2017 Harris Edwardes Competition

2017 Harris Edwardes Competition

2017 Harris Edwardes Competition

The Harris Edwardes competition will be run over two Sundays starting at the end of July. Entry to this tournament is free and the prizes are titles and perpetual trophies.

The event will occur at the North Woodvale primary school at the following times:

Sunday 30th July

Round 1 12:30am – 2:50pm

Round 2 3:00pm – 5:20pm

Sunday 6th August

Round 3 12:30am – 2:50pm

Round 4 3:00pm – 5:20pm

The rate of play will be 60 minutes + 10 secs increment. The format for each division will depend on the number of team entries.

2 Teams: Best of 4 matches. Each player has a game against each player of the other team. A reserve should fill the vacant position so that players do not play the same opponent in any game.

3 Teams: Best total game score. Top 2 players play each of the top 2 players in the other 2 teams. Similar for the 2 lower rated players.

4 Teams: Round Robin of 3 matches. Last round playoff to determine placings.

Entry requirements for the three Divisions: (September ratings will be used)

A Division All players eligible

B Division All players under 1800

C Division All players under 1400 or unrated. Unrated players should not have a performance rating over 1500 in a previous tournament. If there are any doubts then confirm eligibility before the tournament starts.

Interclub Match Rules:

a)The White team has white on boards 1 & 3.

b)No player (except reserves) may play for more than one team in the same division.

c)No player may play for more than one club.

d)Competitors in each grade shall be placed on boards 1 to 4 in descending order according to ACF rating with a leeway of 50 points. ACF rated players must play on boards higher that unrated players. Should a team require an exemption ( eg due to fielding an underrated player), a request should be made to the Organizer at the time of registering the team.

e)FIDE ratings can be used as equivalent to ACF ratings and team captains should use best judgement of playing strength if there is any uncertainty.

f)Unrated players should be assigned a division according to playing strength. Consult with the organizer if there is any doubt.

g)Reserves can play as a reserve for a higher division or higher rated team.

h)Discussion between players about team tactics in accepting a draw or playing on for a win is allowed provided no advice about a player's position is given.

Tie Break Rules in the event of tied match results (if relevant for the competition format):

1)Total game points

2)Game points after lower boards are eliminated

3)The lowest rated team wins if all players are rated

4)A playoff will be arranged

For further information contact: Gordon Dunlop Ph: 93686412 Mob: 0409 812129