Lesson 3.4 – Quiz

Mechanical Components

I. Short Answer

1.  In some applications there is a clear need for electric drive systems. List one of these applications and explain why the electric drive would be the best choice.

2.  Explain the factors that are necessary in designing an end effector for picking up brittle objects.

3.  List two mechanical parts of a robot and explain how they work.

II. Multiple Choice

1.  If a robot has to move heavy objects, which type of drive system should be used?

A.  electric

B.  pneumatic

C.  hydraulic

D.  bionic

2.  Which of the following defines what an end effector is?

A.  a device that produces mechanical motion

B.  the section of the robot that holds the manipulator in place

C.  the device at the end of the robot arm that performs the work

D.  a robotic joint that moves similar to the human elbow

3.  What is the purpose of a manipulator?

A.  position the end effector

B.  program the robot

C.  store positions

D.  generate robotic code

4.  Which of the following is not end effector found on robots?

A.  Gripper

B.  suction cups

C.  milling head

D.  spray Ggn

5.  How are the joints driven on a robot arm?

A.  motors

B.  batteries

C.  ball joints

D.  bearings

6.  What would the purpose of an encoder be in a robot?

A.  boost power

B.  control rotational movement

C.  program the robot

D.  emergency shut off device

7.  A manipulator is made up of…

A.  ball and screws

B.  links and joints

C.  rack and pinion

D.  hinge and pin

8.  The main purpose of the base is …

A.  supporting the manipulator

B.  programming the robot

C.  recording positions

D.  gripping objects

9.  The shoulder joint is between what other two joints in a robotic arm?

A.  the base and elbow

B.  the base and wrist

C.  the base and end effector

D.  the elbow and wrist

10. Micro-switches are used on our robot to…

A.  prevent the robot joints from moving too far

B.  align the gripper

C.  open the gripper

D.  storing codes

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