Title / 16thDHC and 3rdMC-TFMeeting Minutes
Working Paper Number / WLTP-DHC-16-07

Date and Time: 14:30 – 17:30, 15th January, 2013

Location:Room XVI Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Minutes of 16thDHC meeting

1.Final agreement of Cycle profile

It was agreed to modify the cycle profile, which was proposed by Indiaas Version5.3 in 15th DHC meeting.

DHC has successfully developed the harmonized test cycles.

Specific time table of each cycle profile is uploaded as in WLTP-DHC-16-06.

- Class3

- Class2

- Class1

2.Cycle allocation

(1) Allocation

During 15th DHC meeting (Dec 2012), the cycle allocation was agreed. (WLTP-DHC-15-04) Threshold for electrified vehicles is under the discussion among DTP-Elab subgroup.

During 16th DHC meeting, the alternative cycle allocations were proposed by Germanyin order to avoid special design for cycle allocation (refer WLTP-DHC-16-04).

The alternative cycle allocations will be analyzed in two weeks and results will be submitted by Germany

(2)Threshold speed of Cycle Allocations

During 16th DHC meeting, India has proposed to set margin for capped cycle speed by 15% (refer WLTP-DHC-16-05).

On the other hands, EU and Korea have expressed their concerns stating that margin should be minimized as much as possible.

All Contracting Parties are requested to provide their written comments regarding both alternative cycle allocation and threshold speed by no later than 1st Feb. 2013 to DHC chairman and secretary.

E-mail: ,

3.Gear shift prescription

Mr. Steven has presented latest status of gear shift prescription (refer WLTP-DHC-16-03).

Validation 2 test indicated that this gear shift logic works well and no major concern was observed. Based on comments provided from participant laboratories, continue to work for improvement, then provide final version before starting Confirmation Test from April 2013.

4.Open issues

Threshold Speed for L/M/H: Working on for conventional vehicles taking into account of German proposal. Also, working on for electrified vehicles under the DTP-Elab subgroup

Mode Construction: Mode Construction Task Force (MCTF) will make further discussion

Weighting Factor for L/M/H/Ex-H Phase: No further discussion was made since #64 GRPE (Jun 2012)

How to treat the vehicles which are not able to follow the prescribed cycle: Mode Construction Task Force (MCTF) will make further discussion

5.Technical Report

Contents were presented. JRC, Mr. Steven and Japan work together to develop first draft version by Jun 2013.

Minutes of 3rd MC-TF meeting

15 open issues were shown and the Task forth will be working on these issues Discussion will be continued

Next meetings

Telephone conference, mainly discussion on cycle allocation, will be held around the beginning or middle of February, 2013.

17th DHC and 4th MC-TF meeting conjunction with DTP will be held on 21st and 22nd March 2013, Tokyo Japan.

Detailinformation will be announced later.