2015 Canadian Conference on Physician Health

Sponsorship Prospectus

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and co-host, Doctors Manitobaare proud to present the 4thCanadian Conference on Physician Health scheduled for October 16-17, 2015 at the Delta Winnipeg hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

This event will gather colleagues from across the country to share knowledge, evidence, tools and experiences.

On behalf of our partners and co-host, we invite you to become a sponsor/exhibitor and join participants to both celebrate successes and address the challenges we face in physician health, using the knowledge gained in this area.

We look forward to welcoming you to the cityof Winnipeg.

For more details, please visit CMA.ca/physicianhealthor email .

Ann Chénier,

Advisor, Physician Health Tel: 613-731-8610 x2296

Canadian Medical AssociationToll free: 1-800-663-7336 x2296

Email: bsite:


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship categories:
(taxes included) / Platinum
$25,000 / Gold
$20,000 / Silver
$10,000 / Bronze
$5,000 / Exhibitor
Exclusive recognition / X
Prominent recognition on CPHI Website and registration website (logo with hyperlink) / X
Prominent recognition in preliminary program and/or final program / X
Opportunity to introduce speaker(s) / plenary / concurrent session(s)
Sponsor recognitionat luncheons / X / X
Sponsor recognition at conference opening and closing / X / X
Recognition on the sponsor banner (on-site) / X / X / X
Handout material distributed in delegate kit (subject to CMA approval) / X / X / X
Complimentary conference registration(s)(value of $800 each) / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
One (1) display in exhibitor area / prominent / prominent / X / X / X
Meals and attendance at plenary sessions for 1 booth attendant / X / X / X / X / X

To discuss any other sponsorship suggestions or if you have any questions about the sponsorship packages listed above, please contact .


Company Name: (Please indicate how you would like your company name to appear on promotional literature.)

Name of contact person:


City / Province: Postal code:

Telephone no.: Fax no.:
Email address:

Name(s) of booth attendant and company representative(s):

Brief description of products / services:

All sponsorship packages include meals and attendance at plenary sessions for one booth attendant. Any additional representatives, not included in sponsorship package, who wish to participate, must register.

NOTE: Information on the social events will be provided at a later date.


Your exhibit space will include 2 chairs and 1 skirted table.

Additional equipment will be at exhibitor’s cost (i.e. VCR monitors, laptop).

Details regarding shipping and additional equipment requests will be sent in the information packages to sponsors and exhibitors upon confirmation of participation.

Times listed are in Central Daylight Time (CDT)

Set-up date:Thurs., Oct. 15, 20154:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hours:Fri., Oct. 16, 20158:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Sat., Oct. 17, 20158:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Tear-down Date:Sat., Oct. 17, 20153:00 p.m.

Note:You will be responsible for material left overnight at your booth; no extra security will be provided; exhibit area will be accessible to the public.


The exhibit space in the Delta Winnipeg Hotel is being allocated to you, the Exhibitor, upon the understanding that neither the Delta Winnipeg Hotelnor the Canadian Medical Association - or the co-host organization, Doctors’ Manitoba, will be responsible for loss of, damage to exhibits or other property. The Exhibitor will accept full responsibility for damage caused by the exhibits or other property by members of your organization and will indemnify and save harmless the Delta Winnipeg Hotel or the Canadian Medical Association from and against such loss or damage no matter how caused.

Neither the Canadian Medical Association nor Delta Winnipeg Hotelwill be responsible for the safety of property of Exhibitors, their agents or employees, from theft, damage by fire, accident or other causes but will use reasonable care to protect Exhibitors from such loss. The Exhibitor is responsible for its own property and, if insurance is needed, will make its own arrangements to insure its property accordingly.



Name (please print):


Sponsorship Categories:

$25,000 $20,000$10,000 $5,000$2,500

Method of payment:Cheque (made payable to the Canadian Medical Association)

 Visa  MasterCard AMEX

Card # Expiry Date

Cardholder (please print)


For security reasons, please complete credit card details manually and fax/mail form to CMA.

Please send completed form to:

Canadian Medical AssociationPhone: 613-731-8610 x2296

c/oAnn ChénierFax: 613-731-1779

1867 Alta Vista Dr., Ottawa, ON, K1G 5W8Email:

Exhibitor space is limited and selection is on a first-come, first-serve basis.