10th Grade English II Summer Project: Life of Pi

Materials Needed:

Life of Pi DVD

Life of Pi Novel by Yann Martel

Composition Notebook

Steps to the Summer Project:

1)Before Reading: Watch the movie “Life of PI” prior to reading the novel. Use and answer the “Thinking Guide” questions as you watch the film and answer on the first page of your composition notebook. The movie is widely available. (NOTE: The movie and the novel are different- you will need to have an understanding of both mediums in order to be successful on the project)

2)During Reading: As you read the novel, complete the dialectical journal in a composition notebook. Write only 25 entries in your dialectic journal, NOT two per chapter.

3)After Reading: After you read the novel, complete the Life of Pi Three, Two, One Packet. This should also be completed in your composition notebook after your dialectical journal.

4) Have a parent or guardian sign the back cover of your composition notebook when you are done.

5)Turn in all the above by the first day of school to your English teacher.


Life of Pi Film Thinking Guide

Answer these questions on the first page of your composition notebook as you watch the film.

  1. Do you think the story Pi is telling is true? Why or why not?


  1. Look for the color orange in the movie. What do you think it might symbolize?


  1. Pi has a variety of meanings and symbolisms such as the irrational number 3.14 and it’s mathematical meanings. Google 3.14. What ideas are represented by naming the protagonist Pi?


  1. Life of PI is an allegory- a story which actually stands for something else. What do you think it stands for beyond a story about a boy and a tiger?


  1. What is significant about Pi being a Hindu-Christian-Muslim?


STEP 3 Life of Pi

Three…Two…One Packet

Pick THREE questions to complete. Each should be a paragraph or more.

  • Reread the part of the novel in which Pi’s parents are confronted by the three religious officiates. Why is it important that Pi only be a member of their church?
  • Pondicherry is described as an anomaly, the former capital of what was once French India. In terms of storytelling, what makes this town a appropriate choice for Pi's upbringing?
  • Pi's full name, Piscine Molitor Patel, was inspired by a Parisian swimming pool that "the gods would have delighted to swim in." The shortened form refers to the ratio of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter. Explore the significance of Pi's unusual name.
  • IsLife of Pia tragedy, romance, or comedy? Why?
  • The two Japanese officials who interview Pi don’t believe that he really landed on a man-eating island. When they say that carnivorous trees and fish-eating algae do not exist, Pi responds, “Only because you’ve never seen them.” What does this exchange say about human understanding of what is real and possible?

Pick TWO to complete in at least half a page response.

  • Construct a poem about Pi during his time at sea (20 lines)
  • Construct a diary entry from the perspective of Pi discussing the struggle with believing in yourself.
  • Imagine that you are left alone for an extended period of time (about 6 months), and that you only have you knowledge and your convictions to keep yourself from death. There is no outside help, and it is a struggle to find your basic needs. Consider the following questions in your response. What would become most important to you? What would be the wisest course of action? What things would you need to know in order to survive? Who would you miss the most? – Given all of these things, what would you do in order to come out alive, sane, and human?

Pick ONE prompt to answer in a one-page or more response.

  • Go back through the novel and find instances where each religion helped Pi survive. To what extent are those instances significant?
  • What effect does Pi’s friendship with Richard Parker have on this novel?
  • Among Yann Martel's gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi's perspective?