1Chapter 5: Languages

Introducing: Languages (p.140)

•language and culture

•language distributions

•“Language is like luggage.”

•Figure 5-1

Key Issue 1: Where Are Languages Distributed?

•How many languages do you speak?


•literary tradition

•official language

•Figure 5-2

•English as an official language


•speakers of different languages

•85 languages

•language families

•language branch

•language group

•Classification of Languages

•Figure 5-3

•Figure 5-4

•Two-Thirds of the people..

•Distribution of Language Families



•Figure 5-5

•North America

•South America



•Middle East

•South Asia

•East and Southeast Asia


•Other Asian Language Families



•Tai Kadai



•Languages of Southwest Asia and North Africa and Central Asia




•African Language Families




•Figure 5-8

Key Issue 2: Why is English Related to Other Languages?

•Distribution of Indo-European Branches

•Germanic Branch

•Western Germanic


•Figure 5-9

•Indo-Iranian Branch

•Indic (Eastern) Group


•India’s languages


•Figure 5-10

•Figure 5-11

•Iranian (Western) Group

•Balto-Slavic Branch

•East Slavic and Baltic Groups


•Figure 5-12

•West and South Slavic Groups


•Bosnian Muslims

•Romance Branch

•European regions

•Figure 5-13

•“difficulty in trying to establish…”


•Origin and Diffusion of Language Families

•Origin and Diffusion of English

•German Invasion


•Figure 5-15

•Norman Invasion


•Modern English

•Diffusion to North America

•Origin and Diffusion of Romance Languages

•Roman Empire


•Origin and Diffusion of Indo-European


•Nomadic Warrior Hypothesis

•Sedentary Farmer hypothesis

•Indo-European dissuasion

•Figure 5-18

•Figure 5-19

Key Issue 3: Why Do Individual Languages Vary among Places ?



•Dialects of English

•Dialect in the United States

•Figure 5-20

•Settlement in the East

•New England



•Current Dialect Differences in the East

•Pronunciation Differences

•Figure 5-21

•“diffusion of particular English dialects…”

•Figure 5-22

•Dialects in the United Kingdom

•standard language

•Received Pronunciation

•Figure 5-23

•English dialects

•British and American English Dialects



•Figure 5-24


•England vs. USA

•Distinguishing between Languages and Dialects

•Romance Branch Dialects

•Spanish and Portuguese

•Dialect or Langauge?

•Languages of Italy




•Creole Langaues

•creolized language

Key Issue 4: Why Do People Preserve Local Languages?

•“fate of culture group…”

•Langauge Diversity

•Multilingual States


•Figure 5-27

•Southern Belgium

•Northern Belgium


•Figure 5-29


•Figure 5-30

•Isolated Langauges

•A Pre-Indo-European Survivor: Basque

•An Unchanging Langauge: Icelandic

•A “Discovered” Language: Koro Aka

•Extinct and Revived Languages

•Many Extinct Languages: Native Americans

•An Extinct Language: Gothic

•Reviving and Extinct Langauge Hebrew

•Preserving Endangered Languages: Celtic






•Preserving Aboriginal and Maori in Australia and New Zealand


•New Zealand

•Preserving Occitan in France

•French Dialects

•Preserving Lesser-Used Langauges

•Global Dominance of English

•Figure 5-42

•English: An Example of a Lingua Franca

•pidgin language

•global dominace

•The Death of English as a Lingua Franca?

•Expansion Diffusion of English

•African American English

•Appalachian English

•Diffusion to Other Languages




•Spanish and French in the Untied States and Canada

•Spanish-Speaking United States

•Figure 5-48

•French-Speaking Canada

•Figure 5-49

•English on the Internet

•Figure 5-50