Phil. 1:27-30

Now, let me ask you this. Here are two people…which of these two is a Christian?

  • Can’t really tell by the way they look can you?
  • What about these two? Still, can’t really tell by the way they look.

So, how do you tell?

For the last few weeks we have been studying from Paul’s letter to the Philippians…it is a letter that Paul wrote from a Roman prison.

  • And these Philippians have been very concerned about Paul. So they send some money to Paul by a man named Epaphroditus, and Paul then writes back.
  • And Paul spends the biggest part of chapter 1 telling them how he is doing or more specifically how the gospel is doing in Rome as a result of his imprisonment.
  • But it wasn’t just the Philippians who are concerned about Paul, Paul was concerned about these Philippians because he had heard that there was some tensions in the church, some friction and disunity.
  • And not only that, these Christians at Philippi were being persecuted as well.

So, Paul is concerned about these brethren at Philippi and starting here in chapter 1:27, Paul starts to address his concerns and he gives them some encouragement on what they should do in the midst of the conflict, strife and persecution.

  • Look at vs. 27 again.

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ;

  • What is the primary identifying characteristic of a Christian? Their conduct!
  • How can people tell if you are a Christian or should be able to tell if you are? Your conduct.
  • That is the primary identifying characteristic of a Christian!

In fact, there are three key words here that I want you to notice. The first is the word “only.”

  • Unfortunately that word does not appear in the NIV but the original Greek text begins with the word “monon” which means “only.”
  • It could be translated “just one thing” and what Paul is saying here is “there is one thing I want you to focus on…your conduct!”

And notice the word “worthy.”That word speaks of “a manner of life” that is in accordance with the gospel of Christ.

And then notice the word “conduct.”That word speaks of “living as a citizen.”

When you put this altogether Paul is saying that a Christian should be living in such a way that there is no doubt that they are citizens of the kingdom of God.

So, Paul’s plea to the Philippians and to us is: Remember who you are, remember where your citizenship really is, and conduct yourself in a manner worthy of your true identity.

Why is this so important?

  • Because unbelievers draw conclusions about Jesus by the way we live.

We have all seen in the news the sexual harassment stories that have been levied against all these different men.

  • Some of those men claim to be “Christians” in some form or another. How does their conduct reflect on Christianity?
  • And, much of the world sees this nations as a “Christian” nation with supposed Christian principles. When the world sees these kinds of things coming from a “Christian nation” is it any wonder that they have doubts about Christianity.
  • One of the reasons why many Muslims have no respect for “Christians” is because they have seen the bad conduct of those who claim to be “Christians” and they see Christianity as a weak, hypocritical religion.

If salvation doesn’t really make a difference in the way a follower of Jesus lives, then why take Jesus seriously?

  • It was important for these Christians in the 1st century to conduct themselves “worthy of the gospel”…and it continues to be important for Christians today, especially as our surrounding culture becomes increasingly more hostile to Biblical teachings.

Now, in the verses following verse 27, the apostle Paul describes some of the elements of worthy conduct that will help us have a greater impact on the world that watches us each day.

  • First of all, worthy conduct includes…

Being Constant

Look at vs. 27 again: Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

The world is full of people who quit when the going gets tough and retreat when the battle heats up.

  • But that is not what a true Christian does. Followers of Christ must stand firm no matter what happens.

Some of you may have read about the city of Pompeii in Italy. If you remember Mt. Vesuvius erupted in about 79 A.D. and the city of Pompeii was literally covered with lava and ash.

  • The city then was actually lost for about 1500 years and after it was rediscovered some excavations of the ruins found bones of many of the people in cellars and on roofs as they tried to get away from the lava as it came down from the volcano.
  • During one of the excavations they made an amazing discovery. Pompeii was a Roman city…and a Roman city always had a Roman Sentinel who was to guard the city for the Emperor.
  • During the excavation guess where they found the Roman Sentinel? They found him standing strong and direct at the gate of the city holding his weapon.
  • As the earth began to shake and the ash and cinder began to fall he didn’t leave his post. He stayed exactly where he was to stay. He kept his honor.

That is what Paul is saying to the church at Philippi. He says, “No matter what happens you conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, and you stand firm in one spirit, striving together for the faith of the gospel, without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.”

The world is full of Christians who don’t stand firm. It is full of Christians in retreat. Christians who play down their faith when things get difficult.

  • What Paul is saying is, “If you are going to put on the uniform, wear it proudly understanding that your loyalty packs a punch.”

In fact, look at what he says in vs. 28. He says, “Stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; in no way alarmed by your opponents-- which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God.

  • What Paul is saying here is, when we stand up for the gospel; when we don’t back up one step from what we stand for, it is a sign to the unbeliever of his ultimate failure.
  • When he cannot intimidate us, when they cannot intimidate the church, when they fail to get us to back away from Christ, it is a sign of their ultimate failure.

Let me say this again: There is nothing that impacts the unbelieving world like the refusal of the church to back up or back down from where we stand for Jesus.

  • A worthy conduct involves being constant.

And then conduct worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ involves unity.

  • Look at what he says again; vs. 27:

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

If Christians in Philippi were going to stand strong against those who opposed them they were going to have to stand together.

Paul knew that the real threat to the church was not from the outside. It was from the inside.

  • Divide and conquer is a strategy that Satan knows well.
  • Satan knows that if he can get us fighting each other in the church then the church is weakened and made ineffective and unproductive.

Most of you know who Charles Shultz is. He is the man who draw the Peanuts cartoons (Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown). There was one particular cartoon where Lucy walks into the living room where Linus is watching TV.

  • She tells him to change the channel to the program that she wanted to see.
  • Linus says, “What makes you think you can just walk in here an take over?”
  • She held up her fist and she said, “These five fingers. Individually they are nothing. But, when they come together they make a unit that is a terrible weapon to behold.”
  • So Linus changes the channel and leaves the room and as he did he stares at his hand and says, “Why can’t you guys get organized like that?”

An army that cannot work together is not threat to anyone.

  • If unity is essential for mortal combat it is absolutely indispensable in spiritual warfare.
  • And that is the point that Paul is making, not only to the church in Philippi, but also to us.
  • If we are going to stand strong against those who oppose us we are going to have to stand together.

And then finally, conduct worthy of the gospel of Christ includes being confident. Look at vs. 28-29:

Phil 1:28-30 …in no way (be) alarmed by your opponents-- which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God. 29 For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me.

The word “alarmed” here literally means “frightened.”

  • In times of crisis, others may be nervous or afraid, but not the Christian. The Christian can be calm and confident.

Why can the Christian be calm and confident in the time of crisis and conflict? Because we know the outcome of the battle.

  • We know the end of the story – God wins! And if we are on His side, we win too.
  • For each of us our own personal story is still being written. But if something should happen to us we know where we are going and so what is there to worry about?

And when we are confident and calm what does Paul say? We become a sign to the unbeliever of their ultimate destruction.

When we walk worthy of the gospel we are going to annoy the world because we stand as a rebuke of everything the world stand for.

  • When we say that Jesus is the only way, they call us arrogant.
  • When they say the Bible is the word of God, they call us ignorant.
  • When we say that promiscuity, and adultery, and homosexual activities are sinful, they call us narrow-minded, judgmental bigots.
  • We will annoy the world because we are citizens of God’s kingdom and live by different principles.

What does Paul say? Don’t be afraid, just keep on speaking up and living. People may not like the message, but we can’t let that stop us.

Whatever our circumstances, whether good or bad, easy or difficult, we must conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel, a way that is appropriate for citizens of God’s kingdom.

  • This includes being constant. Standing firm, persevering.
  • Being united. Working as a team.
  • Being confident, calm, and courageous.