1364 Bunker Hill Blvd. Apt. B
Columbus, OH43220 / (614) 353-4530

Brandon Kopp

Education / 1999 – 2003North Dakota State UniversityFargo, ND
  • B.S., Psychology & Sociology.
  • Cumulative G.P.A., 3.8.
2003 – PresentOhioStateUniversityColumbus, OH
  • M.S., Social Psychology, Expected Fall 2006
  • Cumulative G.P.A., 3.7.

Honors/Awards / Fall 1999 – Spring 2003Dean’s List
Spring 2000 – Spring 2003Chair’s List
April 2001Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
December 2001Beatty Scholarship
March 2002Golden Key International Honour Society
April 2002Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
December 2002Faculty Excellence Award
September 2003 – May 2005OSU First Year Fellowship
March 2004National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (Honorable Mention)
June 2005 – May 2006National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Trainee
Co-curricular Activities / January 2001 – May 2003McNair Scholars Program
April 2001 – May 2003 Psychology ClubVice President
April 2001 – May 2003Psi Chi Honor SocietyVice President
May 2002 – May 2003Sociology ClubPresident
September 2003 – PresentSocial Behavior Interest Group
September 2003 – PresentGroup for Attitudes and Persuasion
Research Experience / 1. November 2000 – July 2001North DakotaStateUniversity
  • Worked as a research assistant on a study that evaluated the use of a differential reinforcement procedure in decreasing problem behaviors in preschool children.
  • Duties
  • Participated in the collection of data and implementation of procedures.
  • Responsible for calculation of dependent measures and inter-observer reliability.
  • Supervisors
Raymond Miltenberger & Carole Conyers.
2. October 2001 – May 2002North DakotaStateUniversity
  • Worked as a research assistant on a study that compared the use of a differential reinforcement procedure to a response cost procedure in decreasing problem behaviors in young children
  • Duties
  • Aided in collecting data.
  • Calculated dependent measures and inter-observer reliability.
  • Supervisors
Raymond Miltenberger & Carole Conyers.
3. September 2001 - September 2002North DakotaStateUniversity
  • Conducted independent research to determine the validity and social acceptability of sexual abuse prevention skill measures.
  • Duties
  • Conducted extensive literature review.
  • Constructed skill measures for assessing the effectiveness of a sexual abuse prevention program.
  • Created and administered survey.
  • Calculated dependent measures.
  • Analyzed results.
  • Supervisor
Raymond Miltenberger.
4. September 2002 – May 2003North DakotaStateUniversity
  • Conducted research for an honor’s thesis examining public perceptions of four types of child sexual abuse prevention programs.
  • Duties
  • Developed sexual abuse prevention programs that were evaluated.
  • Created and administered testing materials.
  • Calculated dependent measures.
  • Analyzed results.
  • Prepared of manuscript for honors thesis.
  • Supervisor
  • Raymond Miltenberger.

5. August 2003 – January 2004Ohio State University
  • Conducted research to determine the effects of attitude importance on attitude stability over time.
  • Duties
  • Gained experience working with large, previously collected dataset of survey data.
  • Used online database to quantify news coverage of political candidates during an election period.
  • Used structural equation modeling software to analyze data.
  • Supervisor
  • Jon Krosnick

6. December 2004 – October 2005Ohio State University
  • Conducted research to rectify disagreement in research literature concerning the effects of involvement on persuasion.
  • Duties
  • Created all experiment materials using a wide array of computer programs.
  • Developed new paradigm with which to assess the effects of value-relevant and outcome-relevant involvement.
  • Managed research team responsible for the collection of data.
  • Used statistical packages to analyze data.
  • Synthesized research findings into several presentations.
  • Supervisor
  • Rich Petty

Publications / Conyers, C., Miltenberger, R., Romaniuk, C., Kopp, B., & Himle, M. (2003). Evaluation of DRO schedules to reduce disruptive behavior in a preschool classroom. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 25, 1-6.
Conyers, C., Miltenberger, R., Gubin, A., Barenz, R., Jurgens, M., Sailer, A., Haugen, M., & Kopp, B. (2004). A comparison of response cost and differential reinforcement of other behavior to reduce disruptive behavior in a preschool classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 37, 411-415.
Loersch, C., Kopp, B., & Petty, R. E.(in press). Attitude change. In R. Baumeister & K. Vohs (Eds), Encyclopedia of social psychology.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Presentations / Conyers, C., Miltenberger, R., Romaniuk, C., Kopp, B., & Himle, M. (2002, May). Evaluation of DRO schedules to reduce disruptive behavior in a preschool classroom. Paper presented at conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis: Toronto.
Conyers, C., Miltenberger, R. G., Maki, A., Barenz, R., Jurgens, M., Sailer, A., Haugen, M., & Kopp, B. (2003, May). A comparison of response cost and DRO to reduce disruptive behavior in a preschool setting. Paper presented at conference of the Association of Behavior Analysis: San Francisco.
Volunteer Experience / September 2000 – August 2001Rape and AbuseCrisis CenterAdvocate &
Public Speaker
  • Duties
  • Completed fifty hours of training in crisis intervention.
  • Assisted victims of violent crime in meeting their needs.
  • Educated young children on techniques for victimization prevention.

Other Experience / June 1997 – PresentArmy National GuardRadio Operator/
  • Responsible for troubleshooting and operation of electronic and communication equipment.
  • Exhibited the ability to master technical skills by holding two military occupational specialties in communications.
  • Displayed strong character and integrity as well as a superior knowledge of basic soldier skills in being selected as the 1/188th ADA Battalion Soldier of the Year.
  • Served as team leader and Sergeant of the Guard on deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
  • Served as battalion signal officer on deployment in support of relief operations following Hurricane Katrina (August 2005).