Ancient Civilization Project

As part of your presentation for the class, you will create a PowerPoint document. It will include the following information of your civilization…

  1. Government

-What type of ruler ship did they have? How were they organized? What type of laws did they have? What were their courts like?

  1. Religion

-What kind of religion or worship did they practice? Were they polytheistic? Monotheistic? Was their religion and their government combined? Did they believe in life after death?

  1. Job Specialization

-What types of jobs did people in this civilization have? Give a brief description of each. How did these jobs contribute to the society as a whole?

  1. Social Classes

-Did your civilization have social classes? If yes, what were the different classes called and how were citizens classified? Were the classes dependent on a citizen’s job or wealth?

  1. Arts and Architecture

-What role did they arts have in this civilization? What were their main forms of art? What was their architecture like? What can we learn about them from their art?

  1. Public Work

-What types of public works projects took place in your civilization? How did these projects contribute to the civilization and its citizens? How was the government involved in public works projects?

  1. Writing

-What form of communication did they use? What type of writing did they have? Was it pictographic? Can we read it today? Why did it develop? Was it used by other civilizations as well?

  1. Geography

-Where were they located? What is that place called today? What effect did the geographic setting have on the civilization that grew there? Were they geographically isolated from other civilizations? Were they exposed to large bodies of water?

  1. Time Period (Rise and Fall)

-When did they emerge as a civilization? When were they at their peak? How long were they around? When did they fall?

  1. Contributions

-What were the major contributions of this civilization to the world at their time? Are there any lasting contributions still seen today? What did they leave us?

*** Each slide needs to have a minimum of 2 images per slide. They can have more if you want.