

January 8, 2007

Maurice Reeder, Jr. SUPERINTENDENT January 14, 2008 DATE

Joseph LeMaster BOARD CHAIRMAN January 14, 2008 DATE

Jack Sapp VICE BOARD CHAIRMAN January 14, 2008 DATE

Rob Kennard MEMBER January 14. 2008 DATE
Larry Kegley MEMBER January 14, 2008 DATE
Patrick McGlone MEMBER January 14, 2008 DATE


The mission statement of the Lewis County Schools is to ensure for each child a superior education and an appreciation for continuous learning through visionary leadership, innovative teaching, and dedicated teamwork. The Lewis County Board of Education declares its intention to operate the public elementary and secondary schools within its jurisdiction to allow and assist students to acquire the following capacities:

  1. Communication skills necessary to function in a complex and changing civilization;
  2. Knowledge to make economic, social and political choices;
  3. Understanding of governmental processes as they affect the community, the state, and the nation;
  4. Sufficient self-knowledge and knowledge of their mental and physical wellness;
  5. Sufficient grounding in the arts to enable them to appreciate their culture and historical heritage;
  6. Sufficient preparation to choose and pursue their life’s work intelligently; and
  7. Skills to enable them to compete favorably with students in other states.

The letterhead version of the Lewis County Schools mission statement is “Building Futures Through Education”.





Much of the planning process and action component items in this plan belong to the 2006-08 planas this district tries to develop improvement strategies for a five- year period and makes revisions every year based on CATS data and new needs assessment information.

The 2006-08 Lewis County District Comprehensive Improvement Plan will focus heavily on two areas of need derived from our annual district/school data analysis process. Our first project is to continue working with the alignment of our curriculum with the revised Program of Studies and 4.1 Core Content for Assessment. This is an on-going process that will take several years to complete. The components for improvement in curriculum include: curriculum alignment, mapping, pacing guides, standard deconstruction, and unit development. Standards-based unit development will focus upon teaching to the standard, common assessments, and analysis of student work to determine student success. Teachers will complete most of the work in cadre sessions with release time for collaboration.

Our second major objective will be the improvement of pedagogy—improving teacher effectiveness in every classroom. Our work will support the improvement of content knowledge, lesson planning, lesson delivery, questioning techniques, assessment practices, and rigor/relevance within the 21st century. Unit development, effective teaching strategies and the analysis of student work to plan for instruction will continue to be a large part of the systemic improvement process.

The district will also continue to develop and build leadership capacity through the Lewis County Leadership Cadre, Kentucky Leadership Academy, Math/Science and Language arts/Social Studies Cadres and our membership with the Appalachian Math and Science Initiative (ARSI) and Appalachian Math and Science Project (ASMP).


  1. When did the board adopt its policy and procedures on the planning process? August 14, 2000 Order # 8
  1. When and how did your district develop its mission and/or vision statement? When and how did the community last review it?

The district mission statement was developed in 1993 as a part of the strategic planning

process. The strategic planning committee consisted of community and business leaders

as well as the educational establishment. The strategic plan was presented to the

community for input in 1993. The letterhead statement “Building Futures through

Education” was adopted in 1998.

  1. If your district has a Strategic Plan, how does the plan compliment the Comprehensive District Improvement Plan process?

The last Strategic Plan developed by the district was in 1993 but this plan is no longer

viable as a planning tool. The district uses the comprehensive improvement plan as the

main process for district/school changes and strategic planning.

  1. When and how do you conduct a district wide review and/or evaluation of the school and district plans?

Throughout the planning process, central office personnel assigned to each school work with the principal and school councils to review data and make revisions to the improvement plans. The internal review committee reviews school plans November- December to determine quality of the proposed activities and to find common areas for improvement that will be addressed in the district plan. The committee sends critiqued drafts back to the schools for revision and review by the school councils. The committee revises the final draft of the district plan before sending to local board members for their comments and suggestions.

Principals and district personnel report bi-annually to the board about the implementation and impact of improvement plans on student achievement.

  1. Did the district use a Needs Assessment process aligned with Kentucky’s Standards and Indicators for School/District Improvement? If not, identify and describe any other process that was used.

Our district followed the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Kentucky Consolidated Planning Process “The Road to Proficiency” 2001, and reviewed the newer information based on the District Comprehensive Improvement Planning Framework for Districts April 2006. We used the Standards and Indicators for District Improvement as the process for assessing need in each of the nine indicators. The local board of education approved a calendar change to allow 2 release days in October 2007 for schools to analyze data and revise their improvement plans. Schools used the collaborative inquiry process based on the work of Dr. Nancy Love, “Using Data, Getting Results”. Additional faculty meetings, department/team meetings and release time were utilized to complete the collaborative inquiry process to thoroughly analyze data and chart the results.

  1. When did the district complete each step of its Needs Assessment Work? If some parts were completed in past years and not repeated in the current school year, identify those parts and when they were most recently completed.

October 2007 – district assisted schools with gap targets

December/January 2007-98- schools reported gap targets to local board of education

October-January- schools made revisions to improvement plans

Summer 2007- Fall 2007- district collected, analyzed and reviewed testing data using the KASC toolkit, school improvement plan I&I checks, Title I surveys, TCS-2 results, ARSI science audits, STAR Reading and Math Assessments, , KASC parent, teacher and student surveys, Safe Schools plan, Reading First grant data, professional development needs, technology reports, and walk through observations.

October 2007- district reviewed CATS data and made revisions to improvement plan.

October 2007- 2 (1/2) release days for all schools to analyze CATS data

Oct – Dec 2007- schools completed analysis of CATS and other data

Dec 2007- district compiled data and determined common threads across schools, identified gaps, and program needs.

Dec 2006- District writing team revised 2004-06 plan to reflect test analysis data and school needs

January 2008– Draft version sent to board members for comments, suggestions

Jan 14, 2008 – Approved by board (Due to new planning cycle)

Feb 25, 2008- Reviewed needs assessment data during Administrator’s meeting

November-January Board meetings- Principals presented improvement strategies to

board members

March 2008– Allocations to SBDM councils

March-April 2008- Review of data by planning and writing committee- revisions to


April 23, 2007- Public meeting to review gap reductions and revised CDIP.

  1. When did the planning committee(s) decide on Priority Needs, Causes, Goals, and Objectives? When were those decisions shared with the board of education?

Nov 2007 – January 2008 -- shared with board of education

Principals and central office staff reported to board members about achievement gaps and strategies, ideas and plans for improvement

  1. When did the planning committee(s) review drafts of the components? When were these drafts shared with the board?

Nov – Dec 2007

The draft version of the improvement plan was sent to the board members in early Jan 2008.

  1. When did the planning committee(s) review estimates for costs? When were those estimates shared with the board?

Estimated costs were reviewed with the plan on Jan 14, 2008

10.When was the public meeting held to present the Plan to the

Community, and who attended?

Throughout the school year the superintendent provides information and feedback about the district improvement plan at every board meeting. Twice a year, the board is presented with the Implementation and Impact check. Items are discussed and issues placed on the table for review and analysis.

  1. When did the board of education officially adopt your revised plan?

January 14, 2008

  1. When did the board of education vote on section 7 allocations?
  1. When did the board of education adopt Gap Targets that had been agreed to by school councils and the superintendent?

February 12, 2007

  1. When did the board of education hold it most recent public meeting to review the part of each school’s plan that deals meeting the Gap Targets.

Prior to the February 12, 2007 board meeting, the public was invited to review each school’s plan dealing achievement gap targets and strategies to reduce gaps.

  1. For each step listed above, what other stakeholders were involved and how?

As in past cycles, the district utilized four teams to complete the district improvement plan: the planning committee, the needs assessment committee, the action writing team, and the internal review/evaluation team. For this cycle, 2008-2010, the four teams were re-activated from the previous planning cycle with a few changes due to the planning process being a five-year project. This district develops the improvement plan on a five-

year basis with revisions occurring each year. In 2007, we made revisions to meet the requirements and goals of NCLB legislation. In 2008, we’ve made major revisions based on current needs assessment.

District Planning Committee 2008

Maurice ReederSuperintendent

Rob KennardBoard Member

Richard AndersonPrincipal

Jennie EnixPrincipal

Jamie WeddingtonAsst. Principal

Larry RileyAsst. Principal

Charles AdamsSchool Council Member

Kevin HilgerCommunity Member- Lewis County Drug Court

Scott OsborneYouth Service Director

Phil KennedyEmployer- Superintendent Vanceburg Utilities

Matt VoilesTeacher

Rhonda CooperParent

Lori StanleyClassified Staff

Belinda FormanAssistant Superintendent/Director of Federal Programs

Diane JohnsonInstructional Supervisor

Kevin DuffDirector of Pupil Personnel

Paula LewisDirector of Special Education

Greg McCaneDistrict Technology Coordinator

District Needs Assessment Committee 2008

Maurice ReederSuperintendent

Rob KennardBoard Member

Belinda FormanAssistant Superintendent

Diane Johnson Instructional Supervisor

Joe KennedyFinance Officer

Kevin DuffDirector of Pupil Personnel

Paula LewisDirector of Special Education

Greg McCaneDistrict Technology Coordinator

Deana DuffAssistant Principal

Stephanie GastauerAssistant Principal

Joyce BentleyTeacher

Loretta DixonTitle I Resource Teacher

Johnna HordTitle I Resource Teacher

Kevin Lewis Guidance Counselor

Internal Review/Evaluation Team 2008

Maurice ReederSuperintendent

Belinda FormanAsst. Superintendent

Kevin DuffDirector of Pupil Personnel

Paula LewisDirector of Special Education

Diane JohnsonInstructional Supervisor

Johnna HordTitle I Resource Teacher

Loretta DixonTitle I Resource Teacher

Jamie Weddington Principal

Larry Riley Principal

Richard Anderson Principal

Dale McDowell Principal

Jerry Bloomfield Principal

Tim Douglas Principal

Stanley Allen Principal

Action Writing Team 2008

Johnna HordTitle I Resource Teacher

Loretta DixonTitle I Resource Teacher

Belinda Forman Assistant Superintendent

Diane Johnson Instructional Supervisor