Y8 Christmas homework

Task 1 - Use BBC bitesize to take 3 pages of notes on the following topics

  1. Bar Charts and Line Graphs (
  2. Diffusion (
  3. Weight and Gravity(
  4. Plant Reproduction


  1. Healthy Diet


  1. Changes of State (

Task 2 - Complete the BBC bitesize quizzes on the 6topics you have made notes on from BBC bitesize Repeat the quizzes until you achieve 100%, you will be tested on these topics in January!

Task 3 - Complete the 6 mark questions in your exercise books

  1. Electromagnets
  2. Food Tests
  3. Metals and Non-Metals

Task 4 - Complete the exam-style questions in your exercise books

  1. Graphs
  2. Magnetism
  3. Drugs


Y8 P2.1 Electricity and magnetism

In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Rosie is building an electromagnet. She has set her electromagnet circuit up with an aluminium core, a wire wrapped around the core ten times, a 6V power pack, an ammeter, and a variable resistor.

Explain to Rosie how she could test the effectiveness of her magnet and improve its design. (6)


Success criteria / Level 1 (1-2 marks) / Level 2 (3-4 marks) / Level 3 (5-6 marks)
State one example each of a specialised animal cell and a specialised plant cell / Level 1 plus…
Describeat least one adaptation of the stated animal cell and plant cell / Level 1 and 2 plus…
Explain how each adaptation helps the cell to carry out its function

Teacher feedback for improvement



Y8 B2.1 Health and lifestyle

In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Explain in detail how you would test a gingerbread-biscuit solution for the presence of starch, sugar, and protein. (6)


Success criteria / Level 1 (1-2 marks) / Level 2 (3-4 marks) / Level 3 (5-6 marks)
Name the three states of matter water (and all substances) can exist in / Level 1 plus…
Compare the properties of water in its three states / Level 1 and 2 plus…
Explain why the properties listed occur, in terms of particle behaviour

Teacher feedback for improvement



Y8 Metals and Non-Metals

Y8 C2.1 Periodic Table

In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Compare the properties of metals and non-metals. (6)


Success criteria / Level 1 (1-2 marks) / Level 2 (3-4 marks) / Level 3 (5-6 marks)
Describe how the length of elastic rope changes when a force is applied / Level 1 plus…
State Hooke’s Law / Level 1 and 2 plus…
Explain, using the data given, how to calculate the extension of the bungee rope

Teacher feedback for improvement




Q1.The diagram below shows the Hubble telescope in orbit around the Earth.

not to scale

(a)Which force keeps the telescope in orbit around the Earth?
Tick the correct box.

air resistancefriction


1 mark

(b)The Hubble telescope is a satellite used for looking at planets and stars.

Give one other use of satellites.



1 mark

(c)Fill each of the gaps in the following sentences with a different word from the box


You can see the Sun because it ...... light.

You can see a satellite because it ...... light.

1 mark

(d)The bar chart shows the size of five planets compared to the size of Earth.

The planet Uranus is four times the size of Earth.
On the chart above, draw a bar for the planet Uranus.

1 mark

(e)(i)Arrange the following in order of size, starting with the smallest.

SunHubble telescopeEarth


1 mark

(ii)Some stars are bigger than the Sun but they look smaller.
Why do they look smaller than the Sun?
Tick the correct box.

1 mark

maximum 6 marks

Q2. Paula made a pendulum from a ball attached to a piece of string.

She counted the number of swings the ball made in 10 seconds.
She repeated the experiment with different lengths of string.

The table below shows Paula’s results.

length of string (cm) / number of swings in 10 seconds
10 / 16
20 / 11
30 / 9
40 / 8
50 / 7

(a) What happens to the number of swings when the string gets longer?


1 mark

(b) Paula drew a graph of her results.

(i) Write the labels on both axes of the graph below.
Use the table to help you.

2 marks

(ii) Paula made a pendulum from a piece of string that was 15 cm long.
How many times would this pendulum swing in 10 seconds?
Use the graph to help you.


1 mark

(iii) Paula made a pendulum from a piece of string that was 60 cm long.
Estimate the number of swings the pendulum makes in 10 seconds.
Use the graph.
Tick the best answer.

18 12 6 4

1 mark

(c) After some time the pendulum stops moving.
What force makes the pendulum stop moving?


1 mark

maximum 6 marks

Q3. Jason wanted to find out if hair dye makes hair weaker.
He used 5 hairs of equal length.
He soaked each hair in a different concentration of hair dye for 15 minutes.
He added masses to each hair until it broke.

not to scale

(a) The table below shows Jason’s results.

(i) Plot a graph of Jason’s results and draw a line of best fit.

of hair dye
(%) / mass
to break
the hair
(g) /
0.4 / 71
0.8 / 67
1.2 / 64
1.6 / 61
2.0 / 58

3 marks

(ii) Use the graph to work out the mass needed to break hair soaked in water
(0% hair dye).

...... g

1 mark

(b) What was the independent variable that Jason changed in this experiment?


1 mark

(c) What was the dependent variable that Jason measured in this experiment?


1 mark

(d) What is the relationship between the concentration of hair dye and the mass needed to break the hair?



1 mark

(e) Jason wanted to investigate whether soaking hair in dye for different amounts of time affected the strength of the hair.
Jason drew a table for his results.
Add headings and units to the table below for Jason’s investigation.

heading 1
...... (...... ) / heading 2
...... (...... )

4 marks

maximum 11 marks


Q1. David put two bars of iron close to each other.
There was no magnetic force between them.
David recorded the result as shown below.

(a) David did three other tests.
Tick the correct box to show the result for each test.


1 mark


1 mark


1 mark

(b) David then did two experiments with magnets.

The tick in each box shows David’s results in each experiment.

Label the missing poles on each magnet to match David’s results.


1 mark


1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Q2. The drawing shows a toy shark. Magnets X and Y make the shark ‘float’
above the plastic base.

(a) On magnet X, write the letters N and S to label the poles of the magnet.

1 mark

(b) (i) Choose a word from the list below to complete the sentence.


The toy shark ‘floats’ because the magnets ...... each other.

1 mark

(ii) Sophie pressed down on the tail of the shark with her finger.

What happened to the shark when she removed her finger?


1 mark

(c) Sophie added weights to the toy shark and measured the distance between the
two magnets.
Her results are shown below.

weight added to the toy shark (N) / distance between the magnets (mm)
0.1 / 6
0.2 / 4
0.3 / 3

Complete the sentence below.

As the weight on the toy shark increased, the distance between the magnets

1 mark

(d) Sophie turned the magnet in the plastic base the other way up.

What happened to the shark?


1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Q3.Mary used the apparatus below to test the strength of an electromagnet.
She used the reading on the newton meter to measure the force of the magnet on the
iron disc.

(a)Explain why the reading on the newton meter increases when a current passes
through the coil.





2 marks

(b)When a current passes through the coil, some of the electrical energy is changed
to thermal energy.
What would happen to the coil if the current passing through it was too large?


1 mark

(c)Mary made two electromagnets, one with 100 turns of wire in the coil and one
with 200 turns.
She varied the current through the coil of each electromagnet.
She measured the force of each electromagnet on the iron disc.
The graph shows her results.

Write two conclusions that Mary could make from these results.





2 marks

maximum 5 marks


Q1. (a) The graph below shows how the concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood changed after drinking alcoholic drinks.

It is illegal to drive if the concentration of alcohol in the blood is higher than
80 mg/100 cm3.

Use the graph to find out how long the concentration of alcohol in this person’s blood was higher than 80 mg/100 cm3.

...... hours

1 mark

(b) Why does alcohol in the blood increase the chance of having an accident?
Tick the correct box.

It causes slurred speech. / / It dulls the senses of
taste and smell. /
It increases the size
of the pupil in the eye. / / It increases the time
taken to react. /

1 mark

(c) Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach.
Digested food is absorbed into the blood from a different part of the digestive system.
Give the name of this part.


1 mark

(d) Give the name of one organ that is damaged by drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time.


1 mark

(e) The drawing below shows a foetus in its mother’s uterus.

If a pregnant woman drinks large quantities of alcohol, the blood vessels in the umbilical cord may get very narrow for a while.

Give one way this could affect the foetus.



1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Q2.The bar chart below shows how the number of cigarettes smoked is linked to the
percentage of deaths from heart disease in the total male population.

(a)Use the information in the bar chart to write two conclusions about the
relationship between smoking and the number of male deaths from heart





2 marks

(b)Smoking can cause fat to be deposited in the arteries to the heart muscle.

Explain how this could prevent the heart muscle from working properly.







3 marks

(c)The drawing below shows part of the lining of the airway leading into the lungs.

(i)Describe how mucus and cilia help to keep the airway free of dust and

mucus ......


cilia ......


2 marks

(ii)Cigarette smoke contains tar.

What effect does tar have on the cilia?



1 mark

maximum 8 marks