Year 5Calverton Creative Curriculum Long Term Overview

Topic / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
/ London
/ The Age of Technology
/ Health &
/ Our Global
/ The World
of Work

Science / Forces
Why does an apple fall down and not up from a tree?
*Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
*Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces
*Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
*Learn about a significant scientist – Sir Isaac Newton / Living Things and their Habitats
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
*Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
*Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals
*Describe the changes as humans develop to old age / Earth & Space
What makes the world go round?
*Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system
*Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
*Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies
*Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky / Animals including Humans
Why do I have to grow old?
*Describe the human circulatory system
*Recognise the impact of lifestyle on the function of the body
*Describe transport of nutrients in animals including humans
*Describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
*Research finding the gestation periods and mass of a range of animals, including some of the largest ones on the planet / Properties and changes of materials
How can you make sea water drinkable?
• To compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets
• To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
• To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
• To give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
• To demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
• To explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate / Enterprise/World of Work
Application of Knowledge and skills
*Plan scientific enquiries to answer questions
*Take measurements with increasing accuracy and precision
*Record data and results with increasing complexity
To report and present findings from enquiries (in detail) in oral and written form
*Identify scientific evidence used to support/refute ideas tor arguments
Geography/History / History: Gunpowder Plot
Remember, remember the 5th of November!
*Draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.
*Appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today
*Have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years / History: History of East London
Why are the Docks important for East London?
*Use my mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be
*Make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same
*Test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question / History: Anglo Saxons
Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing?
*Use dates and historical language in my work
*Describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied
*Have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years
*Appreciate how historical artefacts have helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? / Geography: Understand the Water Cycle
Will we ever run out of it?
*Make detailed sketches and plans; improving my accuracy later
*Explain how the water cycle works
*Explain why water is such a valuable commodity
*Explain why people are attracted to live by rivers / Geography: United Kingdom and the Wider World
I’m a pupil get me out of here!
*Name and locate many of the world’s major rivers on maps
*Name and locate many of the world’s most famous mountain regions on maps
*Locate the USA and Canada on a world map and atlas
*Locate and name the main countries in South America on a world map and atlas
*Explain what a place might be like in the future, taking account of issues impacting on human features / Enterprise/World of Work: This can be you!
Could you be whoever you want to be?
*Research the labour market in Newham
*Research pathways to potential future careers
*Develop team work skills
*Raise aspirations by meeting people from the world of work
Enterprise Skills
Attitude –
competitiveness, self-
belief, determination, aspiration, motivation
Creativity –
problem solving, innovation, generating ideas, spotting and creating opportunities
Relationships –
managing difficult situations, working with others, communication, negotiation, presentation
Organisation –
planning, goal setting, decision making, research, managing risk, managing resources
Art /
Design Technology / Art
Painting: Bonfire Art
Exploring and developing ideas
*Observe mood and feelings in a painting
Investigating and making
*Read a colour wheel
*Work with cold and warm colours, recognise, mix and use appropriately
*Explore colour in relation to moods and feelings.
*Develop the understanding of the term wash” and use the technique
*Explore properties and types of paint, acrylic, oil, watercolour and note the differences
Evaluating and developing their work
*Comment on others work using their own success criteria for improvement. / Art
Drawing: City Landscape
Exploring and developing ideas
*Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points for their work
*Collect visual and other information to help them develop their ideas
Investigating and making
*Use a range of pencils, HB to 4B for effect
*Explore line and shading to create a 3d effect
*Use a line to create depth tone, or both
*Make a distinction between a working sketch and a drawing
*Talk about perspective
*Use a sketchbook to record ideas
*Identify, name and use horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines
Evaluating and developing their work
*Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others’ work / Art
Textiles: Weaving & Braiding
Exploring and developing ideas
*Question & make thoughtful observations about starting points & select ideas to use in their work
Investigating and making
*Consider how people from a different time and culture designed and created garments
*Use a yarn made from cardboard to weave strips of fabric
*Plait or braid different types of yarn or threads
*Mimic an Anglo Saxon weave process from branches in a tree
Evaluating and developing their work
*Comment on the work they have completed and describe how it contrasts to methods used long ago / Design Technology
Design and make a water cycle
* Generate innovative ideas by carrying out research using surveys, interviews, questionnaires and web-based resources.
* Develop a simple design specification to guide their thinking.
*Develop and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated drawings, exploded drawings and drawings from different views.
* Produce detailed lists of tools, equipment and materials. Formulate step-by-step plans and, if appropriate, allocate tasks within a team.
*Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to make products that that are accurately assembled and well finished. Work within the constraints of time, resources and cost.
*Compare the final product to the original design specification.
* Test products with intended user and critically evaluate the quality of the design, manufacture, functionality and fitness for purpose.
*Consider the views of others to improve their work.
*Investigate famous manufacturing and engineering companies relevant to the project.
Technical knowledge
* Understand that mechanical and electrical systems have an input, process and an output.
* Understand how gears and pulleys can be used to speed up, slow down or change the direction of movement.
*Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project / Design Technology
Study of a famous architect: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Building a Bridge
*Carry out web-based resources.
*Develop a simple design specification to guide the development of their ideas and products, taking account of constraints including time, resources and cost
*Generate, develop and model innovative ideas, through discussion, prototypes and annotated sketches
*Formulate a clear plan, including a step-by-step list of what needs to be done and lists of resources to be used
*Competently select from and use appropriate tools to accurately measure, mark out, cut, shape and join construction materials to make frameworks
*Use finishing and decorative techniques suitable for the product they are designing and making
*Investigate and evaluate a range of existing frame structures
*Critically evaluate their products against their design specification, intended user and purpose, identifying strengths and areas for development, and carrying out appropriate tests
* Research key events
and individuals relevant to frame structures
Technical knowledge
*Understand how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce 3-D frameworks.
* Know and use technical vocabulary relevant to the project / Enterprise /World of Work
Art/Design Technology
Application of knowledge and skills
*Explore the work of other designers
* Generate initial ideas and simple design criteria through talking and using own experiences
* Investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes, including drawing
* Develop and communicate ideas through drawings and mock-ups
* Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it
Computing/Film It / Data Retrieving and Organising
Computing/Film it
*Can they listen to streaming audio as online radio?
*Can they download and listen to podcasts?
*Can they produce and upload a podcast
*Can they manipulate sounds using Audacity?
*Can they select music from open sources such and incorporated into multimedia presentations?
*Can they work on simple film editing?
Film It Site
*Create a short film and upload it to the film it website
*Write blurb for my film to be shared on the Film It website / Databases
* Create a formula in a spreadsheet and then check for accuracy and plausibility
*Search database for information using symbols such as = > or <?
*Create databases planning the fields, rows and columns
*Create graphs and tables to be copied and pasted into other documents
Film It
Animation- Jellycam
*Add text and music to my animation
*Use the onion skin to ensure I make small movements with my figures
* Use several layers of onion skin to help me plot my movements / Communicating Safely
*Learnt more about internet safety
*Use instant messaging to communicate with class members
*Develop awareness of cyber bullying when using email
*Conduct a video chat with someone elsewhere in the school or in another school
*Use the word count tool to check the length of my document
*Use bullets and numbering tools
Film It
Windows Media
*Add still images to my film for effect
*Apply the pan and zoom effect to my still images ( ) / Presentation
Computing/film it
*Consider audience when editing a simple film
*Know how to prepare and then present a simple film
*Use ICT to record sounds and capture both still and video images?
*Make a home page for a website that contains links to other pages?
*Capture sounds, images and video?
Film It
Windows Media
*Add text at appropriate points in my film editing to convey a message rather than use voice
*Add voice over to my edited film to enhance it / Algorithms and Programs
*Combine sequences of instructions and procedures to turn devices on or off
*Understand input and output
*Use an ICT program to control an external device that is electrical and/or mechanical
*Use ICT to measure sound or light or temperature using sensors
*Explore ‘What is’ questions by playing adventure or quest games
*Write programs that have sequences and repetitions?
Film It
Photostory 3
* Add music to create different moods at different stages
* Add transitions to my images
*Change the pitch of the music in my film to ensure that narration can be heard / Using the Internet
*Can they use a search engine using keyword searches?
*Can they compare the results of different searches?
*Can they decide which sections are appropriate to copy and paste from at least two web pages?
*Can they save stored information following simple lines of enquiry?
*Can they download a document and save it to the computer?
Film It
* Choose and create a short film/animation to convey a message of my choice
*Understand that it is essential to use copyright free music in any of my projects
*Formulate comments to be left on the Film It website to say what I can consider when making films
Music / Singing
Sing songs with increasing control of breathing, posture and sound projection / Singing
Identify phrases through breathing in appropriate places / Exploring Rounds
*Learn about the effect of different pitched notes played
*Know about rounds
*Sing a simple round in two parts and accompany it with a three-note chord (triad)
*Know how to find given notes on a pitched instrument
*Know how to perform using voices and instruments
*Create a class performance through practise and rehearsal / Cyclic Patterns
Rhythm & Pulse
*Learn about cyclic patterns
*Recognise that percussion instruments can produce a wide range of sounds
*Recognise how different patterns can fit together
* Learn about particular cyclic patterns
*Know how to invent simple rhythmic patterns
*Know how to expand rhythmic ideas using timbre and duration and by rearranging the rhythmic material / Exploring Sound Choices
*Focus their listening
*Know how sounds can be contrasted
*Know about different textures
*Recognise how pitched sounds, when combined, can sound relaxed or tense
*Know that sounds can be captured and modified using ICT
*Select sounds and resources to achieve an intended effect
*Know that pitch and duration may be altered using ICT, and that changes may be used in combination
*Extend their sound vocabulary and achieve an intended effect / Singing
Sing confidently as a class, in groups and alone and begin to have an awareness of improvisation with the voice
Education / Outdoor
*Apply tactics to play competitively
Children are able to……
*bowl accurately at a target
*Select and use correct positions in fielding
*Use symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes
*Perform symmetrical/
asymmetrical shapes with counter / Outdoor
*Apply principles of attacking and defending
Children are able to……
*select relevant throw according to distance
*throw with some accuracy at a goal
*Develop sequences of movements in performances
*Practise rolls/balances
match and mirror actions
*Prepare sequence on mats and apparatus / Outdoor
*Use communication to play competitively
Children are able to……
*know playing area for each person
*pivot on one foot to change direction
Latin American Samba

*Incorporate instruments/props
follow rhythm
*Analyse performance / Outdoor
*Apply technique and control to play competitively
Children are able to……
*serve accurately
*vary speed and height of the ball
The Water Cycle Dance
LCPE: The River
*Incorporate increasing size groups
*Use of facial expressions / Outdoor
Athletics (Field)
*Develop techniques in running and jumping to improve performance
Children are able to……
*achieve distances:
Discus: 5 metres
Javelin:10 metres
Chest Push: 5 metres
High jump: 1 metre
Long jump:1.5 metre
*Use variety of elements for a short performance
*Peer assess performance of others
*Suggest improvements / Outdoor
Athletics (Track)
*Develop techniques in running and jumping to improve performance
Children are able to……
*pace distance running to enable a final sprint finish
*perform baton changes in motion
Carnival Dance
*Perform dances using a range of movement patterns
*Compare strengths and weaknesses to improve own performance
Fairplay House Outdoor Education Centre: Take part in outdoor and adventurous challenges
*Build teamwork
*Challenge fears of height, speed, water and enclosed spaces
*Use and give support effectively
Foreign Languages
Spanish / *Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
*Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words
*Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help*
*Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures