1My Brother S Very Strange. He Doesn T Like Chocolatec/U!

1My Brother S Very Strange. He Doesn T Like Chocolatec/U!

Name ...... Class ......


1Zdecyduj, czy podkreślone w zdaniach rzeczowniki są policzalne (countable),
czy niepoliczalne (uncountable).
Zakreśl odpowiedzi: (C – countable) lub
(U – uncountable).

1My brother’s very strange. He doesn’t like chocolateC/U!

2AdolescenceC/U can be a very difficult time for many teenagers.

3I learned an interesting pieceC/U of information from a TV game show yesterday.

4I like Rita’s new furnitureC/U. I think it suits her flat perfectly.

5The bank robbery in the town centre was on the newsC/U last night.


2Wybierz prawidłowe uzupełnienie zdań.

1How much/many new verbs did you learn last week?

2I’m afraid there are only a few/a little biscuits left. I ate most of them last week.

3I was worried about making mistakes
in my English homework, but there weren’t
a lot/a lot of.

4The teacher didn’t give us much/many time
to finish the test.

5I didn’t get some/any sleep last night, so
I’m feeling terrible this morning.


3Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami względnymi. Tam, gdzie to możliwe, pomiń zaimek.

who which whose where

1That’s the mistake _____people often make!

2Avataris the film _____won a lot of awards last year.

3Miss Franks is the teacher _____first taught me English.

4The film is about a couple _____young son can speak four languages.

5There are now houses in the field _____we played when we were children.



4Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 People in Wales speak______

2 People in Poland speak______

3 People in the Netherlands speak______

4 People in Japan speak______

5 People in Germany speak______


5Wybierz prawidłowe uzupełnienie zdań.

1You have to ___ an exam to go to university.

A make
B write
C take

2Dan never ___ mistakes when he speaks English. He’s very good.

A makes
B does
C puts

3It’s a good idea to ___ new words into your own language in your vocabulary notebook.

A write
B translate
C revise

4If you want to communicate in English easily, you need to ___ speaking as often as possible.

A revise
B memorise
C practise

5I usually ___ for exams the day before.

A memorise
B practise
C revise

6We have to ___ a lot of grammar exercises
in class and I hate them!

A make
B do
C memorise

6Do podanych wyrazów dodaj odpowiednie przedrostki: un-, in-, il-, ir- oraz im-. Uzupełnij zdania powstałymi wyrazami.

regular happy correct visible legal

1Harry Potter has a cloak that makes him ______.

2In our country, it’s ______to drive at 16.

3Mike is ______, because he lost his iPhone yesterday.

4I must learn my list of ______verbs for tomorrow’s test.

5It’s ______to start a formal letter with the words: ‘Hello Mr Brown’.



7Przeczytaj wypowiedzi czterech osób na temat nauki języka angielskiego. Dopasuj wypowiedzi (A–D) do zdań (1–6). Wypowiedzi mogą pasować do więcej niż jednego zdania podsumowującego.

1I think it’s important to have fun when you’re learning a new language. ___

2I’m not the only one in my family who can speak two languages. ___

3I didn’t have English lessons often enough. ___

4My parents are different nationalities. ___

5It’s important to have a real reason for learning a language. ___

6It didn’t take me long to learn English. ___

A I can’t remember when I first started learning English because it was – and still is – the language my family speaks at home. You see, my mum is English and both her and my dad (who’s French) thought it would be a good idea for their children to speak English at home and French at school. It has worked! Me and my sisters speak both languages well, and I can go from one to the other without thinking about it.

B I never learned English at school, because our second language was Spanish. I think that today children learn English, but not when I was young. I learned English when I was working in London for a year after university. I was so worried about the language! But I found that after a few weeks, I knew what people were saying and I could speak quite a lot. I think you learn a language best when you really need to, not just for passing exams at school.

C I started learning English when I was about seven, at school, but we didn’t do very much!

I don’t remember anything from those lessons. We had one lesson every week and I forgot everything between the lessons. The only lesson that still remains in my memory is when we imagined we were different kind of fruit. I was a banana and walked round the room saying: ‘I am a banana!’ I thought it was very silly!

D I didn’t start learning English until I was 11 and it was really difficult. There were 30 students in my class and we never said anything in English. The teacher taught us grammar rules and we learned long lists of vocabulary for tests. I didn’t understand why I was learning this strange language. The teacher didn’t show us any English films or magazines and we never played any games. The lessons were boring, so I didn’t learn anything. I don’t think our teacher was very good.

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