Cedar Riverside Youth Worker Collaborative
Steering Committee
action working groups on priority topics
****All action working groups are open – please feel free to attend meetings. ****
I.First Topic: Currie Park Soccer Field use & reservation process; and, other practice fields in the area – Riverside Park, North Central Fields (proposed 4-28-15)
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic:Currie Park Soccer Field use & reservation process; and, other practice fields in the area – Riverside Park, North Central Fields.
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
- work toward compromise and collaboration
- build trust among people and organizations in the community
- share the calendar for this year – ask Matt Bell to bring the calendar and help discuss; this is key
- address the issue of organizations scheduling use of the soccer field, butnot communicating withMPRB staff
- look at and assess gaps and conflicts
- ask Matt Bell, MPRB, to explain the policy and process
- is there open time scheduled for the community?
- bring information about new policy re: priority park use for kids
- ask Matt Bell to bring information re: availability of Riverside Park
- ask Matt Bell to bring information re: availability of Elliott Park- North Central field (or should Tim be asked to attend re: sharing this info?)
- ask Matt Bell if he will help co-lead this meeting, and subsequent meetings if the group decides they need more than one meeting
- what do we need? What should we be asking from stakeholders?
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic Currie Park Soccer Field use and reservation process - please add others who should be invited:
- Matt Bell - will co-lead the first meeting and subsequent meetings if the group decides they need more than one meeting
- Abdi Mukhtar & PALS partnershipwith Brian Coyle Center - boys and girls teams
- Mahdi Abdi
- Ibsa Mussa - soccer teams and Nite OWLZ
- Deqa Adan
- Abirizak Said - SAYEC - home games Khadar Noor
- West Bank Athletic Club - Coach Ahmed Ismail and Phill Kelly
- Someone from weekend leagues – ask Matt Bell who would be good to invite – Phill has Moises’ cell phone number….
- Someone from Summer Camp at Brian Coyle Center – ask Andrea and Mahdi who to invite
- Cedar Riverside Community School - Jennifer Webber - girls open gym
- Abdi Muse – ask if he knows who from MPRB has been in touch with the Mayor’s office, re: a few people from the community have raised issues around this topic
II.Second Topic: Brian Coyle Center Gym use.(proposed 4-28-15)
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic: Brian Coyle Center Gym use.
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
- work toward compromise and collaboration
- build trust among people and organizations in the community
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic: Brian Coyle Center Gym use - please add others who should be invited:
- some of the same people listed above re: soccer field topic may be interested in this topic also
- Amano Dube
- Andrea Arts
- Mohamed Mohamed
- Mahdi Abdi
- Matt Bell
- Phill Kelly re: WB Athletic Club
- CRCS Principal and Jennifer Weber
III.Third Topic: training foradult supervisors working with paid youth interns or youthstaffworking in the Cedar-Riverside community - whether they are doing youth programs per se or other kinds of work. (proposed 4-28-15)
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic:developing trainingfor adult supervisors working with paid youth interns or youthstaff working inthe Cedar-Riverside community.
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
- createone or more trainingworkshop(s) and/or training curriculum and materials.
- Adults becoming better mentors and youth workers – fundamentals of working with youth; youth becoming youth workers (more training for youth who are serious about youth work profession).
- look at whether there is a need to target individuals who, by default, end up working with youth, but don't have capacity for training vs.targeting more established organizations with more capacity.
- look at whether it's a good idea to have an ongoing group focused on capacity-building training for newer groups, programs, projects.
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic:training for adults supervisors working with Cedar-Riverside paid youth interns or youthstaff.
- please add others who should be invited:
- Andrea Arts – ask if she will lead this action working group
- Mohamed Mohamed - West Bank Community Council
- Addie - Mixed Blood
- Allison - Green Campus
- Adrienne Dorn - Cedar Cultural Center
- Matt Bell - MPRB
- Jaimie - West Bank Business Association
- Coach Ahmed - West Bank Athletic Club
- Sarah Denzer - PUC Food Shelf
- Fairview - Laura Beeth
- Rachel Svanoe – Augsburg
- Katie Culhane – SAPA
- Cyndi Hovey – Emerge, Brian Coyle Center
IV.Fourth Topic: community organizing and leadership development training for youth who are working as interns or staff in youth-work or community-work roles and organizations in the Cedar-Riverside community.
(proposed 4-28-15)
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic:developing community organizing and leadership development training for youth who are working as interns or staff in youth-work or community-work roles and organizations in the Cedar-Riverside community.
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
- create a series oftrainings,workshops, curriculum, materials, etc. for youth who are working in summer or ongoing positions
- look at Step Up re: first group in cohort
- train youth in best practices re: grassroots organizing skills
- train youth in understanding city systems
- look at the many organizations and resourcesin our local area offering training, methodologies, curriculum, etc. re: organizing, leadership development.
- Question: should there be a pilot phase, using a small cohort to learn & evaluate?
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic: developing community organizing and leadership development training for youth who are working as interns or staff in youth-work or community-work roles and organizations in the Cedar-Riverside community.
- please add others who should be invited:
- Rachel Svanoe and othersfrom Augsburg – ask if she will lead this action working group; Faith may also help co-lead.
- Andrea Arts - PUC - high school seniors working for Andrea in youth programs; Sisterhood Boutique employees; 12 Step Up youth
- Abdi Mukhtar - PUC
- Mohamed Mohamed - West Bank Community Council
- Marcela Sotela - U of M and Augsburg students doing cohort training
- Addie - Mixed Blood
- Allison - Green Campus
- Adrienne Dorn - Cedar Cultural Center
- Matt Bell - MPRB
- Cedar-Riverside Youth Council
- Step-Up youth employed in various Cedar-Riverside locations
- Katie Culhane – SAPA
- Cyndi Hovey – Emerge, Brian Coyle Center
V.Fifth Topic: Employment & Training - outreach and engagement
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic:Employment & Training - outreach and engagement.
(proposed 5-26-15)
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic: Employment & Training - outreach and engagement.
- Mohamed Ali
- Cyndi Hovey
- Abdi Mukhtar
- Phill Kelly
- Faith Cable Kumon
- Bekela (suggested)
- Laura Beeth (suggested)
VI. Sixth Topic: Crime and Safety
The CRYWC steering committee will invite a collaborative action working group to form around the topic:Crime and Safety
(proposed 5-26-15)
Initial Goals - the action working group may add more:
Who to invite into the collaborative action working grouparound the topic: Crime and Safety
- Abdi Mukhtar
- Matt Bell
- Nadira Mohamud
- Phill Kelly
- Mahdi Abdi
- Abdirizak Bihi
- Mohammed will help connect this action working group with WBCC Safety Committee, their next meeting is June 2nd; no meeting in July; regular meetings held first Tuesday of each month, 7pm, West Bank Safety Center. This season’s summer walks are starting – to help with crime prevention.
- There is also a monthly clean-up through West Bank Business Association.
- Abdi talked about National Night Out activities and events being planned.