CE 365: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

Professor Robert L. Lytton

Tel: 845-9964 Fax 458-0780

E mail:

Office:503A, CE/TTI Bldg.

Office Hours: Mon – Wed – Fri

Lectures: MW from 10:00 – 11:20 AM,

Laboratory: Section 301: MW 2:00 – 4:50 PM, CVLB 116

Section 302: TR 2:00 – 4:50 PM, CVLB 116

Section 303: TR 8:00 – 10:50 AM, CVLB 116

Text Book: R. F. Craig 2004, 7th Edition, Craig’s Soil Mechanics, Spon Press


Date Lecture No . Subject Reading Assignments

W - June 1 1 Introduction, Site Investigation 1.1

Phase Relationships 1.5

M – June 6 2 Phase Relationships, Grain Size 1.2, 1.5

W – June 8 3 Consistency Limits; Soil Classification 1.3-1.4

M – June 13 4 Compaction; Grain Composition 1.1, 1.6

W – June 15 5 Seepage 2.1-2.2

M – June 20 6 Seepage, Soil Formation; Positive and 2.3-2.4

Negative pore water pressures

W – June 22 7 Effective Stress; 3.1-3.2, 3.4-3.5

M – June 27 8 Stresses in a Soil Mass, Mohr’s Circle 4.1-4.2

W – June 29 9 Mohr’s Circle drained Shear Strength 4.4

M – July 4 No Class – Mid Term

W – July 6 10 Lateral Earth Pressure 6.1-6.2

M – July 11 11 Mid-Term Examination (July 11, 2004)

W – July 13 12 Consolidation 7.1-7.3, 7.7-7.8

M – July 18 13 Consolidation (Handouts)

W – July 20 14 Undrained Shear Strength 4.4

M – July 25 15 Undrained Shear Strength 4.4

W – July 27 16 Bearing Capacity 8.1-8.4

M – Aug 1 17 Bearing Capacity (Handouts)

W – Aug 3 18 Slope Stability 6.9, 9.1-9.4

M – Aug 8 19 Slope Stability 9.5

FINAL EXAMINATION (AUGUST 9, 2005, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM)

Grading: The grades in the course will come from four sources: Homework, Mid-term Exam,

Lab, and Final Exam. On the final day of class, when you know all of your grades

except the final exam, you will vote as a class on how to distribute 60 of 100 points

in your final grade. If I agree with your distribution, I will distribute the remaining 40

points in your final grade exactly as you have. In that case, you will have distributed

all 100 points. I only retain the 40 points in case you, as a class, vote to unbalance

your bid too much.