/ AllertonBywaterPrimary School
Leeds Road,Allerton Bywater
Castleford,WF10 2DR
Headteacher: Richard Cairns

2AC Spring 1 – Newsletter.

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

Literacy: This half term in Literacy, we will focus on three different genres of writing: Narratives, Non-chronological Reports and Poetry. We will start our learning looking at Non-Chronological Reports, with the children learning about the key features of a report as well as producing their own report about the Arctic. Following on from this, we will be studying the book “Lost and Found” by Oliver Jeffers as part of our work on Narratives. Our unit on Poetry will focus on “Poems from Around the World”.

Maths: In Maths this half term we will be revisiting and revising our knowledge of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), as well as our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Following on from this we will turn our attention to fractions and measures. Our key instant recall facts for this half term will focus on doubling and halving.

Science: Our topic for this half term is “Animals including Humans”. The children will learn to identify animals and their offspring, as well as describing the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival. We will also be investigating the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.

Topic: The school topic for this half term is entitled “Around the World”, with Key Stage 1 being given the focus of “The Poles”. Our topic lessons this half term will be split between Geography and Art. In Geography, the children will learn: to identify weather patterns; recognise hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the equator and the poles; and use simple compass directions.

In Art, the children will be focussing on “Collage”. The children will experiment with different colours, patterns and textures, before creating their own collages.

PE: During PE sessions we will focus on Multi Skills. Our PE day will be a Wednesday afternoon (Please note the change of day). Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit (white polo shirt or tshirt, black or blue shorts and pumps) in school every week. We ask that children do not wear jewellery (earrings/watches) so if your child needs assistance, please remove these before school.

ICT: During ICT lessons this half term, the children will have the opportunity to programme bee bot robots, as well as beginning a unit of work on Coding. We will also be continuing with our work on E-Safety. As a school we see Internet safety as a big focus, if you have any questions or queries regarding this please do not hesitate to ask.

Homework: Homework will continue to be sent home on a Wednesday and will need to be returned by the following Monday. This will consist of eitherone pageof Maths or Literacy each week, as we only ask children to spend around 20minutes a week completing homework. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any issues with this. However should your child wish to spend longer improving their skills (and this is by no means expected!), there are a number of websites which are suitable:

-Woodlands Junior

-Top Mark Maths

-Phonics Play

-BBC Bitesize

Last term saw the launch of the Reading Challenge. As a school we ask that children read at home every night, even if it is only a couple of pages of their school book, and that parents/guardians sign planners accordingly. By doing this, children have the opportunity to be entered into the weekly draw for prizes. As well as reading their school books, myself and Mrs White love to hear that children have been reading their own books – do let us know if your child has a particular favourite that we can discuss with them!

Book Bags: Please can you ensure that book bags are brought in every day, containing a planner, school reading book and water bottle.

We are really looking forward to another fantastic term of interactive and investigative learning. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask!

Many thanks,

Miss Cowley and Mrs White

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