Course Syllabus AY 2016-2017

Delaware County Air Force Junior ROTC Unit OH-012

Rutherford B. Hayes High School

Fundamentals of Drill

1st Semester and 2nd Semester -- ½ C.U. Elective each semester

Instructor: SMSgt (R) Douglas Manley

Texts: AFMAN 36-2203 Personnel Drill and Ceremonies and FM 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremonies

Course Description: Provides more in-depth instruction and practice of drill and ceremonies to include traditional customs and courtesies, flag honors, drill and ceremonies, drill positions and movements, drill leadership, marching movements, and organizing and leading parades, retreats, and color guards. Evaluation is divided into academic, marching, and performing ceremonies in the community. (AFJROTC Code LE-500)

Prerequisite: Must be concurrentlyenrolled in Science of Flight, History of Flight, Aerospace 3, or Aerospace 4. Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, or 12 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Year Cadets)

All Cadets enrolled in Fundamentals of Drill will be expected to:

  • Be quiet in the hallways when proceeding to the drill pad or drill floor for drill training and open-ranks uniform inspections.
  • Bring paper, pencils, and the proper textbook to class every day (academic book, workbook, or leadership book).
  • Raise your hand to be recognized; open and unsolicited discussion interferes with others contributions.
  • Maintain military bearing at specified times.

General conduct of Cadets and classroom procedures for Fundamentals of Drill will be in accordance with the current year edition of the CadetHandbook and the Student Codes of Conduct published by each Cadet’s respective home high school.

Course Outlines(Excerpted from Approved Air Force Curricula)

AFMAN 36-2203:

Chapter 2: Commands and Command Voice

Chapter 3: Individual Instructions and Movements

Chapter 4: Drill of the Flight



Chapter 5: Drill of the Squadron


Manual of the Guidon

Chapter 7: Ceremonies


Raising and Lowering of the Flag


FM 3-21.5:

Appendix D: Manual of Arms – M1903 or M 1917 Rifle (applied to M1903 replicas, M1 replicas, and/or M1911 replicas)

Course Objectives and Goals:

The acquisition of more in-depth knowledge and skill of:

Ceremonial customs and courtesies

Flag honors

Drill formations, positions and movements

Drill leadership and organizing of parades, patriotic ceremonies, and color guards


A final exam is given at the end of each semester.

Classattendance,preparationandparticipation:Cadetsearngradescommensuratewiththeirclass participationandeffort. Cadetswhoarenotpresentorpreparedcannotparticipatefullyinclass.

Class Behavior: Thenatureof the AFJROTCmission,aswellasitshighvisibilitywithintheschooland community,requiresitsmemberstoadhereto higherstandardsthanmightbefoundamongthestudent population.Inappropriatebehavior,inoroutof uniform,is prohibitedwhilein participatingin AFJROTC.

CellPhones: Cell phonepolicyisinaccordancewithHayes High Schoolpolicies.Cellphones mustremainturnedoff andoutof sightin the fundamentals of drill class.Anystudentwhorefusestoput away or surrender theircellphonewillbeconsideredinsubordinateandwillbe referred to the Dean of Students.

Grades (Delaware City Schools)

Term Grades are based on the percentage of correct responses achieved in quizzes, tests, in-class worksheets, graded homework assignments, practical skill demonstrations, and other projects.

The gradingprocedure uses a method of grade computation based on recording and averaging numerical percentage grades, including semester exams, throughout the length of the course. Term and semester exam percentage grades will be converted to a letter grade for the permanent record.

To compute the final grade for the course, the following procedure is used:

Semester Course:

1. Add the term percentages for each of the two terms and multiply by 2.

2. Add the percentages for each semester exam.

3. Divide the total for the terms and exams by 5.

4. Convert this percentage to a letter grade according to the following scale.

90% - 92%A-93 – 97%A98% - 100%A+

80% - 82%B-83 – 87%B88% - 89%B+

70% - 72%C-73 – 77%C78% - 79%C+

60% - 62%D-63 – 67%D68% - 69%D+

Below 60% F