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Newsletter March 2001

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Down's Update - the first in our new series of information sheets to keep you up to date with development at the Zimbabwe Downs Association.

May I introduce myself to you - my name is Trish Mbanga and I agreed to assist the Association with fund raising at the beginning of 2001. My husband, Wilf, and I are self-employed as a small communications consultancy named Activate - which we run from our home in Chisipite.

Economic Crisis

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that fund-raising in the current economic climate in Zimbabwe is a complete nightmare! But the children need help- now more than ever - so we are giving it our best shot. An example of how bad things are reached my desk last week - and really shocked me:

A large corporation, who had supported the Association for years with regular donations of several thousands of dollars, responded to my appeal for this year with a cheque for $500.00 and a brief word of apology. Times are really tough!


At this point I would like to pay tribute to the top ten donors from the year 2000 - a big thank you to:

Dimon Zimbabwe Dairibord Zimbabwe

Astra HoldingsRio Tinto

Stanbic BankEdgars Foundation

Thomas MeikleDufel Trading

Zimbabwe Agricultural SocietyRotary Club Of Highlands

Regular Donors

We are also most grateful to those who donate goods and services to us on a regular basis:

Deloitte And ToucheGauntlet Security

Cairns Foods LtdSoftex Tissue Products

Glynns BoltsIrvines

Levin Family FoundationL Millard

ZimpacMrs I Redman

Duncans Family ButcheryMr & Mrs Solanki

Mr D J DoigQuality Tooling

P G IndustriesZbc TV


Donations so far this year have been received from Coca Cola, First Mutual, Greenwood Pharmacies, A Barnard, P G Industries, Eagle Insurance, Brumford Services, Beverley Building Society, Duncan Family Butchery, Deloitte and Touche, TM Supermarkets, Mashonaland Holdings and the Mayor's Christmas Cheer Fund. Pledges for funding during 2001 have been received from Standard Chartered Bank, Zimbabwe Agricultural Society, TZI, Astra Holdings, and Dairibord Zimbabwe. Thank you all so much!

What we need!

May we appeal to your generosity, on behalf of these very special children, and request a donation to assist with our expenses for the current financial year.


Our monthly expenses are budged at $150 000, made up as follows:

Salaries $64 000stationery$3000

Fuel$15 000lights & water$5000

Communications$20 000miscellaneous$20 000

Taxes$12 000outreach$10 000

We also need:


Wax crayonstwo staplers

Paintcorrection fluid

Safety scissorspaper

Files and staplesassorted stationery items

Pritt glue and glue sticksassorted groceries

Chalk board dustersfoodstuffs

Pencils, pencil crayonscleaning materials

Paint brushescrockery and cutlery


Educational toystowels

Classroom Block:

One of the major achievements during the past 12 months has been the construction of the new classroom block- comprising four new classrooms and ablution facilities. However, in order to complete the block we still require the following materials.

Paintlight fittings and bulbs

Electrical fittingscement

Ceiling boardsgarden tools

Doors and door handlescurtain rails and runners

Tilestoilet seats, basins

Plumbing materialsfurniture


If you could assist in the supply of any of these items, we would be most grateful for whatever you are able to offer, and we assure that every cent will be responsible accounted for and used in a transparent manner to benefit the children in our care.

Background Information

For the past 16 years the Zimbabwe Downs Children’s Association has run an administrative centre, library, meeting place and learning centre from a two and a half acre property in Waterfalls, Harare. Thirty-five children attend the Learning Centre, which is staffed by three dedicated and imaginative teachers. Two thirds of the children have Down's syndrome.

These children are doing everything their parents were told would never be able to do. Many are reading, writing and doing maths. Given a start like this, they will be far more capable and independent when they reach adulthood. As a result of our outreach workshops, many more children need a place at the Centre. Many are from lower income families and cannot afford to pay even modest fees. Our policy is that no child should be turned away.

Please help us to help them!

Yours sincerely

Trish Mbanga

Fund Raiser, Zimbabwe Downs Children’s Association