2. Create a Sample Food Web for Your Biome. (Drawing)

2. Create a Sample Food Web for Your Biome. (Drawing)

A biome is a complex community of plants and animals living in a particular region and climate. Each biome has varying temperatures, amounts of moisture and light, soils, plants, and animals.

You will work with a partner or partners researching the same biome; taking notes on animals, and plants on research sheets; writing the information into informative paragraphs; color a map with the location of your biome; create posters for two species living in your biome; and create a biomediorama.These tasks also require your team to decide how to divide up the work that is expected. Each must do his or her share of the work.
Task 1 - Your Biome (29pts)
1. Begin researching information requested on the Biome Research Sheet provided.
Task 2-Animals Native to Your Biome (25pts)
1. Select 5 animals to research from your biome(2 large animals, 2 small animals and1 endangered animal species that is from your biome).
2. Begin researching information requested on the Animal Research Sheet provided.
Task 3-Plants Native to Your Biome (15pts)
1. Select at least 3 plants in your biome to research.
2. Begin researching information requested on thePlant Research Sheet provided.
Task 4-Biome Map (5pts)
1. Your teacher will give you a blank map.Color in where your selected biome can be found.
2. Include this map with your final project.

Task 5-Biome Food (12pts)
1.Create a sample food chain that represents the diversity and complexity of your biome. (Paper chain)

2. Create a sample food web for your biome. (Drawing)

3. Create an energy pyramid for your biome. (Drawing)

Task 6 – Biome Diorama (100pts)

1. Your group needs to create two different projects, which will display what you have learned. Be sure to focus on your biome only.

Task 7–Challenge (6pts)

1. You will be taking a positive position as an environmentalist, and you will summarize three things we can do to help save/protect your biome.

Task 8 – Create Your Own (15pts)

1. Make up your own biome; name it, invent biotic and abiotic features, plants, and animals that would live there. Be sure to show how the biotic factors have adapted to your imaginary biome and why the abiotic factors are important and their role in your biome.

Task 9 – Paper Plate Biome (12pts)

1. Use a paper plate; divide it into 6 equal parts. Summarize the location, water, temperature, soil, animals, and plants, in the 6 sections of the paper plate

Task 10 – Most Wanted and Most Unwanted Posters

1. Create Most Wanted poster. This is a poster of an endangered species that lives in your biome.

2. Create Most Unwanted poster. This is a poster of an exotic/invasive species that lives in your biome.

Biome Research Sheet
Name of biome you are researching: ______
Are there other names for this biome when found in different areas of the world? (Hint: Some biomes are known by different names (i.e. grasslands)______
On what continent(s) can this biome be found? ______
I. Characteristics of your biome:

Water: (average yearly rainfall, presence of ponds, lakes, snow, swamps, etc)

Temperature: (average yearly temp, highs, lows)

Soil: (type of soil, main components, rocky? soft? none? etc)

II. List five interesting facts you discovered about this biome:


2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

III. Find charts to show average monthly temperature and precipitation (temperature -line graph and precipitation - bar graph; these are often called climatographs)

IV. Give at least one example of organisms illustrating mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism

V. Eco-tourism is becoming increasingly popular in today’s society. If you were in charge of people touring this region, what five (5) things would you want people to learn and remember about this biome?

VI. A paragraph must be written aboutyour biome that includes the 5 biotic and5abiotic features.

Animal (fauna) Research Sheet
Animal's Name: ______
Name of biome it lives in: ______
Description/Identification of animal: Length:______Height:______
Weight: ______Color(s): ______
Is this animal a mammal? ______If not, what is it? ______
Describe this animal in detail and how it’s adapted to live in this biome:




Describe in detail the specific habitat your animal lives in and include information about what your animal eats and what it’s niche is:


Select at least five interesting facts about your animal.Use details!





Plant (flora) Fact Sheet

Common name of plant: ______
Name of biome it survives in: ______
Description/Identification of plant:Height: ______Color(s): ______

Describe this plant in detail and be sure to include any unique/special characteristics this plant has that helps it survive in this biome:
Sketch a picture of your plant.Be sure to include color.

Biome Diorama Instructions

Your project is to make a diorama of what is found in the biome you have chosen. You will need to have both biotic and abiotic factors in your diorama. You must include the following:

  1. Background that covers the inside (all 3 walls) of the diorama and looks like the biome
  2. Flooring looks like what you might walk on in the biome
  3. Inside the box should be decorated (painted, collaged with photos, etc.). Be sure to include the following:
  1. 3 major types of autotrophs/producers
  2. 3 major types of herbivores
  3. 2 major types of carnivores/omnivores
  4. 1 major type of scavenger/decomposer
  5. The abiotic components (rocks, sun, clouds, soil, water, etc.) of this particular biome
  1. Outside taped onto the back, top, and sides of the box should be your Biome Research Sheet and any pages associated with it, your Animal Research Sheets, your Plant Research Sheets, your colored Biome Map, your sample Food Web drawing, and your Energy Pyramid drawing.
  2. Be sure your names can be found easily on the project.

Most Wanted and Most Unwanted Posters Instructions

Your posters are to resemble a “Wanted Poster” for criminals. One is a wanted poster for an endangered species in your biome and the other is an unwanted poster for an exotic/invasive species in your biome. Your posters must include the following:

  1. Must have a clear title and include the biome name (Ex. Deserts Most Wanted)
  2. All work on the poster must be typed (and pasted neatly) or done in pen

Illustrations and title can be colored pencil

  1. Spelling COUNTS, especially on main words
  2. Readable – use clear language, good grammar in all poster text. Legible – all poster text should be readable from 5 feet away
  3. Well-organized – group items logically, visually for maximum impact
  4. Succinct – you have 10 seconds to grab your audience’s attention. Remember: The purpose of your poster is to attract attention to your work.
  5. Be sure to place the Poster Research Sheet (Unwanted) on the back of its poster. Use the Animal Research Sheet of your endangered animal for your Wanted Poster.

What these projects ARE NOT:

  1. They’re not a report of just animals found in the biome
  2. They’re not a simple explanation of what a biome is
  3. They’re not a “cut-n-paste” from the Internet project – you have to have multiple sources of information and plagiarism will earn you the right to do your project again

Poster Research Sheet (Unwanted)

Name of organism: ______

Name of biome it lives in now: ______

Where did your organism originally come from? ______

Description/Identification of organism: Length: ______Height: ______

Weight: ______Color(s): ______

Describe this organism in detail and describe how it is adapted to live in this biome: ______







Describe in detail what makes this organism a “bad guy” in your biome. Include your organism’s impact on other native organisms in your biome: ______






What are people doing to rid your biome of this organism? Is it working? ______





Biome Project Rubric

Labeled biome and description given / 10
Climate: accurate temperature and precipitation information / 15
5 animals: in the correct biome / 15
3 plants: in the correct biome / 10
Two food chains: accurate for the biome / 10
Location: accurate information and colored map / 10
Other: added factual information of interest / 10
Neatness / 15
Copies given to teacher / 5
Total Score / 100

Biome Research Sheet Rubric

Name of biome, other names for biome, continents biome found on1pt

Characteristics of your biome5pts

List of 5 interesting facts5pts

Charts to show average monthly temp and precipitation5pts

One example each of mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, and

a competitive relationship in your biome4pts

List of 5 things you would want people to learn and remember

about your biome5pts

List of 5 biotic and 5 abiotic features in your biome5pts

Paragraph written about the biotic and abiotic features of your biome1pt


Animal Research Sheet Rubric (for all 5)

Each animals name1pt

Description of each animal (length, height, etc)5pts

Distinguishing characteristicsof each animal5pts

Habitat, range and diet of each animal4pts

List of 5 interesting facts about each animal10pts


Plant Fact Sheet Rubric

Name of each plant1pt

Description of each plant4pts

Unique/special characteristics of this plant5pts

Picture of each plant5pts


Biome Food Rubric

Sample food chain4pts

Sample food web4pts

Sample energy pyramid4pts


Create your own biome rubric


Biotic features5pts

Abiotic features5pts




Paper plate biome rubric



Precipitation (water)2pts



