Section Cover Page
Section 265113
2010-11-01Interior Lighting Fixtures
Refer to “LEED Notes and Credits” page for additional guidance for LEED projects.
Delete LEED items if project:
.1is excluded by the Department’s policy on LEED, or
.2the Department has determined that the work of this Contract is not to attain a LEED rating.

This Master Specification Section contains:

.1This Cover Sheet

.2Specification Section Text:


1.1Related Requirements

1.2Delivery, Storage and Handling


2.1Fluorescent Fixtures

2.2Exit Lights

2.3Mounting Channels



3.2Luminaire Wiring

3.3Adjustment and Cleaning

3.4Fixture Schedule

BMS Basic Master Specification
Alberta Infrastructure
Master Specification System / Page 0
LEED Notes and Credits
Section 265113
2010-11-01Interior Lighting Fixtures

LEED Notes:

Refer to Section 01 35 18 – LEED Requirements for:

1.Requirements necessary for this project to obtain points required for certification.

2.Confirmation of LEED prerequisites and credits affecting this Section; not all are mandatory for certification

Maintain built-in sustainability regardless of LEED requirements for:

.1Recycling, reuse of materials, components and assemblies.

.2Diversion of construction waste from landfills.

.3Use of recycled materials, local materials, rapidly renewable and durable materials.

.4Maintain healthy indoor environment during constructing.

.5Provide for thermal comfort, access to views and daylight for indoor spaces.

.6Foster innovation into facility design and planning.

LEED Credits:

Sustainable Sites

Credit 8 – Light Pollution Reduction

SPEC NOTE:Light pollution is the result of excessive amounts of artificial light illuminating from a building site. Light from unshielded light sources and light reflecting off surfaces can illuminate and reflect off dust, debris and water vapor in the atmosphere to cause an effect known as sky glow. This adversely affects the ability to see the night sky, interferes with astronomical observatories, and disrupts nocturnal ecosystems. Also, excessive building lighting consumes unnecessary energy and natural resources.

Energy and Atmosphere

Prerequisite 2 – Minimum Energy Performance

SPEC NOTE:Though prerequisites do not contribute to a projects point score, they are mandatory and MUST be met for a project to receive LEED Canada – NC certification.

Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance

Indoor Environmental Quality

Credit 6.1 – Controllability of Systems: Lighting

SPEC NOTE:Building occupant comfort can by greatly increased by providing a high level of individual control over building systems such as lighting, vents, thermostats, and operational windows. This can result in fewer occupant complaints, reduce absenteeism, and increase employee performance.

BMS Basic Master Specification
Alberta Infrastructure
Master Specification System / Page 0
Section 265113
Plan No:Interior Lighting Fixtures
Project ID:Page 1


1.1Related Requirements

.1Submittal Procedures:Section013300.

.2LEED Requirements:Section013518.

.3Waste Management and Disposal:Section017419.

.4Electrical General Requirements:Section260010.

.5Hangers and Supports:Section260529.

.6General Requirements for Lighting:Section265013.


.8Ballasts and Accessories:Section265025.

.9Lighting Control Equipment:Section265093.

1.2DELIVERY, STORage and handling

.1Separate waste materials for [reuse] [and] [recycling] in accordance with Section [017419 Waste Management and Disposal].



.1Fixtures:housing constructed of 0.80mm steel, prime coated and finished in high reflectance baked white enamel, two coats minimum on exposed and reflective surfaces, giving reflectance of 85%.

.2Reflective steel plates may be constructed of 0.60mm metal. Hinged frames to be removable without the use of tools for cleaning with approved catches. Support layin lenses on four sides with flip ends on short dimension.

.3Provide gasketting, stops and barriers to form light traps to prevent light leaks.

.4Design fixture for adequate dissipation of ballast and lamp heat and provide, if requested, test reports from an independent laboratory.

.5Construct rigid and well aligned fixture, using formed or ribbed type backplates, endplates, reinforcing channels, etc. as required.

.6Diffusers:100% pure acrylic, 3mm thick minimum.



.1Exit lights:thin profile type, cast metal frame with cast aluminum faceplate, [satin] [] finish, 150mm high cutout letters with red plastic backing, complete with 220W medium screw base lamps, [120V] [347V] [single circuit] [double circuit] operations.

.2Exit fixture types to be:


Ceiling mounted, single face.


Ceiling mounted, double face.


Ceiling mounted, single face directional arrow or arrows as indicated.


Ceiling mounted, double face, directional arrow or arrows as indicated.


Back wall mounted.


Back wall mounted, directional arrow or arrows as indicated.


End wall mounted, single face.


End wall mounted, double face.


End wall mounted, single face, directional arrow or arrows as indicated.


End wall mounted, double face, directional arrow or arrows as indicated.


.1Provide wiring channel for mounting of fluorescent fixtures and wiring in between fixtures, suspended below mechanical piping, ductwork, etc., as directed on 12mm rigid conduit or 10mm galvanized rod hangers, on 2.4m centres.

.2Nominal size of channels 72mm x 70mm, 1.2mm steel minimum, baked white enamel finish, complete with channel connectors, end closure pieces, cover pieces, mounting hickeys, fixture connectors, etc., with jointer pieces 300mm in length minimum to form a rigid assembly.



.1Refer to Section 260529.

.2Support fluorescent fixtures directly from building structure by rod hangers and inserts, on metal angle headers supported from framing structure of ceiling suspension system.

.3Provide plaster frames or plaster trim as required and turn same over to the ceiling section for installation.

.4Support fixtures larger than 600mm in width by four hangers per fixture minimum independent of ceiling structure or tee bars.

.5For recessed fluorescent fixtures mounted in suspended ceiling with exposed tee bar grid structure.


.1Connect recessed luminaires to outlet boxes with 10mm flexible conduit and 90°C wire.


.1Align luminaires and clean diffusers prior to final acceptance.


SPECNOTE:List light fixtures by type, design and dimension. Coordinate with drawings.

SPECNOTE:Alberta Infrastructure policy is to specify metric only recessed fixtures to ensure compatibility with suspended acoustic unit ceilings in metric module and with 1160mm metric fluorescent lamps. When specifying recessed fixtures by manufacturer's part number, either on the drawings or in the specifications, the standard imperial part number must be prefixed with the capital letter "M". This will designate a "metric" fixture.


2010-11-01 BMS Version