Thinking Skills Pupil Drive Team Minutes

Pupil drive team

Year 3 :Cassie Hallam, Joshua Shaddick

Year 4: Joshua Azizi, Liz Mukama

Year 5: Eleanor Scruton,Freddie Firmin

Year 6: Apologies:

PheobeReeves, Christian Jackson.

Mrs Morrison, Mrs Browning, Mrs Welstead

White hat 10 minutes practise sharing the leaflet with our families

15th March thinking skills questioning training

Monday important visitors drive team to explain thinking skills

Cassie white hat

Joshua yellow and black hat

Hannah red hat

Eleanor circle map

Pheobe tree map

Fred double map

Christian cause and effect map

Collating evidence reminder- drive team to source some excellent examples

Curriculum afternoon drive team

Purple hat going well reminder to add it to work when editing and improving.

Using hats on work order of hats on the white board.

Key work to add to work

What if all door handles were made of chocolate

Thinking skills homework coming out in term 5

Term 6 P4C philosophy for children brilliant and is to happen at least once a week training.

All displays must have hats on and statements. All external displays and classrooms. Hats

Eleanor suggested a way to use the hats on a display.

AOB Christian: Can we add hats to homework.

Reviewed purple pen trial in year 6.

Thunk of the week distributed and put in book.

How have you feel about getting your badge in assembly being a member of the drive team?

Responses: Grateful, shocked, proud, confident, proud nervous, responsible, proud, surprised, excited, proud to lead on it, proud and anxious.

Warm up activity (in response to Mr Murphy’s comment in collective worship re keys, and assessment of current knowledge).How many keys can you name. See individual sheets for thinking. ABC key, bar key, ridiculous key, what if key, disadvantages key (black), creativity key (green), reverse key(green).

Action: To raise the profile of thinking keys.

Can you make links to the hat? Clear links were made (this shows a good understanding of the hats and these are imbedded).

We reviewed the thinking tools we have used in our classes this week.

Year 4: Double bubble x2 multi flow, coloured hats homework linked to the whole school story The Tunnel picture. What is the impact?It has supported our learning helped us to prepare our thoughts and improved our writing.

Year 6: circle map, brace, cause and effect, tree map, Impact:planning our work properly and gave us a deeper understanding of our work. It as a prompt you can keep referring to so you don’t forget what you want to get in.

Year 5; hats but not blue, circle and bubble. Impact: helped us to organise our thoughts impact by planning and creating work purple hat helped us by seeing where our mistakes are.

Year 3; Red hats to reflect on our learning, purple hat, on our door we have reflect on our topic red yellow green. Impact: it helped.

Following the presentation last week from Lillie G and Lily J, ‘We thought of a new colour hat called purple hat and it would be used for editing and improving also partner improvements and peer assessment. We thought of this idea because we use a lot of editing and improving, the reason this hat is purple is because we use a purple polishing pen.’

Impact: Mrs Browning reported that the hat has been accepted by the TSAT.

Mrs Morrison is producing a set of hats and each teacher will have a set to put up the hats on any display with a simple statement. Children can write the statements, actionto be completed by next Friday.

We have a curriculum afternoon plannedto teach the parents about thinking skills we have decided to postpone Friday 31st March, leaflets to parents to go out ASAP and a copy to the drive team.

Discussed date of next meeting next Friday afternoon lunch time action agreed.

AOB: thinking skills homework raised by Liz year 4. Response:Yes we will introduce that in term 5 and the reason we are having a curriculum afternoon to explain it to the parents especially new parents. We are probably going to add thinking skills to current homework tasks rather than use the previous format as we are further on our journey and we can make more effective impact if we use it in this way.

Student Drive team set off as hat detectives year 6 and year 3 to the hall year 4 and year 5 to the library to consider how to add statements to the displays in these areas. See individual sheets for responses.

Date of next meeting, Friday lunchtime 3rd March.