The Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Webmaster Report

Fellow Compatriots,

I have a few items to report on concerning the website, email addresses and everything else relating to the online presence of the MDSSAR. I believe I have caught up on all of my emails that I have received over the past few months, so the calendar, photo gallery, archives and news sections should all be up to date. If you see any discrepancies, please do not hesitate to send me a reminder at my personal email: . You may take a look at for the most up to date list of new content that has been added – whether it may be a photo gallery, calendar event, page, or newsletter.

Concerning our chapter email addresses, please consult the table at the bottom of my report to see all of the email addresses that I have on file and to whom these emails are sent to. If you would like an mdssar email address, please contact me and I will get one set up for you. Please also check your email address books and replace or remove any email addresses you may have on file. Thank you.

If any members find any news articles online that mention the MDSSAR, please forward them to me so I may put them on the website. Our website is our primary online presence so we should do our best to show off all our society has to offer.

Speaking of online presence, I have included below a snippet of a report which outlines some analytical data concerning our website. This report was generated through Google Analytics, a free website analytics service which can offer some insight into what kind of audience your website brings in. These analytics can provide detailed information like how many users have opened your website, how long they visited, what browser they used and what country they are from. I wanted to include this report to give you a visual representation of how our website is being used. The graph below shows how many users visited our website over the past few months. There are also some smaller graphs below which outline total sessions, users, page views, etc. Overall this data shows that our website has very little traffic (well under 50 users per day) and most visitors only view a few pages at a time. Ideally we’d like for these numbers to go up, but for now we have a baseline of our online presence. We should use this data to help us see how our traffic changes as we add new programs and features to our website.

Upcoming Projects:

Facebook: Public Relations committee chair Jim Engler suggested to me that we create a MDSSAR facebook page to increase our visibility and public presence on social media. I have set up a page and we will be adding content to it within the following months. If we get a good response from the Facebook page we may consider adding a few more social media accounts in the future. There’s not much on our Facebook page right now, but if you have a Facebook account already, please like and share our page at

I will be working on the Guest Speaker Database within the coming weeks, as requested by our membership at the Semi-Annual meeting. I will also be working on an “Honor our Veterans” page as well, describing our Honor Our (First) Veterans promotional program. If anyone has any photos that they would like to see on this page, please send them to me.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Raborg

MDSSAR Webmaster

MDSSAR Email Addresses:

Email Address / Forwarding Address
Officer Emails / /
Chapter Emails / / , ,
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Committee Emails / /