CSB DD Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2012
Attendees: Katie Backus, Kaymarie Kavanagh, Stephen Russell, Pamela Hunter, Sharon Sullivan, Prudence York, Peggy Harper, Cynthia Barnaby, Liz Nolan, Diane Nappa, Jimmy Curtin, Patti Herrman, Tom Nelson, Judith Huober, Daniel Flanigan, Julie Wheeler, Stanfort Perry, Michelle Gillespie; Excused: Mat Roosa, Bob Goodfellow
People First Waiver
The group welcomed Stanfort Perry and Michelle Gillespie from ARC of Onondaga who spoke about the upcoming People First Waiver pilot. The following points were presented:
- OPWDD provided the names of 88 people within the ARC system who are covered by the global budget. ARC reviewed each case and chose 26 to participate in the one year study, which begins in January 2013. The intent of this study is to see if the needs of all recipients can be met with a set budget.
- The waiver program is a more flexible service model using CSS type funding divided by the number of participants which equals the monthly service cost total for each participant.
- Monthly notes and life plan updates are required for all services. There will also be a review of objectives.
- The pilot is striving to create a seamless service environment without over programming individuals. Focus on meaningful relationships, opportunities, health and home.
Services Review Report:
- The Services Review Committee (SRC) has not yet met, so no reports have been reviewed. The committee requested being connected to the review process so that they can review the report during the planning process instead of at the end, when items can no longer be challenged.
- Rob Myers will be invited to speak on the Kelberman Project at a separate meeting of the SRC. Tom suggested that Sharon and Patti speak with Joan Davis from state operations.
Employment: Previously scheduled to present, Bob Goodfellow was unable to attend this month’s meeting.
System Reform & Choice:
Items for discussion were included in other agenda items.
- Until recently, The Central Office provided Day Hab funding thru the Field Office for youth leaving high school. Other Day Hab type programs and specialized employment supports were also available until funding ended. There is currently no plan in place to replace lost funds. Currently, previously approved units can still be used for other recipients however, moving forward it is possible that units will stay with the person for whom approval was granted.
- A request was made to invite Mary Hall to a future meeting. Tom will pass along the invitation.
- Tom would like to have more regional meetings with county directors.
County Update:
Mat Roosa was unable to attend this meeting, and therefore no updates were presented.
- Tom Nelson has been promoted to at DTPS4, and will now be supervising Team Leaders. OPWDD presence will continue at these meetings, but a replacement for Tom has not been assigned.