Year 1: Literacy Weekly Plan Autumn A Unit: Super Heroes Week: 1-2

Key Vocabulary / Self Assessment- I can…..
Lists, Labels, captions / I can write a label or caption to match a picture or an object.
I can make a list.
I can write simple CVC words.
I can make sound out to attempt writing more complex words
Other activities during the week
·  Plan in list and caption work within phonic activities
·  Provide lots of list, caption writing frames in the provision to allow ch to have ago independently.
Learning Objective
(Linked to NC and EYFS) / Main session / Teacher led activity
(Differentiated) / Adult support for continuous provision/ Focus children / Plenary/ Assessment
1 / N.C and W8: Write a caption for an object or picture in a complete sentence with a capital letter and full stop.
W7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words / Discuss Golden rules with your class. How can we stay on green? What can we do? How can we be kind to our friends? Model making a list- introduce bullet point- explain feature.
Use A3 paper and markers with titles the ch… came up with.
e.g. Sharing and taking turns, Choose it use it put it away, We are kind friends, Listen to each other and the adults first time etc / Provide camera and small stars.
In small groups ch work with an adult to write one rule/expectation on a star to add to golden rule display. Ch… can add photo graphs and label to explain to make a display around classroom.
Make notes of children doing this indp- Class list.
………………….: Teacher to scribe his thoughts/ ask …….to take a picture to illustrate- support / One adult to work with focus group on writing task. Ensure children have ago at sounding out to write before giving them to much help to develop independence.
One adult to focus within provision. Supporting play/challenges and developing ideas. Looking at challenge focuses and making appropriate assessments through photographs, post-it notes and longer observational sheets
Target EYFS ch / Look at all the children ideas, decide if we all agree, and add any extra point/labels.
Children to print name on scroll.
Laminate and have in central part of classroom to refer to through out the year- this can be added to at any point.
(Teacher feedback, self-assessment against agreed checklist- helping hands)
2 / NC and W8: Write a caption for an object or picture in a complete sentence with a capital letter and full stop.
W7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words / Discuss lists, labels and captions- What can they be used for. Look around the classroom. Do we have labels, lists or captions? Send children away to have a quick look. Come back to the carpet and discuss what they found.
This of places in the classroom that my need a list, label or a caption. Why? Model making a list. / Children to help to label and make signs for around the provision e.g. Close the door, put the lids on the pens, tuck the chair under etc)
(Can be laminated an stuck in relevant area)
Make notes of children doing this indp- Class list.
…………… (separate focus for an indv ch) Teacher to scribe his thoughts/ ask ………….to take a picture to illustrate- support / One adult to work with focus group on writing task. Ensure children have ago at sounding out to write before giving them to much help to develop independence.
One adult to focus within provision. Supporting play/challenges and developing ideas. Looking at challenge focuses and making appropriate assessments through photographs, post-it notes and longer observational sheets
Target EYFS ch / Come back together and discuss what we have done.
3 / N.C and W8: Write a caption for an object or picture in a complete sentence with a capital letter and full stop.
W7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words / Introduce super hero theme. Explain what we might be doing over this half term.
Read the first few pages of ‘Superhero ABC’. Do they notice anything unusual about the text? Alliteration – explain.
See if they can come up with a superhero starting with the first letter of their name – partner talk. Share ideas- model writing on the WB. / Adult to model designing a superhero and name using their initial letter Label super heroes using alliteration.
Spiders/Bees: to use up to 3/4 words of alliteration-super heroes names
Ladybirds/Butterflies: to use up to 2 words of alliteration-super heroes names
………….(enter ch name): to write initial sound and draw superhero. Develop pencil grip / One adult to work with focus group on writing task. Ensure children have ago at sounding out to write before giving them to much help to develop independence.
One adult to focus within provision. Supporting play/challenges and developing ideas. Looking at challenge focuses and making appropriate assessments through photographs, post-it notes and longer observational sheets.
Target EYFS ch / Share super hero writing and comment on positive aspects of writing etc.
(Teacher feedback, self-assessment against agreed checklist- helping hands)
4 / N.C and W8: Write a caption for an object or picture in a complete sentence with a capital letter and full stop.
W7: Uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words / Continue looking at ‘Superhero ABC’. Discuss the different things the superheroes do.
Talk about the powers or things they would have or do.
Model making a list or writing a caption/sentence.
Provide writing frames (with their picture) in writing area for children to write about the super powers they would have. Tell children they will win a merit if the have ago on their own. / Continue Monday activity to complete
Work with focus group next steps
(see separate planning sheet for half term focus) / One adult to work with focus group on writing task. Ensure children have ago at sounding out to write before giving them to much help to develop independence.
One adult to focus within provision. Supporting play/challenges and developing ideas. Looking at challenge focuses and making appropriate assessments through photographs, post-it notes and longer observational sheets.
Target EYFS ch / Share/ Celebrate challenges- move horse- I Can.