What is the association between grades in high school and math

achievement? Compute Pearson correlation of grades and math ach.

a)What do the correlation coefficients tell us?

R= 0.504 which mean there is strong relation between grades in high school and math achevement.

b)What is r square for the Pearson correlation? What does it mean? = 0.25 which means 25% of change in math achievement explane from change in grades in high school .

c)Is correlation significance? Yes , because sig. =.000<.05

2. What are the correlations among all of the variables: mathach,

visual, mosaic, math crs, pleasure, comptnc, and motivatn, using

Pearson correlations matrixes. In this problem, you need to

compare pairwise and listwise exclusion of missing data

a. For the pairwise exclusion of missing data, how many of the Pearson

correlation coefficients are significant?

b)b. For the listwise exclusion of missing data, how many Pearson

correlations are there? How many are significant?

d. What is the difference between the pairwise and listwisecorrelation matrixes?

Listwise deletion (complete-case analysis) removes all data for a case that has one or more missing valuesand Pairwise deletion (available-case analysis) attempts to minimize the loss that occurs in listwise deletion.

3. Using the Graphs menu, request Scatter plots with the linear, quadratic, and cubic regression lines and r squarelinear, quadratic, and cubic regression lines ?

Model Description

Model Name / MOD_1
Dependent Variable / 1 / math achievement
Equation / 1 / Linear
2 / Quadratic
3 / Cubic
Independent Variable / mosaic, pattern test
Constant / Included
Variable Whose Values Label Observations in Plots / Unspecified
Tolerance for Entering Terms in Equations / .0001

Case Processing Summary

Total Cases / 75
Excluded Cases(a) / 0
Forecasted Cases / 0
Newly Created Cases / 0

a Cases with a missing value in any variable are excluded from the analysis.

Variable Processing Summary

Dependent / Independent
math achievement / mosaic, pattern test
Number of Positive Values / 74 / 74
Number of Zeros / 0 / 0
Number of Negative Values / 1 / 1
Number of Missing Values / User-Missing / 0 / 0
System-Missing / 0 / 0

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: math achievement

Equation / Model Summary / Parameter Estimates
R Square / F / df1 / df2 / Sig. / Constant / b1 / b2 / b3
Linear / .045 / 3.470 / 1 / 73 / .067 / 8.496 / .148
Quadratic / .096 / 3.820 / 2 / 72 / .027 / 2.352 / .610 / -.008
Cubic / .121 / 3.265 / 3 / 71 / .026 / 4.733 / .023 / .020 / .000

The independent variable is mosaic, pattern test.


a) What is r square?

linear = 0.045

quadratic = 0.096

cubic = 0.121

b) Wha2. What are the correlations among all of the variables: mathach,

visual, mosaic, math crs, pleasure, comptnc, and motivatn, using

Pearson correlations matrixes. In this problem, you need to

compare pairwise and listwise exclusion of missing data.

a. For the pairwise exclusion of missing data, how many of the Pearson

correlation coefficients are significant?t is r square for the Pearson correlation? What does it