37 Urgent Item Cumbria Housing Partners

37 Urgent Item Cumbria Housing Partners


Meeting: 16thJuly, 2008

at 2.00 p.m.

PRESENT:- Councillors Guselli (Chairman), Barlow, English, Garnett, Heath, Marcus, Millar, Pemberton, Pidduck, Richardson and Stephenson.

37 – Urgent Item – Cumbria Housing Partners

The Chairman reported that the Cumbria Housing Partners item had been withdrawn for further consideration.

38 – The Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985 and Access to Information (Variation) Order 2006

Discussion arising hereon it was

RESOLVED:- That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph3 (Minute Nos.51 and 52) of Part One of Schedule 12A of the said Act.

39– Disclosures of Interest

Councillor Barlow declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 8 – Housing Grants Legislative Changes and consequential recommendations (Minute No. 53) as he is the Treasurer for Barrow and District Disability Association. He also declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 13 – Proposed Closure of HMRC Office in Furness House (Minute No. 47) as he is a friend of a member of the HMRC staff.

Councillor English declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 10 – Capital Programme 2008/09 Monitoring Report to 30th June, 2008 (Minute No. 44) as he is a tenant of the Market.

Councillor Garnett declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 17 – Purchase of Auto Services, Davey’s Yard, Salthouse Road, Barrow (Minute No. 51) as he knows the owner of the property.

40 – Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 25thJune, 2008 were agreed as a correct record.

41 – Apologies for Absence/Attendance of Substitute Members

Apologies for absence were received from CouncillorsJ. Hamezeian and Williams. Councillor English attended the meeting as a substitute for Councillor Williams.

42 – Housing Management Forum: Recommendations

The recommendations of the Housing Management Forum held on 26th June, 2008 were submitted for consideration.

N.B. The Minutes are reproduced as Appendix 1 to the Minutes of this meeting.

RESOLVED:- That the recommendations of the Housing Management Forum be agreed subject to Councillor Wood being appointed to the Tenant Compact Working Party and the Homelink Review Group in place of Councillor Hammond and the Housing Management Forum be informed accordingly.

(i)Appointment of Representatives to Working Groups etc.

That Members agree to the following nominations:-

(i)Tenant Compact Working Party:- Councillors James, Waiting and Hammond and Tenant Representatives; Mrs P Charnley, Mrs K Hotchkiss and Mr Alan McIntosh;

(ii)Homelessness Funding Working Party:- Councillors James, Waiting and J Hamezeian and Tenant Representatives; Mrs P Charnley, Mrs K Hotchkiss and Mr Alan McIntosh; and

(iii)Homelink Service Review Group:- Councillors Flitcroft, James and Hammond and Tenant Representatives; Mrs P Charnley, Mrs K Hotchkiss and Mr Alan McIntosh.

(ii)Commercial Premises, 122A Mill Lane, WalneyIsland

That the demolition of 122A Mill Lane be agreed and that Capita be appointed to manage the project.

(iii)STATUS Survey

That Members agree to:-

(i)Note the information contained within the Housing Manager’s report;

(ii)Suspend the Council’s Contract Standing Orders and appoint the National Housing Federation to complete the STATUS Survey.

(iv)Albert Street, Barrow Nos. 18 to 40

That Members agree to:-

(i)Re-house all existing residents from these flats;

(ii)Appoint a suitably qualified agent to manage the demolition of the block; and

(iii)Support a bid by Accent Housing Association to the Housing Corporation to redevelop the site for family housing for rent.

(v)Garages: Payment by Direct Debit

That Members agree to all new offers of a garage licence be based on the applicant agreeing to pay their rent by Direct Debit.

(vi)Homelessness Funding 2008/09

That Members agree to:-

(i)The following spend profile for 2008/2009:-

£5,000 – Shelter – South Cumbria Offenders Scheme

£10,000 – Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DIGS)

£14,590 – Project John

£19,800 – Furness Homeless Unit: Accommodation Facilitator

£8,500 – Resolve Mediation: Youth and Family Mediation Service

£2,110 – Barrow Borough Council: Homelessness Prevention Fund

£60,000 – Total

(ii)The Homeless Working Group be asked to monitor and evaluate the above proposal to ensure they contribute to the Council meeting its homeless responsibilities; and

(iii)The proposals to implement an enhanced court desk facility in conjunction with CAB and Shelter by use of the additional £10,000 grant.

(vii)Grange and Cartmel Crescent

That Members agree that stairlifts be installed at 23-47 Grange Crescent on a trial basis of six months and a further report be presented to the Housing Management Forum in due course on the success of this arrangement.

(viii)Supporting People: Older Person’s Strategic Review

That Members agree to:-

(i)Note the information in the Housing Manager’s report and that further consideration of implication to our own services would be necessary as plans were developed;

(ii)The outcome of the review in principle.

(ix)Housing Service’s Delivery Plan 2008/09

That Members note the information on progress during 2007/08 as shown in the Housing Manager’s report and agree Key Tasks for 2008/09.

43 – Christmas Holiday Arrangements

The Chief Executive reminded the Committee that 2nd January, 2009 this year fell on a Friday.

In view of the fact that the Council no longer operated a cashier service and to minimise energy costs Management Team recommended that the Council Offices close for business on Wednesday 24th December, 2008 for which the usual arrangements would apply and that staff were given the whole of Friday 2nd January, 2009 as a holiday bonus rather than opening the Town Hall for one day during the Christmas period. The Council had adopted a similar arrangement before at the request of the trade union.

RESOLVED:- To agree that the Town Hall remained closed on Friday 2nd January, 2009 rather than opening the Town Hall for one day during the Christmas period.

44 – Capital Programme 2008-2009 Monitoring Report to 30th June, 2008

The Committee considered the first quarter position of the Capital Programme for 2008-2009 which was summarised as follows:-

Capital Programme / 2008/2009
Budget / 2008/2009
Quarter 1 Expenditure
As at 14/03/2008 / £19,426,510
As at 30/06/2008 / £21,151,900 / £2,313,521
Alterations / £1,725,390
Total Programme / £21,151,900
Funded by:
Borrowing / £2,116,201
Grants / £14,683,939
Reserves / £2,188,360
Usable Capital Receipts / £2,163,400

The Committee also considered the three year Capital Programme which was summarised as follows:-

Capital Programme / 2008/2009
Budget / 2009/2010
Budget / 2010/2011
As at 14/03/2008 / £19,426,510 / £12,398,637 / £12,703,475
As at 30/06/2008 / £21,151,900 / £12,269,637 / £12,571,785
Alterations / £1,725,390 / £129,000 / £131,690
Budget / 2009/2010
Budget / 2010/2011
Public Housing / £2,222,852 / £2,012,661 / £2,035,115
Private Housing / £1,049,619 / £884,887 / £884,887
Housing Market Renewal / £5,857,043 / £2,708,089 / £2,023,783
Public Buildings / £1,478,250 / £1,028,000 / £1,000,000
Other Public Assets / £6,462,734 / £1,394,500 / £1,302,000
Other Initiatives / £4,081,402 / £4,241,500 / £5,326,000
Total Programme / £21,151,900 / £12,269,637 / £12,571,785
Funded by:
Prudential Borrowing / £2,116,201 / £938,000 / £938,000
Reserves / £2,188,360 / £2,012,661 / £2,035,115
Grants / £14,683,939 / £8,628,976 / £8,908,670
Usable Capital Receipts / £2,163,400 / £690,000 / £690,000
Total Funding / £21,151,900 / £12,269,637 / £12,571,785

RESOLVED:- To note the progress for the current Capital Programme.

45 – Annual Treasury Report 2007-08

The Borough Treasurer reported that the Council’s Treasury Strategy and Policy required the annual reporting of treasury activities for the previous financial year to Committee. He informed the Committee that the Council had complied with all the agreed limits and indicators for the year ended 31st March, 2008.

The Committee considered the full details of all treasury activities for the year.

RESOLVED:- (i) To approve the actual 2007-08 Prudential Indicators within the report; and

(ii) To note the Treasury Management Stewardship report for 2007-08.

46 – Council Finances Report – Quarter 2008-2009

The Committee considered a detailed report of the Borough Treasurer regarding financial information for the first quarter of the financial year. It contained summary information and key data for the General Fund, Treasury Management, Capital Expenditure and Financing, Housing Revenue Account, Collection Fund, Write Offs and Reserves and Balances.

RESOLVED:- To note the information contained in the Council Finances report – Quarter 2008-2009.

47 – Proposed Closure of HMRC Office in Furness House

The Director of Regeneration and Community Services informed the Committee that notification had been received from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of their proposal to close their office at Furness House, leaving the existing enquiry centre either retained in Furness House or relocated nearby. The office currently provided employment for 44 staff, and the number of staff needed was projected to reduce to 20 by 2011. A copy of the consultation letter was considered by the Committee.

The proposal had been set within the context of a national reduction of 25% in HMRC staff and a 33% reduction in accommodation.

HMRC were consulting key organisations on their proposals, in particular with regard to local or regional economic factors which may be relevant to decisions on particular offices, specific regeneration plans their proposals would affect, withdrawal or influx of any other Government Departments or significant employers in/out of the area over the last two years and the numbers involved, and plans for new/improved transport links which would affect the proposals.

A response was required by 30th July, 2008.

A letter had been received from HMRC staff representatives.

He reported that the Council should oppose the proposed closure of the HMRC office in Furness House for the following reasons:-

The Borough had high relative levels of deprivation, being the 29th most deprived Local Authority in England and the 2nd most deprived District Authority. The office proposed for closure was located in a Ward which had Super Output Areas within the worst 3% nationally.

The Borough had been prioritised for actions to tackle the level of worklessness by allocation of Working Neighbourhoods Fund and recognition in the Regional Economic Strategy and Sub-Regional Strategy. Provision of service sector employment was a key policy in tackling this.

There was misalignment of Government Policy whereby civil service rationalisation resulted in loss of employment in an Assisted Area where Government were trying to encourage new investment.

A multi sector Task Force, chaired by NWDA Chief Executive, oversees regeneration in the Borough. The Task Force had agreed a strategy focusing upon diversification of the employment base from manufacturing. Clearly, the loss of civil service employment would run counter to that strategy.

The Council and its partners had agreed an Urban Design Framework published in 2005, for the town centre. That showed Furness House occupying a key position as a ‘gateway’ into the town centre. As a result of the strategy £170,000of public sector funds had been invested in Furness House and its immediate area, and further investment had been included in the Council Capital Programme for 2008/9.

The Barrow Task Force Strategy had recognised the need for a vibrant and attractive town centre if the benefits of large scale public sector investments in Waterfront Barrow were to be realised. The loss of a major employer on the edge of the town centre would run counter to policy.

The Committee considered that an additional reason of objection should be included in the response to the proposed closure of HMRC Office in Furness House on the grounds of localism.

RESOLVED:- (i) To agree that the Council opposed the proposed closure of the HM Revenues and Customs Office in Furness House on the grounds set out in the report; and

(ii) To agree that a letter of objection be forwarded to the Secretary of Sate for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform;

48 – Local Area Agreement for Cumbria 2008-2011

The Director of Regeneration and Community Services informed the Committee that a copy of the final submission of the Local AreaAgreement had been received for Cumbria 2008-2011 dated 5th June, 2008.

Local Area Agreements (LAA) had been negotiated between Governments and Local Authorities and set out a series of ‘targets’ which would be achieved over the period of the agreement. Performance grant was attached to successful completion of targets. In Cumbria the LAA was prepared at a County level through the Cumbria Strategic Partnership (CSP) and in collaboration with District Council’s and other parties.

Arrangements for preparation of LAA’s had changed since preparation of the 2007 Agreement. Under the new arrangements, partners in Cumbria would be expected to agree up to 35 targets measured by selection from a ‘menu’ of national indicators. In addition the agreement must contain 18 mandatory children and young people related targets.

The LAA was expected to be based around the outcomes of the County wide strategy and a reviewed version of that formedAppendix 1 in the report.

Appendix 2 comprised the 35 designated National Indicators selected by CSP, currently subject to negotiations with GONW. The Appendix showed a baseline figure (usually 2006/7) and anticipated improvement over the life of the agreement.

Appendix 3 comprised 14 Local Indicators, also measured but not subject to Performance Reward Grant.

Appendix 4 showed the Mandatory National Indicators on Education and Early Years.

Appendix 5 comprised ‘stretch’ PRG targets from 2007 carried forward.

All Appendices 2-5 showed lead partners and those organisations who support was sought in implementation and/or performance monitoring.

The Council was shown as a partner in 24 of the 35 designated National Indicators in Appendix 6, including lead partner for: NI 154 ‘Net additional homes provided’; NI 155 ‘Number of affordable homes delivered’; and NI 195 ‘Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and flyposting’.

Barrow was a partner in 4 of the 14 local indicators shown in Appendix 3 and in all the statutory indicators in Appendix 4.

Where the Council was a partner, it would be expected to contribute to the target through existing or modified programmes. Performance information would also need to be provided to Cumbria County Council.

To ensure that the Borough had only been identified as a partner where it could make a significant contribution to the target, a matrix of the targets in Appendices 2-5 was considered at the Committee.

LAA’s could attract Performance Reward Grant (PRG) subject to successful achievement of targets. A new model of payment of PRG had been introduced which would allocate a proportion of the national PRG to Cumbria.

All of the agreed PRG would be payable if all targets were achieved. Claims for PRG would be made in 2011.

In addition to general PRG areas eligible for Working Neighbourhoods Fund (Barrow and Copeland) would benefit from an additional financial incentive, totalling £50M nationally, to be paid in 2011. That additional element would be paid to Cumbria County Council on the basis of a specific basket of five indicators drawn from the selected 35. Further negotiations were planned to formally agree the indicators.

Although paid to the upper tier Authority, it was considered that the WNF PRG should only be available to be spent in those areas which had WNF allocations. That was not clear in the current County position.

RESOLVED:- To agree that the Council endorse the Local Area Agreement for Cumbria 2008-2011 subject to the Working Neighbourhoods Fund Performance Reward Grant being restricted to Working Neighbourhoods Fund eligible areas; and the changes in the Council’s responsibilities for delivering national and local indicators set out in the Matrix considered by the Committee.

49 – Payphone Closures

The Director of Regeneration and Community Services informed the Committee that BT Payphones had consulted the Council on the closure of Boulton Row, Newton-in-Furness, Biggar Bank Road, Walney and NewbarnsVillage public payphones.

BT Payphones were only obliged to consult on closures where no other phone wasavailable within 400m. The company had indicated they would be closing other payphone facilities which do not require consultation in the coming months, though they had not provided information on the location of these phones. The Council had to initiate its own consultation process on the closure proposals. Consultations had been held with Dalton with Newton Town Council and, in the absence of any third tier Council in Barrow, the Local Strategic Partnership.

BT Payphones had also advertised the closures on the affected payphones with no comments from the public to date.

Members of the Committee were concerned with the proposed closure of Biggar Bank Road, Walney payphone on the grounds of safety and limited mobile phone coverage.

RESOLVED:- (i) To instruct the Director of Regeneration and Community Services to write to BT Payphones objecting to the proposed closure of Biggar Bank Road, Walney payphone on the grounds of safety and limited mobile phone signal; and

(ii) To instruct the Director of Regeneration and Community Services to write to BT Payphones and ask to be provided with information on the locations of other payphone closures not included in the consultation.

50 – Cumbria Vision: Statement of Intent for Regeneration in Cumbria

The Director of Regeneration and Community Services informed the Committee that Cumbria Vision had published a Statement of Intent to guide delivery of regeneration programmes in Cumbria. Four Area Boards would be created to deliver regeneration programmes. West Lakes Renaissance (WLR) would remain a legal entity, but have no operational capacity.

The statement sets out six principles on which agreement was sought. In summary these were:-

1.Creation of a single body responsible for regeneration strategy in Cumbria comprising relevant staff from the County Council, and County funded bodies, Cumbria Vision and NWDA.

2.Creation of four non-incorporated “vision boards” to manage delivery of regeneration in Barrow, Carlisle, Eden and South Lakeland and West Cumbria.

3.Appointment of a Project Director responsible to each of the Vision Boards.

4.The creation of an economic regeneration unit in the County Council to create a back office function and specialist skills pool working with each Project Director on a flexible basis.

5.West Lakes Renaissance should remain a legal entity.

6.The above arrangements should be in place for April 2009.

The statement also made clear that in Barrow the current Task Force would be theVision Board for the area though a revised membership and remit would be required.

The Council, along with other stakeholders, had been asked to support the above arrangements.

He reported that no objections would be raised to principles 1 and 2 above. On the remaining principles, he did not recognise the need for a Project Director as the functions of the post could be adequately provided through resources already available.

Regarding the creation of an economic regeneration unit, he had no objection to the principle of sharing back office functions. He was concerned that a specialist skills pool may dilute the resource available in Barrow as the Council had the most experience of successful regeneration programmes. A senior WLR Programme Manager had reduced his role significantly to backfill vacancies elsewhere in the URC, albeit on a temporary basis. It was also unclear how the specialist skills resource would be directed other than by Cumbria County Council as the new CV Board was solely responsible for strategy.