Road Commissioner, Stanley Janovsky joined the meeting. Paving and Gravel Bids were opened. The following bids were submitted and considered:

Allstates Asphalt, Inc - Reclamation$.74 square yard hirefor Reclamation ck on this

Peckham Industries - Reclamation $.69 square yard

Peckham Industries - Paving @ $69.75 per ton

Vermont Roadworks - Reclamation $.84 square yard

Vermont Roadworks - Paving $64.58 per ton (noted: mix is from Lane) hire for paving

Pike Industries - Reclamation $.75 square yard

Pike Industries - Paving $70.92 per ton

Lane Construction - Reclamation $.99square yard

Lane Construction - Paving $65.79 per ton

Whitcomb - Reclamation $.75 square yard

Whitcomb - Paving $69.62 per ton

7:53 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown for the Town of Whitingham to accept the bid of Allstates for reclamation at $.74 square yard and Vermont Roadworks for paving at $64.58 per ton; Mr. Robin Kingsley seconded. All in favor.

Selectboard continued, considering bids for gravel and stone

Eiler Brothers

1inch crushed ledge $24.00 delivered

1 ½ inchcrushed ledge $23.00 delivered

1 ½ washed stone $25.00 delivered

Corse Excavating, LLC

1 inch crushed gravel $17.50 delivered

1.5 inch crushed ledge $19.50 delivered

1.5 inch round stone $19.95 delivered

1.5 inch crushed stone $23.00 delivered

Mitchell Sand and Gravel, LLC

1 inch crushed gravel $16.89 delivered

1½ inch crushed ledge $20.00 delivered

1½ inch crushed stone $20.00 delivered

Zaluzny Excavating Corporation

1 inch crushed gravel $18.90 delivered

1½ inch crushed ledge$20.90 delivered

1½ inch crushed stone $24.00 delivered

8:03 Noting that Wayne Corse dba/Corse Excavating does a lot of volunteer work for the Town, Selectman, Mr. Greg Brown made a motion for the Selectboard to accept the bid of Corse Excavating in total; Mr. Robin Kingsley seconded. All in favor.

8:05 In general conversation, it was noted (by comparison) that the Town of Halifax purchases 10,000 yds of gravel annually.

8:08 Discussion once again turned toward a school related topic… money. Mr. Robin Kingsley noted that “when the old building in Wilmington is finally off the books, there will be a $260,000 savings to the school district. Even with the building still owned by the district, there has been a savings of $60K or more.” Mr. Stanley Janovsky added, “When the combined school was pitched to the Town, a figure of $500-$600,000 was projected to be saved.” Mr. Kingsley continued, “Whitingham is responsible for 40% of the vacated building.”

Discussion of the proposed draft letter to be signed by Selectboard, relating to the 2016-17 FY budget as well as the 2017-18 FY budget, followed. The letter notes the Town of Whitingham will reduce the support it provides to the school through the Annual Town Budget, beginning in 2016-17. With approval of the letter content, at

8:28 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown for Selectboard to sign and send the letter to the Whitingham School Directors, in care of Mr. Seth Boyd; Mr. Robin Kingsley seconded. All in favor.

8:30 Some discussion followed around recent vandalism and trash deposited at Town Hill.

8:33 Mr. Robin Kingsley had earlier provided fuel prices for the 2015-16 heat / fuel season for Selectboard consideration. Brief related discussion. (Quote: Winter diesel $2.69; summer diesel $2.44; heating Fuel $2.41).

8:35 A motion was made by Mr. Robin Kingsley for Selectboard to lock in to the pricing quoted by Nido for the 2015/16 heat / fuel season, ordering a combined total of 9,450 gallons of heating fuel for the Fire Department, Highway Department and Municipal Center, 12,275 gallons winter diesel and 9,008 gallons of summer diesel for the Highway Department; Mr. Greg Brown seconded. All in favor.

8:39 Discussion followed related to monument repair needed at Town Hill. Administrator will make related inquiries.

8:43 Road Commissioner Stanley Janovsky asked if there had been any changes in the way materials at the Transfer Station were being recycled. Some research will be done to answer the question.

8:45 Mr. Greg Brown noted that a recent customer at the Transfer Station was in a bind because he unable to come up with the correct change required to dump. While Mr. Janovsky acknowledged that the Attendant is supplied with a small amount of cash from which to make change, on that particular day he wasn’t sure what had happened. Some checking will be done to determine if Attendant has small change to provide to people, when needed. Attendant should also be reminded that he can provide an individual with a slip for billing.

8:49 Brief discussion related to Blueberry Festival events in Village of Jacksonville; considering request from Chamber of Commerce (Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley) to place a band in Eames Park (aka Jacksonville Village Park) on Friday afternoon, August 7, 2015. Discussion around vending and potential of activity throughout the village, to Honora Winery and/or First Stop.

8:52 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown to give permission to Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce to have a band in Eames Park, Jacksonville Village, Friday, August 7, 2015; Mr. Karl Twitchell seconded. All in favor.

8:54 Ball field discussion – new school and Town Hill. Note: Town Hill has always been first come / first served; informal agreement there’ll be no change.

9:00 From an informal citizen observation an Economic Development conversation emerged related to snowmobiles and EDG. Selectboard suggest EDG pass ideas to appropriate parties in the local club(s), etc.

9:05 A motion was made by Mr. Greg Brown for Selectboard to adjourn; Mr. Robin Kingsley seconded. All in favor, as at

9:06Chair, Keith Bronson declared the meeting adjourned.

These minutes have not been approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Jo Radasch, Administrator,

Town of Whitingham